Talkin' 'bout the band. anyone else know of them?
I needed a new sig, so i made this, but IDK if i should use it. what do you think? i traced over the lines for the image myself 8D
Well I know I've joked about this before, but it's really staring to get tome. It's weird, the other day I randomly woke up in a good mood(that never happens) and so I was fine with that. Then all day my friends were getting in trouble, starting fights, and generally being stupid(like most people i know are). But then the next days, when nothing was out of the ordinary, everything was fine, almost like none of it ever happened. I know I shouldn't be taking this so seriously, but I cant help it. I blame the stress of failing Earth Science >.>;
well today i figured out that whenever i'm in a good mood, my friends get problems -_- what the hell XD
made a loveless sig :\
Sora render by axel-sora trying new stuff, so please CnC 8D
i've been making a lot lately^^ The render and stock are from axel-sora's KH resource pack: I really like this one O_O but CnC is always awesome^^
So I thought it would be fun to make an AMV contest^^ RULES: 1. Use only animes that are NOT well known or really popular, if you do not follow this rule, you won't be counted in. 2. No video over 5 minuets or under 1 minuet. 3. All work must be your's, or a colab, as long as you had a part in making it. If it is a colab, you must ask the other maker if you can enter it. 4. You can only enter one, but you can change it before the deadline if you want to. 5. NO PICS OR GIFs in your vid they're just not any good -_- probably will add more later on :/ Animes you may NOT use: Naruto Bleach Code Geass Pokemon One Peice Ouran High School Host Club InuYasha FullMetal Alchemist Draganball series Death Note I will be judging this myself^^ so here's some things to help you out: -Don't worry about using a lot of effects, just as long as the video is in good sync and fits the mood of the song -Try to keep you clips in good quality -Keep in mind that I don't like rap or hip-hop type music 8D -Whatever you use to make you vids is fine, as long as you can finnish it in time Deadline: January 11th Theme: Any Prizes: 1st - An avvi and sig made by me and a link yo your vid featured in my sig for some ammount of time. 2nd - A sig by me 3rd - An avvi by me Entries so far: Devil May Cry - This is Halloween by Azure Flame - 1st place Wolfs Rain - The Worls Is Darker by Ember - 2nd place The Meloncoly of Haruhi Suzumiya - Dominican by tummer - 3rd place
(made for Vexen_Is_God) yes i know yuffie lacks text CnC please 8D
you know it's true XD more life than World of Warcraft @_@ nd that's saying something.
made some more XD i might use the cid one to go with one of my new sigs IDK though
well i made 2 versions of the same sig, tell me witch is better. version 1: or 2: i can't decide :/
Well, I wanted to do something useful with my time so I'm opening an avvi shop^^ *I make avvis without borders or animation. *I can do text, but not much. *Standard size is 100x100, anything else has to be requested. *please credit me for my work, thanx examples: examples /w text: Request form: Size(for anything other than 100x100): Text: Picture: Color(s): Other: And please be patient, after you make your request don't ask about it. If you do I will ignore you. I will let you know if I can't get to it right away.
i saw that and had to make this XD just a 2 minuet thing, nothing special. it ends rather abruptly, so be warned >.> it's the vid i'm working on, but i'm not sure i'm liking it too much, so do you think it's any good? all the info is there ^ i love it 8D
I've been sleeping a lot the last few days(cuz i'm sick) but i had some weirs dreams O_O 3 of them were about the forum(out of the 5 that were about the internet) XD one was about how Final Family VII worked together(however that happened) to hack my account and kill everything XD another was that my username was randomly changed(though i cant remember to what) and...yeah that was weird >.> it might go with the other on XD and i won't even mention the third ._. it scares me so much D: EDIT: It posted to the wong section D: can this be moved cuz i'm an idion >.<
The End of an Era In the year 2033, after everyone thought the world would end, a large army is willing to make that happen, but the have to wait until the attacks on them stopped. They planed to set off all the worlds bombs and destroy everything. They claimed it would return the world to it's greatest state, letting life begin again. Everyone thought it was crazy, but there were a few who dared to oppose them. Their efforts, of course, were in vain. It would take a small army to even try to face them. So one person decided to create the small army. RULES: 1. It’s PG, keep it that way 2. Please stay active -_- 3. One character per person 4. Censorship is your friend 8D 5. POST ONLY LINKS TO IMAGES!!! OC form: Username: Character Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Weapon: Bio: Other: The Army: Username: demonchick25 Character Name: Minna Gender: Feamle Age: 25 Appearance: Weapon: a pistol and a dagger Bio: When Minna heard of the few who tried to stop the army, she came up with the idea of creating an army to attack them. Other: N/A - Username: SoranRikunKairi Character Name: Ada Leona Kirachi Gender: Female Age: 27 Appearance: Weapon: Two Beretta .92's, And A Dagger. Bio: She joined the small army to defeat the others, as her husband died doing the same thing. Other: N/A - Username: Entity Character Name: Ketske Nakamura Gender: Male Age: 39 Appearance: Weapon(s): An MK-47 and a Pistol: .37mm. Bio: Joined the small army for one purpose, destroy the other army for his famlies death. Other: N/A
I made more to go with my last one, and i'm going to have more soon^^