I guess this goes here? ah well :/ http://demonchick25.deviantart.com/art/Digital-coloring-practice-109660872 I only did the coloring :/
well my friend tried to sign up recently, but said that he was blocked for posting. he signed up as weightedcompanioncube. he said is account was activated, but he got a message saying that he couldn't post.
yeah, that's better XD oh and, I LIKE MY MONOCHROMATIC SIGS D:<
haven't made a real one in a while no you are not seeing double -_-
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbjXmBmHAdk that is all.
way back when I posted my axel drawing, well i decided to digitally color it. http://demonchick25.deviantart.com/art/Axel-digital-108871209
nothing much, but it's cute X3 drawing is mine XP
I don't have my computer and even when I get it back i have zero motivation to work on anything, so I need a sig made. render: http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg124/Nickshorty/Renders/vincentvalentine2.png i love you all, thanx 8D
if infnity + x = infinity then infinity + 4 = infinity an infinity + 5 = infinity therefore 4=5 and 2+2=5 8D I did not come up with this, my friend did XD
have you played any? I've played on the 7800. I must say, it was the most amazing thing ever.
My task bar thing disappeared.....yeah, what do I do about that O.o
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg5FaGnlYfA Tenjou Tenge - Ready, Set, Go! enjoy.
ok, i should stop now >.>
I made this on last night. CnC?
yayz~ after a what seems like forever, I made a sig i liked 8D CnC, yes?^^
I know the ending is weird when the song just cuts off. anyway~ here's the trailer for my new series^^
well, what do ya think i played with lines :\ post ends here people :d
I have depression, I have for a few years now. I've been fine for the past few months. But lately I feel so down. I get angry with my friends so easily, I spend most of my day laying in my bed or on the couch(when i'm not online), I don't sleep as much, and I'm looking for any excuse to get out of doing stuff. I've been paranoid and nervous a lot too. For some reason, I think everyone is talkin' sh*t about me behind my back, but being nice or joking around with me. I know I should trust some people more, but it's hard. I've had my trust betrayed so many times. I know I should probably see a therapist, but I refuse to. The last time I did that, I felt worse than before and completely shut down while I was there. I don't want to go through that again. I don't wan to to just wait this out. What can I do?
http://demonchick25.deviantart.com/art/colorful-ritsuka-106610891 CnC? colors 8D
One of my OCs http://demonchick25.deviantart.com/art/Knocked-Down-104715341 yes, he's suppose to be impossibly skinny O.o CnC helps 8D