Has anyone read A Farewell to Arms? I need to write a "lost chapter" ._.
first draft: http://demonchick25.deviantart.com/art/Fancy-Pants-8-D-112776923 second(not as good as the first >.>) : http://demonchick25.deviantart.com/art/Tavor-112777339
someone remind me why I can't make a successful RP?
CnC would be nice 8D
I hate people like you. points to whoever can correctly identify my cute little quote^^
CnC plz :3
because i had nothing better to do
I got a bit bored, so I made some avvis i like these 2 XD
so I took this image: http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g288/animegrrl06/kh2se_61png.png and made this: I used a pic from the KH2 opening for the background
a half true story XD http://demonchick25.deviantart.com/art/comic-for-8th-period-XD-110542267 I know the drawings aren't the greatest, it was more for the joke :/ the text is typed up their if you can't read it.
and had access to photoshop XD CnC if you'd please^^
I was playing around with this a bit, how'd this one come out?
Well, I've been listening to some diffrent versions of the FFVII song One-Winged Angel. The Advent Children version has diffrent lyrics than the others. Witch do you guys like best? I like the Original and the AC version.
An RP that will be the continuation of the story I wrote, The Broken Glass. Deep withing the desert there is a secret prison. It is a place far from government eyes, far from civilization, and lacks any sense of true justice. In this place men, women, and sometimes even children were taken and accused of horrible crimes. It doesn't matter weather they did anything or not, they are locked away for no known ammount of time. No one escapes, though many have tried. Each inmate is given a 4 digit number as identitiy. Rules: 1. You can not successfilly escape, if you want to leave the RP, just leave. 2. Keep it PG-ish 3. 2 Characters per person at most 4. Be nice, if you start complaining about stuff, I will kick you out. OC form: Username: Character Name: Gender: Age: Number(anything bethween 0000 and 9999) : Accused Crime: Apperance(LINK to pix only please) : Other info/history: Joined: Username: demon's nightmare Character Name: Unknown(he has no memory of it) Gender: Male Age: 21 Number(anything bethween 0000 and 9999) : 4131 Accused Crime: Murder Apperance(LINK to pix only please) : http://demonchick25.deviantart.com/art/4131-colored-97411849 (without the bandages) Other info/history: He has no memory of anything before he was taken away 17 years ago. He hardly speaks and has a fear of blood. -- Username: The Fifth Element Character Name: Zero( not real name) Gender: female Age: 17 Number(anything bethween 0000 and 9999) : 6969 Accused Crime: Arson, murder, theft, attempted murder, high treason, assault, armed robbery, grand theft auto Apperance(LINK to pix only please) : Zero's appearance (except she wears the prison uniform) Other info/history: Zero cannot remember anything about her old life except that she found something out that the government didn't want the people to know so they slapped her with these charges and stuck her in there. She was put in the facility at the age of 5. Due to the trauma she had there(eg. rape, abuse by the older men) she fell to being silent, and speaking only when required to. Over the course of said trauma she developed an alternate personality named Zoey. -- Username: Fayt-Harkwind Character Name: Leon Stone Gender: male Age: 22 Number(anything bethween 0000 and 9999) :7007 Accused Crime: Serial Murder Apperance(LINK to pix only please) : http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e330/bleeding_angle/anime-guy.jpg Other info/history: He keeps himself to himself and his past is yet to be known.
What am i feeling? Why do I bother being here? There's nothing to do, Except for what we're told, So here I sit, Waiting for something, It'll never come, But it'll never end, Saying nothing, Feeling nothing, Where is this place? Why do I accept it? Why do I follow them? Why do I want to? another, should I bring out my more depressing ones?
Do you know yourself? We all put up a front, A mask of normal behavior, But what's underneath, Why don't we show our true faces, and be true to ourselves, Why are we so afraid, Of having who we are exposed, Or of speaking our mind, Why is it so hard? wrote this a while back, just found it
Well, I was considering a name change, so, witch should I go with if I should get one at all? chibi of doom demon light demon dreamer dreamers nightmare and i don't do caps in my usenames, they're annoying XD
Well, In school all the time I hear everyone from 8th graders to Seniors talking about their adventures in sex, drugs, and alcohol. Call me old-fashioned, but isn't that wrong? I think it's wore when the teachers are joining in the conversation. I think there's something really wrong with that. Am I the only one who thinks that?
Made this one for Ember. I rather like it, so I would like some CnC on it^^
CnC plz! I tried some colorful things...is it bad?