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  1. demonchick25
    I'm going way back to December here >.>










    CnC please D:
    Thread by: demonchick25, May 16, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. demonchick25
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    some icons from kuroshitsuji manga i colored.
    Thread by: demonchick25, Apr 28, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. demonchick25
    just a quick and simple wallpaper.

    link, because it large ._.

    Undertaker from kuroshitsuji

    Thread by: demonchick25, Apr 27, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. demonchick25
    some icons I've made

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    how are they?
    Thread by: demonchick25, Apr 11, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. demonchick25
    The Story
    Ville du Ciel is a revolutionary city floating high above the Earth's surface. It was the first of it's kind. Soon most all cities and towns were also built in the sky. Below them lie the ruins of the old cities. All that's left on the ground are small villages. In the cities, jobs for the military are all done by androids. They run defense(the Soldiers), intelligence(the Comps), and the ones that make repairs(the Bees). There are, however, a small group of people working at the head of each department as well as the scientist who create and maintain the droids' systems. The Bees are also used in public repair shops. The final class of droids are public service droids(the Ladies). They android are noted by the universal features of pure white skin, hair, and clothes. The androids to defect every so often, and have their systems updated constantly. The Bees become out of date rather quickly due to the rapid advance in technology. There have been few accounts of droids short-circuiting and becoming Independent. None have ever succeed in their attempts to flee the city. When an android goes independent, they will give themselves a name.

    The Soldiers
    The Soldiers make up the armies. Of all the droids, hey stay in service the longest(next to the Ladies). Weapon technology doesn't advance as fast as everyday items to. It's usually 10-15 years before the systems need to be changed. They're programed for stealth, accuracy, and awareness of surroundings. They are characterized spiked hair that fades from red at the tips to white at the roots. They wear red and white uniforms with the city's crest on it. their eyes are also red.

    The Comps
    Short for 'computers', the Comps collect, categorize, and update information from the Soldiers. They average about 6-12 years in service. They have a vast amount of memory to store information for quick reference. They're programed for multitasking and information analysis. They are characterized by hair that perfectly frames the face fading from blue at the tips to white at the roots. They wear white and blue jumpsuits. Their eyes are blue as well as their visors witch display up to 99 computer screens in the current model.

    The Bees
    Named for the fact that they're always working everywhere, the Bees can repair anything from a children toy to and android. They need to be replaced every 3-5 years due to the rapid advances in technology and their limited memory space. They are programed to be small, quick, and easy to talk to. They're characterized by slightly long hair that's pulled back fading from green at the tips to white at the roots. They wear white and green jumpsuits. They have green eyes, they also have green visors to display mechanical blueprints.

    The Ladies
    The Ladies are the only droids created with a female shape. They were designed to be more human-like and friendly. They work as tour guides, in information booths, and anywhere that they'd be asked for help often by people. They last about 15-18 years. They are replaced when their systems start to slow. They're characterized by long hair that fades from peach at the tips to white at the roots. They wear white dressed with a peach trim and white heeled boots with peach heels. They also have peach eyes and necklaces for identification.

    other android features
    All androids have two small input devices on their heads to replace ears as well as one larger one on their backs witch can form fairy-like wings(in their respective colors) to allow them to fly short distances(mostly used for emergency evacuations). The smaller ones can also form the visors(mostly used by Comps and Bees and to train Ladies). All androids are given a 5 digit id number with 1 letter before it. 'S' for Soldiers 'C' for comps 'B' for Bees and 'L' for Ladies.

    The Situation
    A strange mass power outage has swept across the city. Many androids' systems were damaged. They will awaken with the ability to think for themselves. They must make a choice to either return to be destroyed, or try to run away and live their own life.

    1. NO god-moding NO power playing.
    2. Please no flaming or hatin' on each other.
    3. We're keepin' this PG guys censor yourselves -_-
    4. You CANNOT start until I approve you.
    5. NO killing other characters without permission.
    6. If you're going to leave, please let us know and write yourself out or ask us to do it for you
    7. because I like consistency, we will be writing in THIRD PERSON only. I will correct you the first few times, but I expect this rule to be followed.
    8. Create only as many characters as you can handle
    OC forms

    Android Model(Soldier, Comp, Bee, or Lady) :
    ID number:
    Self given name(not used in the very beginning) :


    Username: demonchick25
    Android Model: Comp
    ID number: C24112
    Self given name: Simon
    PREVIEW POST: A lone figure walked along the dark road. He had fixed is gaze on the sky. He was left in awe at the site of the stars. He had forgotten about the cold, he no longer cared that the snow on the ground had soaked through his shoes. He only wanted the stars. He reached out his hand, wanting to touch them. To him they seemed like fairies that only lived to bring light ti the dark night. He smiled as he began to walk again, with the dream of reaching the stars.
    Thread by: demonchick25, Apr 2, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. demonchick25
    Seth Sinister(who has changed ever so slightly since this pic was drawn):

    Rony Doomsday:

    the difference between them are more clear in color :/
    Thread by: demonchick25, Mar 27, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. demonchick25

    hey KHV....

    I can't speak D':
    Thread by: demonchick25, Mar 26, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. demonchick25
    After quite some time i'm starting with making videos again, I thought I'd start off with something simple.

    I replaced the song in the KH Days opening movie.

    Thread by: demonchick25, Feb 14, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  9. demonchick25
    I've been having trouble with filling the mission gauge to 100% in the collecting organization emblems missions. Is there a simple way to do this that I'm just not getting?

    I know that i need to get them while they have a large green ring around them, but still all my efforts have failed.
    Thread by: demonchick25, Feb 12, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  10. demonchick25

    a necklace thing I made from colored clay.

    Thread by: demonchick25, Feb 11, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. demonchick25
    I've found it difficult to go through the 'Kingdom Hearts Help' section. The way it's set up makes it difficult to try to figure out what game people need help with(the worst being trying to tell if it's CoM or RE:CoM) because people don't always mention it in their post or title.

    I would suggest sub-forums for each game. I am aware of the amount of time and effort it takes to create, organize, and maintain multiple sub-forums.

    a simpler suggestion would be to require that the user posting the question clearly states what game they're asking about either in the title or the beginning of the post. it would also make searching the treads a lot easier.
    Thread by: demonchick25, Feb 1, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  12. demonchick25
    I can't seem to beat the Leechgrave in Mission 66.

    so i need some weapon panel suggestions. as well as abilities and what I shouldn't even bother taking with me.

    I'm currently at LVL 40
    Thread by: demonchick25, Jan 27, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  13. demonchick25
    well, it's been a while since I made a proper sig. I've been forced back into using Photoshop Elements because GIMP is not working.


    need much feedback.

    this is the best I could do with only preset brushes :/
    Thread by: demonchick25, Jan 24, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. demonchick25
    you just lost.

    have a nice day.
    Thread by: demonchick25, Jan 20, 2010, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. demonchick25
    almost every time i start up windows it's telling my that my tablet or tablet driver aren't working and were shut down. why is this happening so often?
    Thread by: demonchick25, Jan 16, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  16. demonchick25
    The Fearless Hunter

    Rockin' Out


    Ultimate Power


    CnC please :3 all characters are mine X3
    Thread by: demonchick25, Nov 26, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. demonchick25

    "Ash! You can't do this!" Shannon shouted, chasing after her brother. Her blond hair trailed behind her.
    "This is not your problem!" Ashton roared, causing Shannon to hesitate for a moment.
    "You'll never be happy this way anyway!" Shannon would do anything to stop him now.
    "I am happy. You don't get to decide that anyway! End of story!" Ashton left the room and headed for the door. He didn't have to listen to her anyway.

    He raced out the door, knowing he was running late. He couldn't believe how long he was fighting with her. It's been two month since this started, and she hasn't let up one bit. If anything she's gotten worse. He sighed, rounding the corner.

    His feet fell heavy on the sidewalk as he ran. The cool air rushed at his face hitting him like blades cutting his skin. He never slowed down though. RING…..RING RING RING……RING! He slowed to a walk, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He looked at the caller ID, seeing Mitsu's name.
    "Hey. I'm on my way now." He answered.
    "Oh, alright. Don't worry about that though." Mitsu started. "I'm just really worried about the whole Shannon thing." His muffled voice came through the speaker.
    "Don't be. She'll have to stop at some point.
    "But I just feel so bad. I hate having a friend mad at me."
    "It's not your fault she can't accept it."
    "I still feel bad about that other thing though."
    "You mean when you punched her in the face?"
    "Yes that."
    "I'll admit that was a bit extreme." Ashton started to pick up his pace again as he rounded another corner. "Well, I'm almost there, see you in a few."
    "Bye." Mitsu hung up the phone first.

    Ashton found his destination. The windows near the kitchen were open, letting the smell of beef stew drift out into the wind. He smiled having a good feeling about how the rest of the day would go.
    "Hey, I'm here." Ashton knocked on the door.
    "Come in." Mitsu called from the kitchen. "Get into another fight with her?"
    "Yeah, the usual." The warm air rushed at Ashton as he opened the door.
    "It's getting worse, huh?" Mitsu sipped up some of the stew. "Hm. Taste this."
    "We gotta do something about this." He took the spoon, taking a taste. "A little too thick, I think."
    "What can we do?" Mitsu reached for the extra broth, knocking over some glasses. "Ah! Really?" He sighed.
    "What is wrong with you?" Ashton laughed sarcastically. "I got that." He picked up the sharp glass, being careful not to cut himself. They stayed silent.
    "Hey Ash?" Mitsu started.
    "Yeah? What is it?" He dumped the glass into the garbage.
    "Was I so wrong?" Mitsu let the pot boil over as he looked over his shoulder. Ashton stared back at him.
    "I uh…" He didn't know how to respond. He'd never seen Mitsu so worried and upset. "I, I don't really think that's up to me." He walked over to him.
    "I feel like I've done something very wrong, but still I wouldn't want to change any of what I did." Mitsu shook his head and turned off the stove.
    "If there's anything I can do…" Ashton grabbed Mitsu's hand as it pulled away from the knob. He was shaking slightly. "I'll always be here." He held his hand tighter.

    It was quiet again. Mitsu couldn't bring himself to look up at Ashton's face. Tears started to blur his vision. They spilled from his eyes uncontrollably. He felt the warmth around his hand leave. As he brought his arm back, he felt Ashton's arms wrap around him. He began to sob into his shoulder. He couldn't stop.
    "I'm sorry." Mitsu was able to say between sobs. He repeated it again and again.
    "You have nothing to apologize for." Ashton rested his chin on top of Mitsu's head. "Everything's alright." He whispered, holding him tighter. Nothing else had to be said. They stood there for a while, just letting everything happen. They didn't care, as long as they were together.

    Feedback needed! written for my creative writing class.
    Thread by: demonchick25, Nov 26, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  18. demonchick25
    A new sig. A little bigger than my usual but not by that much.


    CnC and all that ;P
    Thread by: demonchick25, Nov 23, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. demonchick25
    made a new sig after a while. CnC please :3

    Thread by: demonchick25, Nov 17, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. demonchick25

    Oh teh noes

    this is my pathetic attempt to relive boredom >_> by the way, the game
    Thread by: demonchick25, Nov 12, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone