it doesn't work it doesn't warp me it does nothing
thanks and if you need me to test codes or something just ask oke everybody;) and what's the Game Id because i can't acces page 1 and 2 of the topic
Evilman there is a topic started by a new person that needs a lock because there is already a topic of kh2fm
when i use the joker in my Pal KH it doesn't activate for some reason but i will try inputting the mastercode that stands at page 1
how do you trigger the warp codes
lost save with cheats could you guys give me the play as Riku code, play as Roxas, Roxas could use sora's reaction commands and drive into kh1 sora and that he could use all of Sora kh2 reaction commands, Because I don't have the codes anymore
the codes don't work i tryed them but nothing happens on day 1 on destiny island
do you know how to get the buster sword in ffx on the ps2
when i convert the battle warp for riku battle 2 it converts into this: Unnamed Cheat MCAZ-KJF4-EH2DC 8FYH-PVN3-VRKWT 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 102B6568 000000WW 102B6570 000000RR H108-61T0-2X0GY QRVE-6FP5-NF61Y KYCJ-UWFW-5XRAA ZWK5-QHPY-CB799
what is the id so i could convert these to armax
could you guys do some of the codes for Armax please
not at the moment but you chould have used it after you completed Atlantica
the mini games in atlantic are only pushing buttons an why do uou need this code???
could somebody try to change sora into a kind of Vanitas zo that he has black hair and stuff
what cheat device do you use if you would say if you use the Raw or armax if armax why didn't you use the weapon code that already was on it
what do you use if you use armax then you already have it
nice job Sephiroth&Cloud
go search it yourself it is on 1 of the pages
awsome codes
roxas use reaction commands does someboddy have the roxas use reaction commands code because my little sister deleted my armax settings so i'm getting everything back again