Dude can I help?! Plz
How do I do tht
Hey dude whts thing under my user name 4 (the thing tht says moogle asistant?
Nice vid. Dude how do u get ur thing to change(the thing under ur name)
I'm likin #1. I'm a lil late though
So do u have anyone who wld kno but codes
How do I put in all these checks into my ps2(the ones on the home page
She's says hi back. Omg I live in va
my summers great. hows urs? my gf says hi
im doin good my gf go out of rehab 2day yes!!!
i just wait till the new kingdom hearts game 4 the ds comes ouut in the us
hey im new sort of whts up
DUDE! i lov styx they were 1st band i knew cuz my pops always tlk bout them. so anyway whts up?
hey how dus evrybody get diferent stuff under their name lik moogle assistant (mine) & travers town homebody(urs).
thanx wow i feel dum. how do ppl get different titles under their name lik how i hav moogle assistant
i dont thnk so roxas has so much better attacks & combos than sora
thnx 4 the comments
i cant find any pics for our group
y is ur name green btw?
cool vids in the arcives