No I love her more than my ds. Ya I love her a whole lot
Stop's so imbressing *blushes* but I do love her to death
Yes I tell her tht everyday. She rocks my world
Nvr!!! I love my DS almost as much as my gf.
No fair I want a ps3 all I have is super smash bros. Brawl & animal crossing from my wii
Do u have a psp? If so get birth by sleep.
Awwwww tht stinks. Too bad. Kh 358/2 days is so fun.
Ya it's fun u shld get 1
Thts cool all I do is hw & play fire enblem shadow dragon, advanced wars days of ruin, or kh 358/2 days. I lov ds
I dnt lik being loud. Wht r u into lik hobbies & stuff?
I dnt have a loud voice my teacher just picks on me whn I do tlk or crack a joke. I'm a quiet person
I'm in 10th and cuz I crack jokes all class. But I do all my work
Im good at math too. Dnt worry my history teacher hates me 2
Ikr!!!! I hate it except for my English class.
thts cool I'm sitting in my room doing hw & bored as hell
Hi how r u? Whtcha been up to?
Hi how r u?
I guess I'm ok. I've mostly been playing kh 358/2 days after my homework is done. Life is dull
hi! whts up how's life
I lov how u guys up dated the site! Send my thnx to the team!:D