Rules for joining Add this to your beggining post please; Name : Age : Sex : Abilities : Powes : Sire : Purpose in being a vampire : Character rules: .Dont do god mode .Dont make your charcter too powerful. And !!! Enjoy -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rose walked through the vast corridors of a burnt down house, it was only a unstable wreck, burnt lockers and paper lay askew on the floor dusty. Rose's green velvet tunic dress dragged along the floor, the paper dragged with her, the ends of her dress were blackened as she walked humming a eerie song. Her lipstick was smeared withblood as it dripped from her pale pink flesh called skin. Her red knee high boots made a funny noise as she walked.. Rose had found a small hole in which she bent over and walked into, she msile as the area was damp, and dimly lit by two burning candles and a matress lay in the corner, Rose sat down upon it and smiled and sang loudly, hoping knowone would hear her.
Thank you guys for the nice warm welcomes, so i guess that a anominous vote to start posting my stories LOL.. thank you for explaining the rules to me briefly ill be sure to check them out and read them fully.. thank you again xxx
Hi there my names Bethy or bethany, but my friends just call me Rowey.. call me whatever you want =).. I enjoy to play kingdomhearts.. completed them both chyeah :D .. Im 15 and 16 on febuary the 1st yay !! I love to dance, i street dance, i love to write little vampire stories ive almost finsihed my 50 page on so far.. so mabes you guys will see bits n bobs of it.. if thre is anything else you would like to know about me just ask XD I look forward to getting to know all Rowey xXxXx ;)
There ya go one pic of me.. cover ya eyes if you love them.
Wow.. that was good, and very sad.. * sniff * Twas brill.. Tatu.. really creates the mood =) xx
Ive made a few kingdom heart videos, using windows movei maker, so i thought i give you the link to them Enjoy ; xXx
Ive had that.. i was gonig to sleep and i swear i saw someone walk across my landing.. but everyone was asleep tho thats the thing, knowone was awake but me.. so that kinda freaked me out LOL XD
Im not sure, but there are rumours going around about a KH3 and a war is being introduced at the kingdom key war..