Yeah the lion king is one of my favourite Disney films along with Hercules n Beuty n the Beast I cry at Mufasas death but i cant help laughing when zazoo sings ' I've got a lovely bunch of cocnuts' Haha !! xxxx
Ah too many LOL 'I got a lovely bunch of cocnuts' Zazoo sings it tee hee XD 'I just cant wait to be king' Lion King 'He lives in me' Lion king 1 or 2 i cant remember =S 'This is Halloween' Nightmare before christmas XD Soo many but main ones there XD
I agree Digimon was one of the first Animes.. and certanly one of the best.. Jeeeesh.. they had films n everything.. tho the second series is my personal favourite.. Always the same theme tune DIGIMON FOREVER ! *Cough* =)
^ Fall out boy are the sex.. Thank you for the memories ( Ace !) This Aint a scene - FOB
HaHaHa Thanks guys ill take that into consideration LOL XD <3
Hi there mIsh.. thanks for the warm welcome
Aladdin for some reason XD
Rose felt a presence but ignored it as she felt the sun rising high into the sky, as she did her eyes drifted closed into a dreamless slumber only images of the night before lingered. As her mind drifted further into abyss of memories her images came distorted as the memories became a vivid dream from where she had raped and killed so many people in a village, she had burned it down as well as the dead, lifeless bodies.. Rose jolted her body upwards to look around, the mind high up in the sky, She shook her head, running through her red hair with her long nailed fingers as she acted as a comb. She got up and walked out, thinking only of what the night had to encouter her with. As she closed the boarded house behind her, she was hit with the fresh smell of blood, she mooved towards it elegantly.
2,543 >.< Aliens scare me
Spaceman !
*Glomps Gharanth* Mwhahahaha !!!
*Raises hand* \O Xadllas if you dont want Mr Bob to hug you.. ill hug you instead *Hugs* Yaaaayyyyy XD
*Giggles manically*
MR BOB.. FOR SPAMMING KING \O.. children.. did you say children.. \O.. i wanna be a child.. * Wraps self in blanket while sucking thumb* Ya stuck with me now huh XD
tights and legs XD
Yummy chicken nuggets
Mmmmm peanut butter.. NINJAS !!!
Omg a bannana XD Its what popped in me head LOL
Hahaha thank for that Mr Bob =D
Haha.. sure thing *Roxus*