I may be no expert at Prince of Persia, but ive played all 3 n completed all 3.. If you want to know the whole storyline based over the trilogy.. play the second one, because alot is explained in the 2nd one.. So when you come onto Two Thrones, you will understand what the prince says. But the dark prince is introduced at the end of the 2nd game briefly.. I would say more but its more spoilers.. and i dont want to spoil anything..XD If you get stuck hun dont hesitate to ask.. But to stay on topic.. Sands of time is a awesome game.. tho personally the 3rd is my favourite.. God.. brother + Prince of Persia = ( Never being able to sleep ) LOL xxxxx
Ohhhh yeah LOL *Is back now* *Nibbles on sandwich*
Haha Foxxie i think i might.. Brb *Goes ot make coffe n add chocolate n gets her lunch*
New pictures Better than the one before =) 1st 2nd 3rd There ya go x
haha not a big fan of tea.. coffee is my drug.. XD 6 cups a day you have a nice little buzz going on then XD Mwhahaha......ha
haha yeah snow always brings a smile to someones face LOL
Thnks for the mmrs - Fall out boy Mwhahahaha.....ha
Yeeeeaaaaahhhh thats the spirit *Does a jig* Its snowing here in cardiff yaaaay XD *Cough* Felt like sharing LOL
Yeah its understandable everyone goes through darker days now.. Its good to knwo you dont get bullied anymore.. But keep on smiling.. dont take notice on whata nyone else says Please ! Hope this helps xxx
I do get you.. im usually know for always frowning.. cos my life is always sucky.. but heh.. but now i seem to be smiling because i found someone i lvoe and cherish.. Now there like 'omg is she smiling.. omg JackA**' But yeah i know what you mean.. sometimes your known for forwning and when you do smile people cant remember what a smile on your face looks like so maybe there shocked hun.. i dont know Does this make sense to you..?
Thats really good.. i like that =) xxx
Wow thats awesome hun !!! 10/10 xxxx
Mine was 'Hi im new' In the Introduce yourself XD
Yeah thats understandable.. the Organisation was hard.. especially Xemmy geeez.. LOL XD
Omg hun thats really bad * Hugs * I know this sounds stupid and selfish but heh, if i coulkd stop anything i would've stopped my parents from getting a divorce. I should've told them to stop shouting at each other all the time, especially when my kid brother ( He was only 7) was around. He missed my dad.. cos we live with out mum.. tis what i would stop.
Haha tommorow im getting there new album int own LOL That good hun Fall our boy are the sex !!! <3 =0
Its time to dance - Panic at the Disco Time To Dance Well, she’s not bleeding on the ballroom floor Just for the attention. 'Cause that’s just ridiculously odd Well she sure is gonna get it Here’s the setting: Fashion magazines line the walls now The walls line the bullet holes... Have some composure! Where is your posture? Oh no, no! You're pulling the trigger, Pulling the trigger all wrong Have some composure Where is your posture? Oh no, no! You're pulling the trigger, Pulling the trigger all wrong Give me envy Give me malice Give me your attention Give me envy Give me malice Baby, give me a break! When I say "Shotgun" you say "Wedding" "Shotgun" , "Wedding" "Shotgun" , "Wedding" Well, she didn’t choose this role But she’ll play it and make it sincere So you cry, you cry (Baby, give me a break!) But they believe it from the tears And the teeth right down to the blood At her feet Boys will be boys Hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams (Baby, give me a break! Break! Break! Break!) Have some composure, Where is your posture? Oh no, no! You're pulling the trigger, Pulling the trigger all wrong Have some composure, Where is your posture? Oh no, no! You're pulling the trigger, Pulling the trigger all wrong Come on, this is screaming "Photo op." op... Come on, come on This is screaming, This is screaming, This is screaming, "Photo op." Boys will be boys, baby! Boys will be boys Boys will be boys, baby Boys will be boys Give me envy Give me malice Give me your attention Give me envy Give me malice Baby, give me a break! When I say "Shotgun" you say "Wedding" "Shotgun" , "Wedding" "Shotgun" , "Wedding" Boys will be boys Hiding in estrogen and boys will be boys Boys will be boys Hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams
^ Really =0 !! I write sins Not Tradegies - Panic at the Disco
Your first visit to Beasts caslte. And you gotta face that heartless that absorbs himself into everything. Im not saying he was hard. But he was very very VERY annoying.. Slash Slash.. god DIE ALREADY !! Pain int he bootay XD
Well after a while ive decided to post the first chaoter of my story more will be coming when i type them up.. Enjoy.. Im sorry its a bit long It has some description of kissing if you dont like that sorta stuff this isnt for you.. Enjoy !! __________________ Chapter 1 - Stranger “Sing it to me again†She cried as her face crumpled, pacing in circles watching the older man who followed her with lustful eyes. “Sybelle Dearest†The older man replied gently waving away her proposal as he walked cautiously towards her. He placed his white hand upon her dark locks. “Yes Marius?†answered Sybelle her voice gentle and frail, as she walked towards the beam of light that shone upon the stone, marble flooring. Her pale skin was and mahogany eyes were revealed. They were like Tigers eyes that would feed upon its prey at night, her face was bathed in light from the moon as it crashed onto the marble floor. Sybelle smiled gratefully at the older male his hair covered one of his eyes as he too couldn’t resist smiling back. “You do not need me to sing for you dearest Sybelle†replied Marius as he too walked into the thin beam of light that illuminated the dimly lit room. As he walked onwards, his perfect godly golden hair was revealed as his green eyes focused on Sybelle as she spoke once more “But I want to sing for you Marius.. I do, I really do†Sybelle cried once more as she took a few steps forward before taking him in her arms her dark locks pressing against his violet roman velvet tunic. “I do†She whispered as she rested her head on his, she breathed in deeply and exhaled “Oh Sybelle†Marius whispered at a equal tone as he lowered his head to Sybille’s level before pressing his lips to hers. A powerful desire swept over Sybelle as she felt herself returning his playful kisses. Marius slid his tongue into Sybelle’s mouth as if it were a snake, and she was washed over with love for him and shock as his kisses were sudden. Sybelle was only 73 but looking only 17, while Marius was 228 but look a godly 26. Sybelle commanded herself to kiss to him to merge herself with him. To feel his lips warm against hers as she did she could smell the sweet smell of lust for the god. Sybelle moved her tongue towards his. As they danced, there lips locked within a fiery kiss. Slowly they both withdrew, their breath heavy. “Wow†Sybelle whispered as she traced her index finger along her wetted lips. “I know†Marius replied gently as he held Sybelle in his arms once again. Marius laid his hand upon Sybelle’s dark locks once more stroking them gently with his pale hand, caressing her pale white skin. “Do you want me? Asked Sybelle as she twisted a loose curl of her own. “Do you?†She prised once more her voice was urgent to her those misunderstood distant words. Marius let out a chuckle while Sybelle was taken back a little. It was small but very Seductive. “I do Sybelle, I do, more than life itself†Replied Marius as he pushed Sybelle away from him as he lowered his gaze to her Mahogany eyes and smiled. He looked her over, her small petite breasts, matched her small chest, her blue velvet tunic dress, dragged along the floor, as she walked back a little to catch Marius’s gaze. “Then you can have me, I am your prisoner my dark, haunting god†Sybelle whispered as she edged towards the blonde haired male. Marius beamed towards Sybelle his grin wide. “I already knew you were mine, your bound to me as I am to you. I did sire you after all†Replied Marius, his friendly smile was no longer there. Sybelle nodded her head slowly moving back from Marius now. Marius’s green eyes twinkled with anticipation. “What is wrong..? Why do you edge from me?†Asked Marius as he moved forwards tracing Sybelle’s frightful steps. “We have a guest†Replied Sybelle her voice calm as she pointed with her slender hand to the shadows at the far edge of the room “Ah.. Lestat†Marius said calmly, his eyes not moving from the shadows “What is the pleasure this time?†He asked, his fangs visible the blood stained on the tips of his teeth. Marius’s eyes focused and unfocused again, as he squinted to see the figure who walked calmly out of the shadows. A soft chuckle echoed within the shadows in which Sybelle had pointed to, Marius look unsatisfied. “How did you know it was me Marius?†Asked Lestat his blonde hair was much like Marius’s.. He scowled slowly.. As he stared at Marius with his Ocean blue eyes. Lestat walked out of the shadows as if it was a doorway to another realm. He walked to Sybelle, taking her hand in his own and lifted it to his lips and kissed it lightly. “Mon Chere†Lestat spoke in a foreign language, while Sybelle giggled like a young girl and flushed slightly in the face “Marci†She replied.. Marius Scowled, glaring at Lestat “What do you want?†He barked as Jealousy had gotten to him. Marius walked slowly towards Lestat this eyes flashing green from the street lights coming from the outside world. A world unknown to the existence to vampires. As he passed Sybelle he avoided her lustful gaze. She coughed quietly to get the vampires attention, they turned there heads slowly. Looking the pale girl up and down, she hesitated for a moment before speaking “I shall, I shall leave you boys, as I will go and hunt.. I am quite peckish now.†Sybelle grinned and revealed her long fangs and waved to them both. She bowed both to Marius and Lestat before turning on her heel. Her dress flowing behind her, leaving the dark room to the eerie silence once more. End of Chapter 1. More to come soon x