I agree on that. I got annoying when the Kingdom Hearts one lept on repeatedly casting Sin Harvest. Heck, he teleported like so far from you at times and all you had was a Dodge Roll and Glide to boost your speed. :sideways:
Not exactly sure though, I've been racking my brain on this whenever someone's asked me this type of question. =/ At the moment, my sights are set on photography or filming.
WarioWare stage is the new Game & Watch stage! :roll:
It could be... but it has more of a storyline that expands as the series progresses. If they DO make it into Final Fantasy... hrm, they gotta change the director after a few more Kingdom Hearts games come out because, Nomura would be too old by then. xD
Same here but, enjoy the trip! ^-^
Interesting, never expected any places to be named after the Kingdom Hearts characters. o.O
Just keep slashing and hacking the dragon with combos. Be sure they're high leveled cards with a few zeros and cures to add to the deck.
Now that's just funny. xD
Welcome to KH-Vids. ^-^ Enjoy your stay here, and be sure to follow the rules! :)
You could also try http://www.createblog.com for some nice LiveJournal layouts.
Starting school in about one week. I got my class schedule and I have NO CLASSES with any of my close friends. Don't worry about it, it's only the first week. I'm sure you'll make new friends along the way. ^-^
Welcome to KH-Vids! I'm taking your Japanese or someone who is addicted to anime? If so, you can be my Japanese helper! xD I'm taking Japanese for eighth grade and need some assistance. xD
The English version is probably going to come out in Winter or next year since the Japanese version is going to be released in September.
He's another Assist Trophy. xD -Picks up Andross trophy- -Andross appears- -Spits out weird metallic panels- -Everyone flies away...-
If you want to see those 3D scenes, go beat Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories. If you want the one with the realistic pretty drawings, then beat the original one. :)
It was kind of ironic as to how Maleficent would all of a sudden help Sora in Hollow Bastion and The World That Never Was, but I get Star_Seeker's point. She did succeed in one plan, have Sora get rid of Organization XIII. However, did she survive the Heartless invasion in the Organization's castle?
I'd like to see a video of that. :) Stitch should be the main character of the next Kingdom Hearts installment and pwn the bad guys for Terra! xD
Haven't gotten a broken bone yet, although there are times when I feel like I've broken a bone... yet I didn't. One example would be when I went downhill on my bike too fast, didn't know how to really brake back then, fell, and squished my right arm. >.>
No remake. -_- Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII was already bad enough, what if they end up making the remake even worse. Especially with the fact they'll have to include voice acting. -_-
The drawings are pretty nice, better than what I can draw. -_-' Terra's Keyblade reminds me of a sword that came from the far future. xD