That can be taken as an insult, honey. Be careful. Orgies are amazing btw~
Yes, my profile pic is from Kuroshitsuji. ♥
Ohmy. I like. Definitely hotter than him; Spoiler
I have this whole week off. Take that. <:
You do know that-- Wait. I didn't know that. Okay. Carry on. Nothing to see here. :x
You do know that there're not many rules here in the Playground and that the staff can do almost whatever they want, right?
Ohmygod, that pencil drawing. ♥ Amazing, detailed, interesting, LOVELY shading. I'm not feeling the inked one that much, it looks less professional (probably because of the uneven lines) and loses a lot of potential without shading as good as in the pencil one.
Colours are ♥. I never figured out how to fold paper properly. Sure I managed to make an origami crane here and a flower there, but the results were not as neat as yours. Cute little fellas, have to say. c:
Her hands are the wrong way round. The thumbs should be pointing away from her, not towards her. I don't know if it's intentional, but her body is leaning a lot to the right. I do like that colourful style and the interesting girl/tree/fruit concept, though. Keep at it. ♥
You do know that a mod can just come and close this and win the whole thing, right?
Remember to constantly wash your hands. Don't, and it burns like hell. Oh, and I recommend making sure that they are the right way round. Eyes are painfully sensitive.
When someone says my name wrong I scream; "It's SORA, DONALD AND GOOFY."
I guess it has made me a bit softer than I was. A few years back I was one of those "tough girls" who didn't give a crap about anything. Once I found the bands I nowadays love to no end, I started to become more emotional and stopped hitting people. (loljk I never really hit anyone; except my sister, she deserved it.) I can still be a bit of a betch sometimes, though. :v
Spoiler Yo.
Your rebellious attitude frightens yet intrigues me.
Durr, Axel. He's hot and amazing. And one two-faced sonofamotherlessgoat in CoM. Love him. ♥
Mmm, Sebastian-san~ ♥ Nobutsrsly. Kuroshitsuji is the only series I'm actually following. Absolutely love it. Just read chapter 50. Have to say, that was an unexpected ending to the arc. Spoiler Didn't expect Snake to appear.
Bridget Jones. The first one. It wasn't overly hilarious, but quite okay.
Chrome is fast, simple and works. In other words, perfect. Don't have many add-ons; I think I downloaded one that translates Pixiv into English or smth.
Been training for about 6 years now. I've succeeded somewhat well in the national competitions, mainly in breaststroke. (I always feel dirty when I mention that.) Anyone? inb4noreplies