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  1. Nol
    Hm, it works... But seriously, the only difference now is that he can't use 0s, and he can use 9s now. I don't really see much of a challenge, you just made him easier since he can't really Break Sleights if you use them (although there are only a few Sleights worth using against him). The 9s are broad and it's not very like that he'll use them often. All his other cards are pretty much what you would get in a normal battle.

    But to contribute to the weirdness, I'll just say that the Bracer effects will work on Stocked cards (for stuff like Ars Arcanum), even though they shouldn't affect Stocked cards for a Boss or Link battle.

    It's cool, but it doesn't really seem like a big deal, and doesn't really make much of a difference.
    Post by: Nol, May 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. Nol
    A = Use Card
    B = Jump
    Select = Switch to Enemy deck
    L or R = Shuffle
    L + R = Stock cards, release Stock
    Start = Pause
    Directional Pad = Move
    Double tapping left, right, or diagonally= Dodge Roll

    Riku Controls:
    All of the above except:
    Dark Mode = Getting hit or CardBreaking until the Dark Mode counter turns 30, then use of any card will change Riku into his Dark Form
    Double tapping = Dodge Jump (can dodge upwards or downwards in Dark Mode)
    BB = Double Jump, second jump is a backflip towards the opponent (Dark Mode only)
    BBA = Dark Combo Finish. Riku does a double jump and then performs a combo finish, without doing a combo. (Dark Mode only)

    Sora or Riku has a deck of cards. Every time a card is used, it becomes unusable again until Sora goes to the Reload counter and starts holding A to bring back his cards. Riku, on the other hand, just has to press A on the Reload bar to get all his cards back without charging.

    Each card makes Sora or Riku perform an action. Every card has a value (the little number in the corner). A card with a higher value can be played through a lower valued card, resulting in a CardBreak, and causes the losing end of the Break to go reeling a bit and unable to use cards momentarily (a tie results in a CardBreak as well, but only the loser goes reeling and the winner still doesn't perform an action). 0 valued cards, are special because they can be played through any valued card (they still tie with 0s), but 0s can be broken by any value.

    There is also "Stocking". Stocking cards makes them go upwards to the Stock bar. Once three cards are Stocked, or if the Stocked cards are released while on the Reload bar, they are played using combined values. Sometimes, a certain Stock combination unleashes special Stock Techniques like Mega Flare or Sonic Blade. Note that the first card in a Stock will be UnReloadable unless a certain Item is used to return it.

    There are also Premium cards, which become UnReloadable if used by pressing A. Using them as the second or third card in a Stock lets them be Reloadable though. Premium cards are only available to Sora, and have a gold value. These are used by players because they are cheaper to use (Sora has a CP limit, which is a limit to what kind and what quantity of cards he can use).

    You may have noticed that sometimes a card bounces around for Sora or Riku to pick up. These are called Friend cards, and the use of them summons a Disney character to attack. These are not Reloadable after use, but you can get more and more of them during battle. There are also Trinity cards, which has the Disney symbol for Mickey Mouse. These only appear for Bosses without decks, and give Sora or Riku some help when used.

    You may also have noticed that sometimes a card with a black border is used. These are enemy cards, and add effects to Sora or Riku, such as increasing the damage of some cards, or making them jump higher. You know when these are used when you see a little tag at the bottom showing how long, how many card uses/breaks, or how many hits before the effect ends.
    Post by: Nol, May 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. Nol
    Riku needed cooler battles in my opinion. Sora could fight Cloud, so why couldn't Riku fight Sephiroth? (I know the actual answer, but it seems more fair that way).

    Also, I would have both Card Soldier enemy cards available for Sora, or at least the Black Card Soldier card for Riku. It makes a great add-on for cards like Oblivion.

    It would've been fun to have additional memories to come into the worlds if you revisit them at certain times. Like a Cerberus battle for Olympus Coliseum, giant sized battles against those that had giant forms in KH1 (Parasite Cage, for example). I think it would have been good to have a plain old Maleficent or Jafar battle as well.

    In my opinion, there should have been a secret Chernabog battle, and maybe a Behemoth one as well.

    I would also have kept Deep Jungle, but I know why it's not in so I'll just forget about that World. Or at least keep the KeyBlade and the boss battle and just have it in a secret room in Castle Oblivion or something.

    Dumbo needed more Sleights. All he has is Splash, and it's terrible. All the other Summons had at least something more like Summon + Attack card + Attack card, or Confuse for Genie and Tink. They probably could have gotten away with having Dumbo be a card for Confuse.

    Cure Raid. Uh... Sora hurls the KeyBlade and it spins around him while letting off healing magic. I think that would be a very fun Sleight to use (although I wouldn't use it in serious battles).

    Have the option of having your Friends not show up during battle. Like, taking off Donald and Goofy in NeverLand so that all your Friend cards would just be Peter Pan. Or take off Ariel so you won't get her in Atlantica, etc.

    Lastly, I would have kept interaction with people in the memory worlds, like Leon to talk to at the entrance and the exit of Traverse Town, for example.

    And I would have all the Re:CoM stuff as well, like Dueling and the Zexion battle.
    Post by: Nol, Apr 29, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. Nol
    Glitch. Cards only have a blue value when a certain map card or enemy card is used (no enemy card affects the values of the opponent though). The highest value normally is either an 8 or a 0. So I say it glitched up for once and you should check if anything else happening with your game.
    Post by: Nol, Apr 29, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. Nol
    Take a look at my Mega Flare deck on page 4. You should focus each of your decks for a specific purpose (ie, focus on one type of enemy, like a deck for Heartless, a deck for Bosses, a deck for Versus, etc). For example, Ragnarok is good for Heartless, but not very reliable against anything else.

    You've already beaten all the bosses, so you don't really need 0s. Mega Flare is more of a Heartless killer anyways.

    Cloud is more of a boss killer type card. You don't really need him to take off the Fire absorbing Heartless. Something cheap like Blitz can do the job.

    In your deck, you have 3 Items (one too many in my opinion because Mega Flare shouldn't take that many turns to win). As such, you should put in more Red Nocturnes. Have one for the first turn, and then add one more for each Item you have (so 4 Red Nocturnes for 3 Elixirs, etc.).

    You should still show the values that you want for every card in your deck, because that can give us a more clear idea of your deck (incase you use something like a PowerWild deck, or a specific KeyBlade Sleight like Ars Arcanum).
    Post by: Nol, Apr 29, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. Nol
    They're more of a symbol of short-life because they don't last long, but that's pretty close to being a symbol of death.
    Post by: Nol, Apr 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. Nol
    Don't use Reflect Raid. Like, ever. As a Boss killer, you would rather use Omnislash when using Cloud cards. Or, for a Raid, you would want either Fire Raid or Blizzard Raid because they can take advantage of weaknesses and multihit a lot on Bosses (Blizzard Raid can beat Hades in less than half a minute, four boosted Blizzard Raid hits do a quarter of damage to one of Axel II's health bars, etc.). For Heartless, you'll already have better stuff to use like Mega Flare or Ragnarok.

    As I said, Premium cards are good for cards you know that you will Stock, because in Stocks, you will still only lose the first card even if all the Stocked cards are Premium. Cloud, Aero, and Fire make good examples, because they'll be used as some nice Sleights like OmniSlash, Judgment, or Mega Flare. Premiums are good because they reduce the CP cost of a card down to their value 1 card, and make them worth 10 more Moogle Points than usual if you feel like selling one.

    Attack cards and Cures/TinkerBells make pretty bad Premiums though, as you'll be using the A button more for those rather than Sleights, and will fall short if you can't make your Items get through.

    And I think I missed this in my last post, so I'll say right now to use Items for sure. You get put at many risks while trying to Reload normally, and you reduce those risks by using Items. At least with Items you can get your cards back faster, at the very least.
    Post by: Nol, Apr 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. Nol
    KeyBlader's correct. The actual requirements are:

    1) You have beaten Sora's story at least once.
    2) You have beaten Riku's story once.

    From there:

    1) Beat Marluxia I.
    2) Make a Bounty in Castle Oblivion.

    Note that if you start a new file for Sora after clearing Reverse/Rebirth, you can only obtain Ultima Weapon after beating Marluxia I, so you can't use it against Axel II or Marluxia I. Also note that there are also two other Enemy cards that you can get from the chests under the same requirements.
    Post by: Nol, Apr 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. Nol
    I don't see a clear theme. A good deck should focus on a certain combo, Sleight, or attack chain, and then build up from there. (ex. Mega Flare decks should have 5 Mega Flares, Red Nocturne, and then some Sleights to beat out everything that Absorbs Fire. Ragnarok decks should have Wizard so that two Ragnaroks beat any Heartless, etc.)

    Kingdom Keys should only be used for Sleights and 0s. Take them out for actual damage.

    At your point of the game, which is the whole game cleared, you should have availability to just about everything. That being said, only use the best cards available. You waste too much CP on low tier cards like Wishing Star. Take out anything that you won't be needing.

    Now about the way your cards are positioned... Start off with your OmniSlash sleights for now, because that will help you win faster. Move all your 0 cards to the end of the deck, so you only need to shuffle through two cards to the left to be able to Break easily. Cures should be right before them. Put everything else at the back. Oh, and keep Items before the Cures (use Elixirs only in my opinion, and take out Mega-Potion for sure). Put your higher valued Cures closer to the end, because if you want to Sleight, I'm sure you would rather lose the lower valued Cures first, right?

    Your only Premium cards should be all Magic cards except for Cure and TinkerBell, because any other Magic card is only good for Sleights. Attack cards become somewhat useless if they're all Premium.

    The enemy cards to use are dependant on your deck. For a KeyBlade based deck, you should use Genie Jafar, Card Soldier, and Lexaeus/Dragon Maleficent/Blue Rhapsody/Red Nocturne/Search Ghost. Note that Rhapsody and Nocturne give the same boost as Dragon Maleficent and Search Ghost, only with no downsides except that they only boost Diamond Dusts, One-Winged Angel, and LionHeart. For Sleight based decks, it's dependant on your Sleight type. Crescendo for Omnislash, Red Nocturne for Mega Flare, etc.

    Your deck wants to pull out a lot of damage without Reloading, or so you say, but if you want to do that, you have to only use your strong cards. Not to mention that Sleights will do much better damage than any KeyBlade chain will, so I would look into Sleights.
    Post by: Nol, Apr 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. Nol
    The Card Worlds, except for the last few ones, don't have true Cutscenes in them.
    Post by: Nol, Apr 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. Nol
    The first battle is a separate battle in itself with an imitation of Marluxia, while the next Marluxia battle is a two-parter as the final battle for Sora (only the first part exists in the original CoM). I'm not sure if there's really an official name for any of his forms.
    Post by: Nol, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. Nol
    I think the "data" was more for Zexion to be able to have the Destiny Islands planned out to set up Riku's defeat (the appearances of Tidus and crew, what happened on the night of the storm, what DarkSide did, etc.).
    Post by: Nol, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. Nol
    In the vid, two seconds is the starting time that I could actually use cards due to the opening sequence, and the battle ended at 50 seconds, so I took 48 seconds to win. I've also won at 47 seconds, but this time around I got unlucky because I didn't hit with the OathKeeper at the end.
    Post by: Nol, Apr 24, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. Nol
    More like, everything goes much faster in Re:CoM. Seriously, the time it takes to get one bar in the GBA = 3 bars-ish for Re:CoM lol. I haven't gotten Ultima Weapon in Re:CoM yet, but I seriously wouldn't doubt it if you could beat the Re:CoM Marluxia 2 (maybe 3?) in around half the time it takes to beat the GBA Marluxia using that strategy (or an even better one).
    Post by: Nol, Apr 24, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. Nol
    Be sure to use Fire Raid on the boss.
    Post by: Nol, Apr 21, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. Nol
    1. Moogle Shops, but try to do it in the next World set though. You can get them randomly in Olympus Coliseum through objects and chests, too, but it's too much of a hassle in my opinion.
    2 & 3. Random
    4. Buy Moogle packs. I think the leaf packs have a better chance of cards like Cure.
    5. Make a chest there, learn Fire Raid. Make a deck full of Fire Raids, and move to the back platform. Use Fire Raid from there. He gets stunned by Fire, and if you hit him while he's Stunned, then you'll get a Trinity card. Just keep using Fire Raid though from the back, as he'll get multihit a lot by the Raid, and he has a slight weakness to Fire.
    Post by: Nol, Apr 21, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. Nol
    Eventually, though, you want the Item that brings back both Magic and Attack cards together.

    Make sure to use cards like Red Nocturne, Blue Rhapsody, Crescendo etc, because they actually do make a big difference. For example, they can make sleights like Omnislash so powerful that one hit is approximately equal to all three hits of Cross-Slash, or make something like Mega Flare an instant kill just about every Heartless except for a select few in one hit, or make Ragnarok be able to kill any Heartless in two hits.

    Be sure to keep your CP high, and maybe a bit over 100 HP as well for safety, but CP is much more important than HP is, because a bigger deck can mean more Cures to heal you whenever you get hurt and better value means that your enemies can't get attacks in.
    Post by: Nol, Apr 21, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. Nol
    If you have a Calm Bounty map card, be sure to use it in either Halloween Town, Monstro, or Olympus Coliseum. Blizzard Raid (Coliseum) or Fire Raids (Halloween Town/Monstro) can be learned in those worlds. In general, take out anything that doesn't have a high value, as values are important in this game.

    A good deck for ingame is usually just a strong attack repeated over and over. Something like Blizzard Raid is good, so why just have one or two of them in it? Just stuff your whole deck with it. Enemy cards like Blue Rhapsody are good as well if they strengthen your cards, because they help you win faster.

    You can make three decks, so be sure to use each deck slot so you don't have to keep changing one deck over and over. I like to use one for Heartless, and another for the current boss. For Heartless, keep Cures at the end of your deck so you can just scroll two cards to the left to heal whenever you need to. Same thing with Bosses, only put KeyBlades with a value of 0 (preferably Kingdom Key) at the end too so you can just scroll two cards to the left to Break whenever you need to. For Bosses, be sure to spam weaknesses (ex. Blizzard Raid for Hades, Fire Raid for Parasite Cage, etc.)

    So yeah, just play through normally, and whenever you need help just ask.
    Post by: Nol, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  19. Nol
    Pirate > PowerWild. You would also want more than just an Elixir or two. Instead of being offensive with PowerWild, you can be defensive with All Zeros. All attacks will be effectively stopped, and when you're damaged, you can simply resort to using the Cures as well.

    Why All Zeros over RetroGrade? Because other decks that revolve around KeyBlades will probably be at 9 value already. This means that every single attack you have will be tieing up with the opponent's cards. This leaves you at a disadvantage, actually, because that means that you're dependant on your Enemy card while they can use something like Search Ghost or Genie Jafar to have even more of an advantage over you. Value Break is also something to fear, as a deck full of 1s being Value Broken into 0s will leave a whole bunch of your cards not being able to be RetroGraded anymore.

    With a deck full of 0s, however, all you can do is continuously Break your opponent's attacks, and still be able to Zantetsuken anything that you want gone. Cures and Elixirs can go through Sleights as well, so you can always have a shot at replenishing your HP and deck whenever you need to.

    All in all, whether it's PowerWild or Pirate, any other standard KeyBlade deck could still probably beat this out, depending on the skills of the competitors.
    Post by: Nol, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. Nol
    For the GBA one, yes.
    Post by: Nol, Apr 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX