There's no such thing as too much CP. :p But seriously, if you want more health, then you want more CP so you can restore more health with more Cure cards. The HP stat is just there and might need a couple boosts (maybe to 110-ish), but with Cures, you pretty much have infinite HP and as such you won't need the HP boosts. And that's why HP doesn't really need to be very high.
^ Which is why you boost CP, not HP, so that you can have more Cure cards, Kingdom Key 0s, and high-valued attacks so that the enemy can't get their attacks in. Sora doesn't really need HP level ups because he can heal at anytime.
You've got the values part down, but your problems were with the positioning of your cards. Start by looking at your KeyChains. You may have noticed that when you use a KeyBlade card, it will perform a three-hit combo. But different KeyBlades do different amounts of damage in a certain part of a chain. As such, you should rearrange your KeyBlades for maximum damage potential. Check Jiminy's Journal for statistics and damage ratings for each KeyBlade. Now Cures should go at the bottom of your deck, because when you have to heal, you can just shuffle a couple cards to the left for quick and easy access. Normally, I would tell you to move the 0s to the end as well, but since you're past the bosses that you would really need the 0s for, I say just take them out. Items can go after the attacks that they restore, but the best place is right before the Cures in my opinion. And since you're so far into the game, you should only use Elixirs. See below for my opinion on Sleights. Your enemy cards aren't that good. For a KeyBlade deck, I would use cards like Card Soldier, Genie Jafar, Dragon Maleficent, etc. NeoShadow doesn't boost the power of your cards as well as regular boosters would. Tornado Step is totally outclassed by Items. Now, since you've got all the bosses out of the way, the main enemies you're facing are Heartless and the final boss. For Heartless, you should use Sleights. For the whole battle. Start a new deck (using a different deck slot so you don't delete your deck) if you want to try out my advice. For Heartless, KeyBlades are outclassed by Sleights, because Sleights can take on a number of Heartless at a time. So you should pick a Sleight, multiply that Sleight, and boost it with the appropriate enemy card and then add the Items and Cures. Good ideas are Mega Flare with Red Nocturne, because it kills many Heartless in one hit and will hit the whole screen (use it with Blitz or something so that the magical beings don't pwn you), Ragnarok with Wizard, because that kills any Heartless in two hits, or OmniSlash with Crescendo, because a boosted OmniSlash kills anything if Cloud makes all three hits on a Heartless. Blizzard Raid or Fire Raid make good crowd control, and are actually decent to use. Please note that it's more effective to use these deck types separately. For the final boss, it would make your life easier to use 4 Mega Flare Sleights with the Marluxia card to get rid of the scythes. Then, have a 9 valued attack card (preferably with a good Strike) to CardBreak him, and make sure you jump up and hit Marluxia while you Break, then when you land after Breaking hit him with a chain (preferably a card with a strong Thrust to start off the chain). Continue this until the flower shooters come out. When he releases those shooters, move behind him and then CardBreak him using a strong Thrust card, and then do another chain when you hit the ground (repeat again). Then have 5 0/8 cards to CardBreak him. You should be able to jump on the platform once you used up the 5th Breaking card. From there, use a Mega Flare because it will hurt him and get rid of the flower shooters. Then you can attack him with whatever until you fall off, in which you should use an Item or something to rinse and repeat.
Right... To make a video, you just go to Tools > Record > Start AVI Recording. Then pick the compression type, etc. (I use XVID MPEG-4 Codec). Then, when you're done recording, go to Tools > Record > Stop AVI Recording.
Uh-huh... And you came across this, how?
No Re:CoM HPs, so shouldn't it just say Final Mix and not Final Mix+?
Wow, how could I have skipped this, it's not the level that matters for Sora, it's the deck. You don't mind posting your deck, do you?
Use the Parasite Cage enemy card while the enemy is performing a Sleight while under the Double Sleight enemy effect from the Marluxia enemy card. I'm not sure if that made it more clear or more confusing.
Blizzard Raid > Blizzaga.
ichristian, this is about the game's story, not the manga where Riku kills Zexion and the Replica goes off with a bunch of Vexen clones. :p Personally, I think that Riku Replica just died. His heart is strong, in my opinion, because he came back even after Namine broke it. But still, even if he had a Heartless or Nobody, that doesn't mean that it isn't a generic one. He probably just had a NeoShadow and a Dusk, or something.
The speeches are pretty much the same. CoM has Axel throwing one Chakram from behind, all the chatting goes on, and then Axels swipes at Vexen with another Chakram, ending Vexen's existence. Re:CoM is the same, only it ends with Axel snapping his fingers to burn Vexen. All the talking is the same, and Vexen even falls down just like in CoM, only burning as well.
Eh, most of my decks feature only Kingdom Keys for KeyBlades. Of course, that's because I only use them for Breaking and Sleighting...
Riku actually had Roxas down. Roxas just had Riku struggling after he got back up, but then didn't really beat Riku. I guess in the original scripting it was planned to just portray Roxas as being superior to Riku in terms of strength, but then when they made the scene they didn't show it properly (Roxas had the advantage, but couldn't quite snuff out Riku). Maybe Roxas didn't remember the fight clearly and Riku was just being modest? Saix and DiZ weren't there so they shouldn't count. :p
Well, you have to think about elements and Break Recovery too. If you use a low recovery rate card like One-Winged Angel, then you can get Stopga'd and then 2hko'd with Magic Boosted Holy sleights. And then, the Physical elemental KeyBlades are screwed by Large Body cards, and the Diamond Dust card is outdone by a combination of both Lexaeus and Vexen. The Lightning and Fire Keyblades aren't as easily phazed out like this, but then you have to take into consideration that Spellbinder has terrible stats, LionHeart is slow, and OWA only has that Finish going for it with a terrible Recovery. As such, Oblivion > Oblivion > Metal Chocobo is a chain with the best type coverage (Only resisted, never Nullified), and decent Recovery, and then the Swing Speed can be made up for with Card Soldier and maybe the Guard Armor and Larxene cards.
Kingdom Key is the best because Sleights > KeyBlade chains. Along with all the others that have an A rank CP Cost for Sleights like Blitz. As for KeyBlades you would use in chains... Diamond Dust is fast in Swinging and Recovering, but is somewhat hurt by the element. Still, it has overall powerful stats. Other close contenders are OathKeeper which has a balanced stat spread, with an excellent Thrust, and Oblivion which can make up for its low Swing with Card Soldier and still have an excellent Recovery, along with no full blocks and strong leading and connecting hits. One-Winged Angel, Crabclaw, and Metal Chocobo have their uses as finishers, but they're not as spectacular as the other KeyBlades in my opinion. Divine Rose is a decent Strike card, but with such a low Thrust damage ratio, I use it very seldomly and carefully incase a chain is screwed up and starts off with a Thrust rather than a Strike. Lastly, SpellBinder has a cool Thrust (although not reliable overall), and LionHeart has great all around stats except for the horrid Swing. Ultima Weapon has strength in any part of the chain, but the bad Element, average Swing/Recovery, and the expensive Cost makes me careful in considering it for anything outside of rushing the final boss.
Riku can have the same HP as Sora... He just can't heal whenever he wants to outside of Regen.
I never really level up HP anyway... But I did do a pure CP only challenge before, with a limit to CP. Then I did another one without deck editing (last boss took forever, I tell you).
A bunch of the hidden Sleights are good, and in my opinion, the only good Reward treasure cardsare any good are Megalixir and Mushu (for Holy and Mega Flare, respectively). The extra cards after R/R are somewhat meh, in my opinion, but the enemy cards have interesting Link uses in my opinion, and Ultima Weapon is pretty much only good for rushing the last boss.
Gravity effects can kill the opponent if they are under the Stop effect. Using Dispel on Double Sleight while a Sleight is in effect will make the Sleight last forever until CardBroken. Riku II (maybe Ansem as well but I forget) in Reverse/Rebirth doesn't get affected by Warp Break. Meaning, he will have the Stun counter above his head if successful, but he can still do anything he can normally do. If the opponent is under the Stop effect, Holy will continusously hit the opponent in one huge wave, rather than in three weaker ones. This makes Holy do ridiculous damage. There are other funky things with Stop, like with Ars Arcanum. If the opponent is Stopped, then they only get hit by half the number of Ars Arcanum hit. Or Fire/Blizzard Raid, where the opponent won't flinch and will get hit a lot of times (only in Link).
It shouldn't because all the other bosses have special rooms where the cards used up don't have any effect, and then the Key card. The reason this works on the final battle is because the room before Marluxia is connected to the last synthesized room in Castle Oblivion, so that's why the effect of a Map card works (the setting is locked though, so all the add-ons like Moment's Reprieve and Moogle Shops can't be modified in).