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  1. orgXIIIfan
    I only played the X-Box version.

    1.I just LOVE to shoot those birdies in the sky and see all that blood splatter *Ouch*

    2.I don't know why I love to throw myself down the water or shoot my marines.Nor ipple,no splash and it's fun to see your comrade die.*Sadist down here!*
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. orgXIIIfan
    Like the title says.Just why do you like it?

    I like it because of Forum Games. How about you people? Yes,that includes you Xaldin.
    Thread by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 27, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. orgXIIIfan

    I end with a 0 again! Yay me!
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. orgXIIIfan
    Too bad I don't really watch a lot of KH parodies.I'm only 13 and most contain vulgarities but I watched a few episodes of the Stupid Files.

    I like this one!The Photoshopped Image was brilliant!
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: The Playground
  5. orgXIIIfan
    I am against animal abuse.According to The SPCA,our anti-animal abuse board in my country,1000 cats got disowned this year.That's a lot and I mean it.

    Animal abuse is wrong as don't forget,animals are living things too you know and they deserve to live(Except for Mosquitoes and bees!)

    That guy should be sent to jail because he is like taking away another life.
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  6. orgXIIIfan
    When you mistook your father during his National Service days for Xigbar!(Guilty!)
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. orgXIIIfan

    Everyone on this page seem to have Sora or Roxas avatars.
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. orgXIIIfan

    I'm never going to the Rate the Avatar and SIgnature Above You thread ever again!
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. orgXIIIfan

    I hate anyone who dares talk back to me.Or call Demyx a wimp,argues with me,criticize me or my avatar and siggy which were made by someone else,correct me,win me(My friend.We stopped becoming friends) I hate a lot of things!

    In overall,everybody makes me sad and jealous
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. orgXIIIfan
    Walt Disney is dead people even though he could have been the Ultimate KH Boss.(Ouch!)

    Yes.First,horrible sequels and now they are making HSM3 on theatre! Xigbar,please shoot me.Please! They are also making a Halloween themed HSM movie. Xaldin,please stab me.

    The storyline sucks and now,ametuer actors are going on big screen?This is a disgrace to the younger generation!
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. orgXIIIfan

    I have some scary facts to share.

    1.Quinton Flynn,Axel's VA is born on my B'day! XD
    2.Zexion's VA did the voice of Tom Marvolo Riddle in the Japanese Dub of Harry Potter.He also did Gaara from Naruto.
    3.Lexaeus' VA did Tigger. Xp
    4.Xemnas and Larxene's VAs did the voices of 2 characters from Wedding Peach,a Japanese Anime.(Japanese seiyuus to be exact.)
    5.Demyx's English VA did the voice of Young Kovu from the Lion King 2 and Randal from Recess! His Japanese seiyuu did one of the twins from Ouran Host Club!
    6.Roxas' Japanese VA is turning 17 this year.
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. orgXIIIfan

    Yes.Even I cried.I wasted $39 Singapore dollars and the precious 1 1/2 hours of my life(more than that actually) to watch a worthless movie.
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  13. orgXIIIfan
    Everyone in this board took the words out of my mouth just to put it straight.
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  14. orgXIIIfan
    In overall I LOVE the younger members but like the older ones.
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. orgXIIIfan
    When the KH Manga comes out in your country or appears in your favourited magazine,you say "Oh yeah!"
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. orgXIIIfan
    But I have to admit,What Time is It? was rather good for a cheesy Disney song.
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. orgXIIIfan

    People keep on giving my bloopers,avvie and siggy low ratings and Jube always seem to win.
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. orgXIIIfan

    Finally,someone bothers to count properly! *still depressed* People keep on giving me low ratings,criticism,I'm sick already!
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. orgXIIIfan
    I tried most demos for Cartoon Network Games and I have to check out IGN first.They often give Cartoon Network games low ratings and yes,Dexter looks like on eof those designs.
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  20. orgXIIIfan
    Roxas is back! By the way,I like your signature!
    Post by: orgXIIIfan, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone