Fave: Burger King,MacDonalds. We have very few fast food restuarants in SIngapore. Leasr: None.I like them all.
22356 Zexion X Lexaeus forever!
I never suffered from any serious injuries but my knee: So many bruises!That is one reason why I don't like gym class!I am a klutz! But the worst infection I have heard of: The one where the green stuff grows on your ***.They have to amputate that part!When my teacher told me about it,I felt like vomitiing!
I like both equally,however,Dunkin Donuts is only available in Malaysia and Indonesia and there is no Starbucks in Indonesia.So in Indonesia,I have to live on donuts and KFC. In Malaysia,I'll eat anything really.
One site: KH-Insider.This site was under affliates so I thought I should go there because I never had any forum account before.
I played the Free Trial for Toon Town South-East Asia.It's pretty good for someone who is always bored becasue it is fun! I love the Racing Game!What are your favourite games,people?
Xemnas: Star Wars Imperial March. Xigbar:Cottoned-Eye Joe Xaldin:Rock you like a Hurricane Vexen:Ice Ice Baby Lexaeus:Macho-Macho Man Zexion:Koe(The song is like how Zexion and Lexaeus was meant to be) Saix:Headstrong Axel:The Hell Song Demyx: I'm Blue:The Remix LUxord: Down in the English Fair(He is British!) MArluxia: (I have no idea) Larxene: U.G.L.Y. Roxas: His theme of course! I know some don't fit but that's all I can think of.
We have news about a nine-year old who gave birth becasue she wanted to try out what is it like to have sex. But yes,I think it matters because If you are under 16: YOu have'nt completed puberty yet!How will you do the breastfeed?And then,there's school,examinations blah blah. If you are old like my aunt: You might die during labour You might die when your child is a kid now that the human lifespan is shortened.
I don't want to have sex.I'd rather adopt a child than do the dirty but yes.Porn is everywhere and I can't help but say ewwwwwwwwwww.A lot of guys in Youtube are advertising these porn sites.They are spam.
True that the world population is becoming bigger and bigger but about the I.Q. drop: I think it is because that there are a lot of poor people in this world and a lot of poor and uneducated women can mean much more children and they are not raised in a bright environment so maybe the I.Q. drop thing is true.
I agree with Jube.They give crap reviews.They don't appear on TV in my region but I watch their reviews on You-Tube.This is probably the only reasonable review in X-Play.I watched it before because I wanted to get the game but yes,it has spiffy graphics.
Maybe because there wasn't enough room for the little guy. Gives this dude +1 rep.And how come I feel like the only person who has 200+ posts but still an unknown quantity?I feel sad.
I <3: Final Form.Those keyblades have a mind of their own. Master Form.The outfit is cool. Anti-Sora: He looks cute Limit Form: You get to use moves from the first game.
I like fighting Xemnas at that building!Who loves climbing buildings without lifts or stairs? I also like Pete because he sounds funny!xp
Tarzan is also done.Why not......Chesire Cat!(Alice in Wonderland)
They exist.They really do in Fan fics.
Banned for stealing Demyx away from me!He's mine!
22269 I get all my fave orgy members!
Yeah.Zexion seems younger than Larxene and I know people will except if the girl is older than the boy but I find it wrong.
This proves that the guy above me is a pro KH player.