i need it for the 3DS!!!!!
kool do you wanna give me £196.99?
how far are you on pokemon white?
soz computer was mucking up and frooze so im bored and i mean really bored
but i dont wanna be stolen :O
wrong im not here im just an illusion
so im bk and now your not man is this ever gonna end lol
im back but your not here NOOOOOOOO
gtg for now speak in about hour
good it all back to normal then
hey i am good ooook so you speaking docyx? and no tension? and no awkwardness?
1. Docyx. like the way you have colour one side and black and white the other 2. Ienzo. love the picture it makes Zexion look awesome 3. Reisen. like the way the colours come from behind sora.
ahh i see lol
kool and wat message did u delte???
no not really lol wat you up 2
ur so nice to me and thnx lol
about a book where a old man goes to see and catches a fish! but oh well i epic fail everything
i failed my English exam for a second time and noow probs cant continue with sixth form or anything so i have failed
im meh not to happy feel like either destroying something or crying :)
wooh my day was turned upside down i done resits of my GCSE because i failed math and english i passed maths now but failed english worse than...