I do, but there's a problem. I can't see it 0.o;
Hard to say... KH1 :: Halloween Town b/c I love the Nightmare Before Christmas And Neverland b/c you can fly there and it's just plain fun 8) KH2 :: Timeless River b/c it's in b&w and the audio's all old-fashioned. I just found it very cute and fun XD But I also loved the Beast's Castle because the ballroom battle there was really something. Let's not forget Hallow Bastion 8D Cloud's in Hallow Bastion...
I'd be pretty emotional if a friend of the same gender as me were consumed in darkness and then I finally found them years later. I would get all gay-looking, too, so I would have to say that Sora is straight. He didn't pay much attention to Kairi because she was never consumed by darkness, neh? What am I saying? I never really understood the whole Kingdom Hearts storyline. It always confuses me...
I'll make a character. Yell at me if using the whole Gaia Dream Avatar Creator doesn't count x.O HERO Name: Kusari Hitan Age: 16 Looks: Weapons: Flat blades (bound to her hands by chains) History: She doesn't like to talk about it, but her parents were abusive towards her and bound her hands in chains. She hints that her parents died (most likely because she killed them) and that she herself created blades out of the chain hanging from her hands. Her parents put a spell on the chains so that they can't be unbound, but she learned the ways of alchemy and can manipulate their form. Personality: She doesn't talk much. When she does, her words are cold-hearted or smart. She likes things to get done quickly and painlessly, unless whatever she's doing is torturing an enemy--then things must be done slow and painfully. She's dark but she has a heart--she has sympathy and understands what it means when someone cries. She's usually the one to ask what's wrong and put an arm around someone's shoulder. Limit attack: 1)Kenpei Chain - Swords merge as one big one and slices through all enemies 2)Baisuu Blades - Multiple blades shoot out of her blades 3)Demon Etoku - Chains come from the ground grasp enemies. 4)Kusari-oni - Kusari is engulfed in chains and forms a giant monster which spits black flame. Eheh...she sounds like a bad guy.
The whole "switch scenes very fast" worked better for you than it usually does for most people since you did it in chronological order. I say nice job, but the whole little squares with other scenes in them thing was sort of annoying because my brain doesn't process images that fast 0.o; BUT I did like how you made the fighting scenes match the music well ^^
What?! You should finish it--it's incredible until you cut it off at Marluxia! Your transitions are very clean cut. I loved it when Sora was going after Riku but then it switched to the scene with Marluxia. Your timing is precise as well. For every magnificent stroke of chord there's something in the video that matches it, like Riku and Sora clashing blades and such. For your first AMV, this was magnificent. Not including the whole cut off part, I give an 8.7/10 ^^
Nobodies all the way. They're more fun to fight because they have a lot of cool reaction commands.
Ehehe...I like Cloud. Even before he came out in KH ^^; I thought he was awesome when he was a cuby little set of polygons, yes. That's how demented I am =D And I like his personality better in FF7 >O In AC, it's just...bleah...He's so evilish.
"No! Auron!" Eheh, sorry. Inside joke ^^; Welcome to KH. Post lots, just make sure what you post isn't in any way spam =D
You're right...Well, I have a theory. I think only certain parts of Santuary are supposed to be lyrics backwards...like the parts where it sounds like "I need more affection than you know." I mean, anyone can make a song backwards and say that the lyrics are such and such.
I did a process of elimination =D I would've said maybe MulanXShang, PochahontasXJohn Smith, or AladdinXJasmine as well because they aren't those classic Disney relationships where at first sight they're in love. Shang thought Mulan was a guy, Pochahontas didn't really like John, and Jasmine hated Alladin, but with Beauty in the Beast it was much more complicated. They hated eachother, but Belle seemed to break through the barrier because of her weakness to help others. Plus, the Beast is cool X3
691 marshamallows o.o
That's pretty awesome for your first dub XD My only crit is that the audio got distorted when people got too loud 0.o; But that made it funnier, so that doesn't count XD
You've got a point: this is good. The flashing images do get old, though. I've also seen better, but only one, and that is Waka Laka for Osaka XD
I liked it, I just have a pet peeve of subtitles in AMVS 0.o Yeah, sometimes it can't be helped, but my eyes automatically go to them ><; I liked this, it just needed more fight scenes because of how rock 'n roll-y the song was. Another thing that would be good is if you only used one version of graphics. You know, like you used the really good opening/ending graphics with the in-game graphics. It confuses people's eyes when you switch back and forth, I guess. I say 4/5 ^^
A really cool rhythmic pattern, message, and everything else. It's a very well done poem. Not to mention amazing.
I always expected something like this. I could never make out the words of the song when it wasn't backwards... Pretty cool. The truth has been revealed! I wonder if you can do it with Simple?
Maybe you should Google the Scandanavian word for hero. You'll guaranteed to find it =3
Hm...can't say. You mean you can open the PMs and can't see the message? I don't really understand. Meh, I'm a n00b here too anyway XD Welcome to KH!
Welcome back! I don't remember you because I'm new, but welcome back all the same XD