Marly: I saw Kairi today... Sora: You did? *smacks Marly* *gets cursed*
Marly: I know your sister...(HJO's sister XD) Sora: WTF?! *gets cursed*
Yes! They're still around and they have been promoted! =O XD
Desperation made Sora, crazy.
Really? O.o Thanks, K a i r i.
fugly me: me in front of Mt. Mayon: Damn the sun! me w/my cousins: xDDDDDDDDD
4014 -
Hello Hello! Welcome to the forums! I hope I get to see ya, around! ^_^
1000 Words in your pants.
Wow...that's weird. >> Maybe the creator of the site, haven't finished completing it yet.
OMG! Hi hahannuh! *waves* welcome back!
played it before, got rushed to the hospital, got better
yeah. what he said. xD
OMG! Me too but i'm still reading it; it's a good book so far.
ROFL! haha
O.o WTH?! How did I get into this?
LMAO! =D how long do you know each other?
LOL, i'm like that too, Sorax
LMAO! that's hawt! 10/10