Thanks guys! Oh and no, Askilfeasd, I'm not gonna get one.
Yesh. Thanks for the condelence, guys! T_T I'm missing her, already. She was the "good one" among her family.
My kitty just died because of giving birth. T_T I had her ever since April last year. T_T
And I think it's spelt as, "Kung Hei Fat Choi"
I voted for Camel a couple of times. XD I hope you win, Camel! ^_^
Happy Chinese New Year! Wait...that's a little late, don't ya think?
OMG!!!! You're right!!!!!!!!! O,O Why did he do that?
Sorry if the list is incomplete, for you. For me, Fatal Frame is the scariest game series ever! Me and my cousins just watched our other cousin play this game at night and we were screaming like hell! Our aunt scolded us just for that. T_T
Life = pain, I agree. One of life's goal is to be happy but no one can attain it by just crossing the road. Hardships. that cause pain, come and go because their purpose is to balance the concept of pain and happiness. The more pain we go through; the more we get closer to obtaining happiness. Pain is something that leads us closer to our life's purpose.
Laxaeus because he is a Nobody, lol. But seriously, he is kinda strange. o.o We know nothing about him even in CoM. (side note, 2Foxxie4U's post count number ish bad XD)
Hi hi! *waves* Welcome to KHV!!! I hope to see ya, around! =3
Those are so awesome! I like it! Great job, Hissora!
Hi hi! Welcome to the forums! ^_^ I hope you have fun at your stay! ^_^
I would have to say...DMC 3. I died on the 1st level D=
Wow, those are so cool! Thanks, Darky!
OMG! I can't wait to play this!
4025 if no one likes cheese how come they're always eaten?
I got 16 year old Riku! yay!
Marly: RUN, FOREST! RUN! (HJO = Young Forest Gump) Sora: WTF?!*runs* I'm running! *gets cursed*
He seriously needs an anger management councilor. O.o;;