LOL Thank you. :D Thanks for the welcome XD
w00t! Hi-five! *hi-fives* :D From Yesterday - 30 Seconds to Mars
There was a Hey Arnold movie that was produced. O.o Do you guys want me to give you a clue about his last name? ^^
Not to bump up this thread or anything. O.o I've been playing the 3rd Birthday. Yes it is short and its like a long mini-game compared to PE1 and PE2. But it's still fun to play :3 I'm at the last episode and I'm stuck inro evolving Aya from Level 19 to Level 26 x.x The DNA Grid System is like a Sphere Grid system but it's all guess on which ability you will form in mixing up the DNA. Plus there's not enough space for more abilities to use- which sucks big time x.x
Arnold never mentioned his last name in the series but someone did mention his last name loads of time ^^
^Agreed :D *30 Seconds to Mars fan* :D Closer to the Edge - 30 Seconds to Mars \m/
Yes. I love this show too :3 In my country, Hey Arnold is shown 5-6 am everyday :3 Good thing I have 8 am classes O_o Did you ever get to know Arnold's last name? :3 ('Cause, I sure know ^^)
Turn It Off - Paramore (Gotta love Hayley :3)
Thanks for being my first VM :D Ooooh. :3 Well at least you're in the position that you truly deserve ^^ CONGRATS :D For me, you're like the super...
Okay, admit it, if you were a kid in the 90's, you would have definitely loved Hey Arnold! I mean the show is just so cool. :3 Although we never truly know if Arnold's parents are still alive ._. But you gotta admit, it was one of the best cartoons on tv. It's not boring. It's full of thrills. :D And you can learn from it too :D <3 Who else is a fan of Hey Arnold? :D
Hello *pokes* ^_^
OF COURSE I REMEMBER YOU. <3 hOW COULD I FORGET THE AWESOME:D LOL XD Thanks for the welcome, Misty :D Congrats on the promotion :D Although you've had one confusing staff level history @_@ So you're like the super head honcho now? :D 'Cause I noticed that the original Admins are not Admins anymore. O_o I'll be staying, don't you worry ^^ I'll be a good member :D I just need to get used to the new features o_o <3
GEt someone to put frosting on yourself :D Well depends on you XD
Okaaaay...i think that's too much personal info XD
In my opinion, this is practically a risky move., I mean it's great that "revenge" is served and all but it is still a bald move. From what happening in the Middle East right now and then Osama's death. It could spark more battles in this world. My Social Psychology prof told us to be aware of someone from the Middle East because he might serve as another threat to the world. That person is Muammar Gaddafi. He's been silent about the revolt against him and some say he's a good strategist. Think about it, Osama is dead, who would lead Al Qaeda or support it? They will turn to someone with greater power (and money X.x) for it. O.o I know this sounds kinda like BS but it's time that we follow the news carefully about it. O.o
I don't get it? O.o
Aww. Thanks for thinking I'm nice :D X3 Thank you thank you. Lol, yeah you prolly don't remember me 'cause I didn't post much around the time you were a new member :3 See you around. Thanks for the welcome again :D
LOL We're all bored. XD It's 3 am here X.x Yeah, magenta used to be the color of sarcasm. XD I don't know the logic behind it though but everyone used it. XDDDD FUNFACT: using too much magenta hurts the eye O.o
The color of it still magenta? O.o Does anyone still do that? XD
Coolio ^^ Well, I hope to see you around, Mr. Admin, sir! :D I'll be a good member and follow the rules always ^^