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  1. KingSimba01
    Jeeez. How expensive would a 3DS be? Things are rough right now and it'll be difficult for some people to buy a new console. Why can't Square just make it on the DS or even PS2 for the love of God? >____<
    Post by: KingSimba01, Jun 16, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. KingSimba01
    Wait, so there's another KH title to be announced too? Wasn't it going to be just Re:Coded and BBS?
    Post by: KingSimba01, Jun 15, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. KingSimba01
    Cool. Is Re:Coded one of the three new titles Nomura was talking about then?
    Post by: KingSimba01, Jun 14, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. KingSimba01 it might take a little while for me to get used to Xehanort's voice.

    I dunno, I just didn't expect him to sound like that :|
    Post by: KingSimba01, May 18, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. KingSimba01
    Wasn't that DiZ, if I'm not mistaken?
    Post by: KingSimba01, Apr 24, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. KingSimba01
    I started the KH series with KH2 back in '07 or '08, and I didn't realize you could change your weapon until I kept dying with Demyx -_____________-
    Post by: KingSimba01, Apr 24, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. KingSimba01
    *Bump* Because I think this is an interesting thread.

    Who did you feel worse for at the end, Roxas or Axel?
    I haven't finished the game yet- I'm on day 352, but I know what's going to happen. I would say Xion, but she's not an option, so Roxas.

    Did Xion bug the hell out of you (because she did me)?
    No way. I liked her. At least she could fight.

    Are there any other worlds you wish were in KH 358/2 Days?
    The Pride Lands maybe. And Hollow Bastion.

    Who is your least favorite Organization member (not from the C.O. crew, a lot of people hate them)?
    I didn't like Saix much. Gameplay wise I found Xigbar difficult to handle, I could never defeat the tiny heartless like the shadows with him.

    Was Xion an easy or hard boss?
    I haven't reached that part yet.

    Did you want the game to continue after Roxas was inside the other Twilight Town?
    Dunno, have to finish it first. But I guess not, because then KH2 just starts, doesn't it?

    Did you want the game to start sooner in the story?

    Why do you think they only have one flavor of ice cream?
    I dunno xP I always have one flavor of ice cream too. I'm crazy that way. :|

    Why did Hayner, Pence, and Olette have bigger parts than King Mickey?
    Everyone else said it all.

    Also: Post what really pissed you off about the game (you know, besides anything I mentioned.)
    Quite a number of the enemies. Also that the game was a little slow in progressing the story. One thing that pissed me off only in the beginning though, was that in KH1 and KH2 it was X for jumping and O for attacking, and in the DS it was reversed :| It was hard to get used to, I was jumping when I should be attacking and attacking when I should be jumping >_> When I replay KH1 or 2 I'll face the same crisis. xP
    Post by: KingSimba01, Apr 9, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. KingSimba01
    I've been playing on Beginner. *Hides* Sorry, I can't play on a DS D:
    Post by: KingSimba01, Apr 9, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. KingSimba01
    So far the bosses weren't really...hard, but a lot of them were really REALLY annoying, and Ruler of the Sky was one of them. I also find some of the heartless annoying- like the ones in Halloween town >_> The Search Ghost kept teleporting and I was like "COME BACK HERE SON OF A -" -_- And right before you had to fight the Carrier Ghost (equally annoying. Why can't it just come down and stay down?) there was a fight with millions of them. Baah.

    Also, some of the Wonderland heartless were annoying as hell too. Like the one that switched places with you everytime it hit you.

    I had a lot of trouble fighting the Leechgrave though. I actually stopped playing for a while before I could beat it, and I had to go and fill the bonus gauges of the Holo Missions and level up a little before I could finish it off :|

    Question- is the Dustflier compulsary to beat? Even if it isn't, do I need to defeat it to get King Mickey or Sora in Mission mode?
    Post by: KingSimba01, Apr 9, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. KingSimba01
    I hated every single one of them. I hated it in Neverland at first because I had no idea what to do with it, but when I finally got to a spot to ambush it I was like, "Yeah, ok...fine."

    But there are only three, right? One in Neverland and two in Wonderland? *fingers crossed*
    Post by: KingSimba01, Apr 9, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. KingSimba01
    If Kairi, being a Princess of Heart, could save Sora from becoming a Heartless with her light, then couldn't Belle do the same for Beast if Xaldin had ever succeeded in turning him into one? That would make all of his efforts pretty useless, wouldn't it? Of course there's always the slight possibility that the Organization didn't know who the Princesses were, but come on, Xemnas was Xehanort's Nobody, I'm sure he'd have known. =P
    Thread by: KingSimba01, Mar 13, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. KingSimba01
    God, Atlantica made me want to grab my hair and rip it apart.

    I hated how all the Disney characters were just cardboard cutouts of their actual characters and it sounded so lame when they tried to make it look like it was in the movie >.> Also, it bugged me that everytime Sora introduced himself/any character talked about them, Donald and Goofy were brought in too. I mean, "I'm Sora, this is Donald and Goofy"; "Leave Sora, and Donald, and Goofy too!"; "Sora! Donald! Goofy! :D" -______- And some of the lines were so flipping lame, it was more of a kids' game than part of a huge saga.
    Post by: KingSimba01, Mar 6, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. KingSimba01
    Rock Titan was a damned joke. It was just a really easy way to get loads of experience. I don't know what the writer of the guide was on when he said that he was difficult. -____-
    Post by: KingSimba01, Jan 31, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. KingSimba01
    1. As many of you have said, you can't skip the darned cutscenes. If I watch the "Forget it! There's no way you're taking Kairi's heart D:<" scene one more time I'll have to chuck my game out of the window lol.
    2. The camera. I played KH1 after I finished KH2 oddly enough, and I had SO much trouble with the R2 and L2 buttons, it took me a long time to get used to it. >=|
    3. The fact that they give you no indication where to go or what to do. I had to keep running around the places wondering where to go next and it took me so long. -__- I mean, it's nice that it lets you figure things out for yourself, but it got pretty irritating when I just wanted to progress through the game and instead I end up at the other end of the world. >_>
    4. Leveling up is a pain, seeing as some of these heartless can wipe me out in a matter of seconds. :|
    5. Slightly insignificant, but it also bothers me that Beast is so big you can't see what's ahead of you properly.
    6. In some of the worlds like Hollow Bastion and Monstro, the heartless kept knocking me over ledges and I fell all the way down to the bottom and I had to go back up AGAIN -_______________-
    7. This doesn't bother me all that much, but it's worth mentioning- why is it that everytime I stock Donald and Goofy with items they use them up in like, half a second?
    8.!!!!!!! D:< Before I can whip myself up some nice Curaga, I get whacked in the head and I'm gone before you know it. :yelling:
    9. Kairi's voice acting. xP It sounded more mature in KH2.

    1. Kinda easy.
    2. Some of the worlds were pretty boring- I didn't really like Port Royal all that much tbh.
    3. I didn't like Atlantica in the first game either, but this sing-a-long thing makes it look much, MUCH better. -_-
    4. Cure takes up all your MP x_x
    5. They took away Aero. Baaah. =P
    6. Sephiroth was a breeze compared to the first game. What did they do to him? D: (Although, his voice actor was much better in KH2 than KH1.)
    7. The Coliseum tournaments were better in the first game. =P
    8. No Traverse Town. =\ Traverse Town was epic, and I wanted to see a KH2-ified version of the Traverse Town music. xP
    9. You barely had to use magic. In Beginner Mode (yes I actually played that at first) I didn't even have to use Cure =|

    1. That Final Mix is only available in Japan. Come on, why can't we have the awesome extra scenes and abilities too? A tad selfish, amirite Nomura? -_-
    2. That Sora was smarter in the first game. Seriously, he was such a darned dimbulb in KH2.
    3. 100 Acre Wood. I would actually just skip this in both games but you need to finish it for the secret ending/Ultima Weapon, soo...>_>
    4. Gummi Ships. I never cared for them much.
    Post by: KingSimba01, Jan 31, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. KingSimba01
    Yeah, I know. I asked because he sounds a bit different, especially when he says "STOP!!!".
    Post by: KingSimba01, Jun 4, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. KingSimba01
    Wait a sec. Is that Jesse McCartney voicing Roxas? :S

    EDIT: Wait nvm, it is. :P
    Post by: KingSimba01, Jun 4, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. KingSimba01
    Namine's voice is perfect :O
    Post by: KingSimba01, May 8, 2009 in forum: Community News & Projects
  18. KingSimba01
    *Throws confetti* Woohoo! Happy birthday KH2 ^___^
    Post by: KingSimba01, Mar 29, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. KingSimba01
    Is it next week yet? :P

    Hey, do you think it could be about a KH Anime? :S
    Post by: KingSimba01, Mar 29, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. KingSimba01
    It could totally be that. Seriously ;)
    Post by: KingSimba01, Mar 25, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates