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  1. Xehanort
    Oh, don't you worry, there's plenty of more where that came from. Also, we're making an Action/Drama Series on KH as well. Completely different from the original story. Well a little. I'll post about it now. There's a trailer for it already up. :D
    Post by: Xehanort, Oct 2, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  2. Xehanort
    Btw, I was the one who made this trailer. :D Also, I have 2 versions of the 1st episode on my comp, almost ready to be uploaded to Youtube. If all goes well, we'll get up as soon as we can.
    Post by: Xehanort, Oct 2, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  3. Xehanort
    Well, I actually wear glasses, but that's okay. I'm getting contacts this week anyway. ^_^ Lovin' this comic. Can't wait to see my self against Boris. :D
    Post by: Xehanort, Oct 2, 2006 in forum: Archives
  4. Xehanort
    O_O I just have to buy this NOW!!! If I have to beg and plead and sweat and bleed, I shall get this! Thank you Libre, thank you! ^_^
    Post by: Xehanort, Oct 2, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Xehanort
    If Nomura wants us to experience the Japanese VAs, he better give us an option for English or not. :D Besides, it is likely for the game to come over to America. We can give them more money. :D I mean, few ppl would import a Jap. PS2 and another version of the game. -_-
    Post by: Xehanort, Oct 2, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Xehanort
    What I mostly do now is look for glitches in the game, but lately I haven't found anything. :( Now, I'm doing fun things with ARMAX. :D That's about it.
    Post by: Xehanort, Oct 2, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Xehanort
    I only got two words for you...
    "Xemnas Don't!" -_-
    Seriously, does he actually think he's gonna get his way whining like that?
    Post by: Xehanort, Oct 2, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Xehanort
    Xehanort's World List Opinions

    Cool Worlds
    -Wonderland (It's a classic)
    -Agrabah (My fave Disney Movie)
    -Neverland (I love to fly and I really love the movie Peter Pan when I was a kid)
    -Hollow Bastion (Awesome, big, non-Disney world)
    -End of the World (It's ending world, which is usually always awesome)
    Neutral Worlds
    -Dive to the Heart (something about it)
    -Traverse Town (alot has happened there
    -Olympus Coliseum (alot of fighting, but no exploration)
    -Halloween Town (...)
    Worst Worlds
    -Destiny Islands (barely any action)
    -Monstro (confusing)
    -Atlantica (must I explain!) -_-
    Post by: Xehanort, Oct 2, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. Xehanort
    I didn't notice this til just yesterday. I suppose everyone here has seen War of the World by now, right? Well, if you remember correctly, all technology was cut off. Even our Cars and Watches, but obviously Steven Speilburg wasn't thinking clearly when he added some guy holding a working camcorder recording the whole invasion right b4 he was vaporised. I bet they didn't notice that til after it was released. Facts to prove my point on this is:
    -When Ray returns home, he opens the fridge and the light doesn't come on
    -Cars still didn't work
    If you'd like the topic to become a mistake thread for all movies then vote "yes" on the poll.
    Thread by: Xehanort, Oct 2, 2006, 9 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  10. Xehanort
    Just post that you are here (if you want). Well I have to leave. Bye guys. :D
    Thread by: Xehanort, Oct 1, 2006, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Xehanort
    Xehanort's World List Opinions

    Best Worlds
    Twilight Town (It's new and awesome!)
    Hollow Bastion (It's better and it's where I turned evil :D)
    Beast's Castle (It's a nice castle)
    Port Royal (it's PotC!)
    Agrabah (alot better than the last plus u get to fly!)
    Pride Lands (transformation!)
    The World That Never Was (Awesome, huge world! Can't step anywhere without facing an enemy)
    Neutral Worlds
    The Land of Dragons
    Timeless River (I like the feeling they give, but it's a little short)
    Halloween Town (I'm all about Christmas and all, but it's a bit repetitive
    Worst Worlds
    Olympus Colieseum (layout is the same everywhere... BORING!)
    Disney Castle (too short)
    Atlantica (no exploring and the musicals SUCK! :mad:)
    Space Paranoids (rather a mini-game if you ask me, but still has a little fun in it)
    Post by: Xehanort, Oct 1, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Xehanort
    Fine I agree with u and u totally aren't offending anyone and I'm sure everyone's okay with this. You're so cool at how you handle things so well cronoking.
    Post by: Xehanort, Oct 1, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Xehanort
    Guys, this flaming is getting really annoying. I may not be mod, but as a member I am getting real annoyed at you cuz you may be hurting ppl's feelings for real cuz it's very out-of-hand. Besides, couldn't you choose some other color, it's a little gay. Okay, so I flamed, but not as bad as them. :D
    Post by: Xehanort, Oct 1, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Xehanort
    The kick@$$ scene of Sora vs. Roxas. That one rox my sox. xD
    P.S. X's are taking over everything we know, even video games. X Everything...:eek:
    P.S.P.S. I hope the cutscene is optional for play in KH2: FM
    Post by: Xehanort, Oct 1, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Xehanort
    Mine is sort of dedicated to the Old days of KHV. Back then I was zSoraz which is a twist of who Xehanort is. That is how I got "Twisted Memory". Other reasons to say are a little sappy so, I wouldn't want to say. xD
    Post by: Xehanort, Oct 1, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  16. Xehanort
    D-O-N-A-L-D! I used him whenever I could since he was alot better at getting enemies out of the way. Sure Goofy was perfect for defense, but he'll usually just take a hit instead of doing an attack really, but of course we could all just configure everyone. lol. You can have Donald not waste all of his MP immediatly y'know or have Goofy attack alot. ;) Anyway, the point we're getting to is...
    Donald. :D
    Post by: Xehanort, Oct 1, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. Xehanort
    Looks like we're back to basics for faves. :rolleyes: Sorry, I was remenincing. :D My fave is:
    Post by: Xehanort, Oct 1, 2006 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. Xehanort
    Don't worry Cloudo, I checked b4 I made any posts, I'm sure I'll have no questions (maybe or maybe not), and thanx, I'm sure I won't spam. :rolleyes:
    Post by: Xehanort, Oct 1, 2006 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  19. Xehanort
    Ahh... my first welcome to someone else on the new (and improved) KHV. Well, all you need to do is follow the rules, post lots (but don't spam), and (as I've always said in the past) HAVE FUN!!! :D
    Post by: Xehanort, Oct 1, 2006 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  20. Xehanort
    Uhh thanx for the welcomes, but I think the proper way would be "welcome back", but "welcome" is ok. :p Plus Tallian, I know who you've been since I signed up. One more thing (not trying to be mod or something, just thought I'd give a little notice), nahkiyah, you might want to add 4 words. It's great to be back here. At first I wasn't going to bother, but I thought I might as well join and I'm glad I did. This is 100 times better than the original KHV! :D
    Post by: Xehanort, Oct 1, 2006 in forum: Introductions & Departures