Yeah, I'm good... uh, have I met you before?
Oh Man, this'll kill me Attractive: Personality. I won't say a good personality, because that's a matter of perspective, but... someone who can talk to me, have a sense of humour, and isn't a complete downer. Also, someone who has similar opinions, but I can still have a healthy debate with. The eyes. Suitibly proportioned (read: not fat for their height, but not horribly skinny) A great talker. Long Hair, maybe in a ponytail. OK, that last bit isn't necassarily important, but I have a thing for long hair. These are really just specifics, but there's not a lot I find unattractive, other than three things: High and mighty, distrusting, and make-up. It's a huge turn off for me personally. I'm not adverse to it being used, but as long as the person using it doesn't look like a complete tart (which unfortunatly most girls I know are like. Call it bad experience or whatever).
Also, I have to say that this doesn't do much for the President's. I mean, lets face it, he has a higher chance of being assasinated than a white President would (Although I'm loath to bring it up) , and from what I hear the Health Reform stuff over there is going pretty badly, so this type of crap can make people think it's right to do. The matter of interpretation, like Resin said, is a major factor, and it is the scary thing about it.
Wow, this is definetly gonna be something... just that rush with all their Eidolons... FANTASTIC!!
Yes, because this guy really know what he's talking about. Alright, I can see this guys reasons for disagreeing with Abortion, but if your gonna throw the blame back that far, just have everyone who voted for Obama shot. It's just as reasonable as praying to an idea to have someobne killed. If your gonna look at it that way, the blood is on the hands of the parents if anyone. Not that that's my personal view, but looking from this guys perspective. Pro-life my arse. You want someone dead. How the **** is that pro-life?
I'll go for Vanitas. I can easily play evil roles it seems. Check your e-mail inbox soon, mate.
If I'm reading it right (It's late over here and I'm quite tired), then I think I may have a solution. It might not be especially workable, but this is just from a student perspective. If it's possible, then could you not find a way to incorporate the work into an aspect of classwork, it may encourage people to get the work done when you set it, instead of having more to do in the lesson. Let me explain, say you set some manner of Essay, but split it into two parts. Set something like the Essay Planning as a homework, so that you can check it over in the lesson it's due, and they can use it to write said essay. Any who don't turn it in have to do it there and then, and if they don't produce an essay at the end, there's a big fat 0 for them. This would be the type of task to set over a week or something, but you get the basic idea. Of course, I have no idea of the situations, but something's better than nothing, eh? Glad to be of some manner of help mate.
Well, IMO, the key is to keep things varied. They won't react well to the same thing over and over, but make sure to get their opinions on how you teach as well, you need to get this kind of stuff straight from the horses mouth, so to speak. It never hurts to be subtle, but there's nothing wrong with just directly asking "So, how do you think I did?" to one or two of them. Also, a word to the wise: Associate and relate with them, but don't try to be one of them. Eh, it's kinda hard to explain... Engage in a little conversation, but don't stray too far into it. Teachers like that often aren't the most popular nor well-respected by the students in my experience. Homework... Hmm, now it'd be easy to say just give less homework, but I think it'd be better in the long run to "train" shall we say for deadlines. Make a couple of tight, short homeworks now and then due in the next day or day after that, but don't overdo it. Of course, I don't know how the system works, so this may not be applicable, but hopefully you can see my reasoning here. That's about all I can come up with. I hope it helps and wish you the best with this tutoring thing. You're a braver soul than I am, I tell ya.
Nah, keep it open if ya want. it'll keep people falling into the same trap.
Hate to ruin it for all of you, but this isn't real. This was a trick someone cooked up for Halloween. Check it: That pic with her and OK just looks a tad too fake IMO as well. Sorry to burst the bubble folks. Where did you find these, TwilightBlader?
Wow, that's one hell of a tale. Now, I can completely relate to what you're saying, as I'm similar with my Dad, albeit not quite as severe as you are with your Mum. He'll either underreact, overreact, or just yell... Anyway, now to you. Uh, I really don't know how to put this... Nothing has changed about you. It isn't a case of you've suddenly gotten this "GAD", but you know NOW you have it. Other than knowing what's wrong, what's changed? The important thing is know you now what exactly is going on, and knowing is half the battle, as we all know. All I can really say to help is have maybe an hour, hour and a half, and calm yourself down, relax, and maybe put on a good bit of music. Try and clear your head from the day before you end up getting worked up about anything else. This is only what I've tried, but if it works for me, then there's always a chance, eh? Now for the folks... I guess it's really just being careful about what you tell them. Obviously if your worried, or stressed or there's a problem, then of course go to them for help. Go to them for help. That's what they're there for. However, if you feel that telling your parents about a certain thing that comes up will cause you aggravation, I suggest you talk to someone else, like your friend Faith, or this Guidance Councillor, of course, if you feel the need to say to people. Parents are wonderful things, but there's no denying that they're difficult at times. ...Sorry, but I feel like that advice probably wasn't the best to give upon retrospect... urgh, well, it's here if you need it... Otherwise, I hope you'll keep well, and I wish you all trying to get this disorder thing sorted. Hopefully I managed to help somewhat.
When a guy has to quote the Bible to make his own views seem right, you know it's never good.... I've heard of this guy, isn't he that raging anti-homosexual dude? I've heard he is actually banned from the UK... Anyway, he's actually sinking to the point of attacking High-School students for putting on a production? For one thing, this guy sounds like a broken record stuck in the 50's. Homosexuality is just a part of modern life now, and this guy is just an attention seeking old git. BTW, Why is he coming to your school anyway? Was he asked to come in and speak or something?
Yup, turns out MP4's do work. Thanks for the help guys, this topic can be closed now.
Yo. I've been trying to convert some of my videos for PSP use, but, well, I have no idea what Video Filetype plays on PSPs... I here it's either MPEG-1 or MPEG-2, but That's just heresay. Could someone tell me what Video files PSPs can successfully read/play? Cheers
I really suck at this, don't I? *sigh*...
Well, I hate to sound blunt, but it isn't. this was intended, as we are eventually shown
2 things: 1). Off-topic. Can also be counted as Spam, so watch your step. 2). This has been done and done and Nomura maintains that KH2FM will not be localized to either the US nor Europe. Re:CoM should be over here by now... but either way, if it matters to you that much, get Swapmagic.
It depends what you really want. DW Roxas would get the effect you want, but if you want it with Sora or Roxas. With Sora, Valour Form WON'T work. The reverse Keyblade code will cause his left hand Key to go through his crotch and appear out of his backside, which I know isn't the effect you want. We might be able to do something with Master form if we can get the Left hand mod sorted... So it all depends. Sora or Roxas? If Roxas, I can put a code together that will let you do that. Sora... well, it's possible, but it could take a little while.
I'm with freezing the earth. I loved that movie.... In all seriousness, this is gonna suck majorly. OK, I'm British, but if Obama goes through with this, then Mr Brown's gonna get the same idea in his thick skull, or worse, if David Cameron comes to power... *shivers* Lucky I have only a couple years left. But adding more time to the school day will NEVER help. It will want kids to rebel for the time they (quite frankly) deserve.
Hehey!! He's here! Sorry if I'm late to the party, but it's good to here from ya again... even if it through David's channel. Stay sharp dude.