Wow. In Britain, our Nintendo Magazine (ONM: Official Nintendo Magazine) only rated Days at around 69%, not winning any similar reader awards. It was critisized for the "Horribly tween storyline" and overall uneven progression in the story. Still rated as a beautiful looking game, and the gameplay itself was sound, but they felt the toryline ruined the experience, hence the score. About half of that is going of off memory, so if anyone's got the right copy on hand, I'm open to corrections. Shows the difference in opinion, eh?
This is a damn shame, for sure. I haven't watched the video, and to be honest, I'm not sure I want to. Just before the opening ceremony too... It's certainly cast a pall over the Winter Olympics. My thoughts to the Georgian team and his family.
Phil's a busy goat. He can't remember EVERY wannabe hero who comes to train and participate in the Colosseum over the span of 10-12 years.
Word to the wise: Never use GameFAQs boards as a accurate representation of a games fanbase. Seriously, we go through fads there faster than toilet paper. In the end, the guys over there are merely having a laugh, and none of those topics would have been serious discussion. Are you honestly trying to suggest that KH as a series sucks (in your own opinion) because of what we guys over at GameFAQs joke about on the games forum? Are you clinically sane? We aren't the whole fanbase over there, you know.
1). Is it really this hard to say "Human"? 2). It's really more of a passing resemblance than anything. And if Luxord has a resemblance to Ansem then Luxord's human self (Let's call him... Dulor.) would look like him even less. Of course, this can work in reverse too, but their personlities as well are so much different. Luxord, Demyx, Marluxia and Larxene haven't had any connections to thier pasts brought up, so why would BbS create these for their benefit? Xehanort-Ienzo were established to be Ansem's apprentices, and there was a huge antagonism between Saix and Axel shown in KH2, as well as Saix being Xemnas' second in command. This was fleshed out in Days, and the apprentices we know existed around this time, so it makes sense for this to occur in BbS. The others weren't hugely important characters anyway, save Marluxia.
After extensively playing on both systems, in the long term, I'd recommend the PS3. Both can do very similar things, and overall, there isn't a lot of difference between what each system can do in the basics. Specifically however, the PS3 excels. The ability to play Blu-Ray discs and therefore have a lager disc capacity is much handier, the internal hard drive tends to have more memory, although this is dependant upon the model you buy. The PS3 also has a higher graphical quality with a HDMI lead. Also, importantly, the online on PS3 is completely free. Xbox Live requires a paid subscription for online gaming capabilities. The PSN has a great quality, and while Xbox Live has a higher quality, it's not so much that it's worth paying for, in my opinion. The interface on both is fairly easy to navigate, and the functions are relatively easy to comprehend. However, like the previous poster said, it's really down to the exclusives. For RPG's, well they both get their good share, but the PS3 will get FFvsXIII and FFXIV exclusive, and the 360 gets Fable 2 (which is a ****ing awesome game). There are a lot that get on both, such as Oblivion, but it's personal preferances. I'd check the lists if I were you.
Wait wait wait... Are you telling me that a portion of the American Security System is based on nothing other than a person's name?!? The single easiest piece of information to change about yourself? I mean, did it not occur to someone in charge that more than one person may have the same name? At least include a date of birth for chist's sake!! What get's me here that the Airport staff honestly believed that a two year old would be included on the no-fly list, when his passport would show that he has never flown before. Ok, I understand that not complying with this would be a prosecutable offense, but didn't someone think to send a message up the line?
The Guardian seems to be a form of MX's Keyblade, because, if you notice, Terranort doesn't use his Keyblade at the same the Guardian is stood with him. MX has domenstrated some control over some Neo-Shadows, so it could be some form of Heartless, although I'm doubting it more and more.
Darkness and Light doesn't matter, the Keyblade just looks for strong Hearts. Darkness usually eats away at a person's heart, weakening it, hence why Riku lost it to Sora, but Master Xehanort has no problem using a Keyblade, so he has some manner of mastery over the darkness, which explains how he retained the shape of Terra's body as a Heartless. Why Xemnas couldn't use a Keyblade however is slightly contradictory. We believe that because his Heart wasn't in the same realm, it couldn't be used as a medium for which Xemnas could use, unlike Roxas, who could use the keyblade because Sora could, AND because Sora's heart was still in the realm of light. From what we can gather, Ven is some manner of copy of Sora that Master Xehanort created because he could not wait for Sora to inherit the Keyblade himself. Ven embodies the light, while Vanitas is the darkness, and possibly an Unversed. This is all from rough translations and guesses from what we've seen, so don't quote me on this. I could be completely wrong in saying this.
Thanks mate, 'ppreciate it!
God, this is worse than American Conservatives. And Styx is right. The amount of freedom rights this violates is ridiculous. I find it strange that I hear this first here. Must've missed it on the news, as this sounds like something that the BBC would have a field day milking for public input.
It's safe to say that the Darkness changes people, in this case quite literally. Riku's allegiance has never been with the darkness however, he merely used it, and it was hi greatest fear. He wasn't truly one with the darkness, as evidenced by his Dark Suit transformation.
I'm kinda mixed here... I do suspect that he is doing Terra, but... picking Crispin for that role is kind of meh. This type of role is his speciality, and He is one of my all-time favourite VA's, but the response will generally be a "Oh....". Not a disappointed one, but it's just his class. I am glad he's a part of BbS though.
We are not debating about religion here. We are debating about taking the word of "god" over your family. As far as that goes, yes I'm totally serious. Again, I'm talking about god here, not religion. As far as Religion goes, well, proving religion wrong isn't worth trying, but disproving the beliefs can be done, at least until they pull out the Transcendency "Get-out-of-jail free" card so they can have the last word. Yeah; the dust, being pretty much carbon, becomes most anything you can think of. Food, Plants, Wood, Furniture, Greenhouse Gases, Monuments, Diamonds... I could go on. You could consider it Reincarntion I suppose. Spiritually, I have no idea, and I don't particularly care, but there's nothing proving it other than peoples beliefs. Maybe you're seeing something that I'm not, but that's the way I see it. You have my respect for believing in some higher power, but with the amount that tale has been spun and warped by so many people now thst I can find little truth with it. Hence, the family comes first. i'm not going to have my morals dictated to me, thanks.
The idea of a god has never made sense to me, other than a half-arsed reason to explain what people couldn't explain, and as a form of political suggestion and control over the masses. I respect the idea of believing in some form of supernatural being, but at the end of the day, I can see it as nothing more than a fallacy; there's too much evidence against it. As far as Christianity is concerned, it's a fallacy based from a fictional character, and even then the fiction betrays itself. I'll take the word of my family over that any day. By the way, I mean no offence to any Christians or otherwise religious people here, but you have your beliefs and I have mine.
Thank you, I can only hope I do as well here as I did with Xemnas.
Also, is it just me, or is that Ansem the Wise at the beginning?
I was gonna send you a heads up about this, but you beat me to the punch. I find it interesting that: 1). Ven has Dive into the Heart, yet Terra and Aqua have none. Maybe Ven earns his Keyblade after the others? 2). Ven appears to be holding both the His Keyblade AND the Soul Eater (Riku's Weapon when falling through the floor at the beginning. check out the centre of the screen at about 0.01-0.02.
I've gotta say, I feel sorry for the actor. The amount of obsessed fans he's got is enough to drive anyone out of the movie business. I can't even see why. From what I've seen, he's not that great an actor. I just watched a good portion of New Moon (Second half, basically), and I think I saw ONE actor exhibit some kind of emotion and he was a bloody side character! My opinions aside, this kind of attention cannot be healthy for him, or the drastic fans like this.
nah, it's alright. I'm outta here for today anyway.