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  1. TheVader74
    It's not that simple. It's not about what people think and say. It's about the fact that it is illegal and an arrestable offense in several states. That casts the stigma over the whole subject immediatly, without touching on personal bias.

    Also, Free Country argument = Get out of Jail free card.
    Post by: TheVader74, Apr 26, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. TheVader74
    Burton, please. You have already butchered one of my all time favourite movies, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and completey raped my perception of Johnny Depp as an actor. Taking Maleficent, the self-proclaimed Mistress of all Evil, and attempting to "Wicked-ize" her side of the story in a film just isn't going to work. Casting Angelina Jolie for this doesn't even begin to redeem the very premise of this movie!

    The whole friggen point of Maleficent was that she a horrible, scary old hag that genuinely made you think "This witch is going to fry my arse off". If Burton takes the route I think he's going to, with making her a somewhat identifiable character through some unneccessary back-story (the same way he sucked all the charisma out of Willy Wonka, aside from casting him as Johnny Depp), I can tell you right now that will turn out just as bad as we all imagine it will.
    Post by: TheVader74, Apr 26, 2010 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  3. TheVader74
    I agree. Between that translation and the KJV, I can see only a bare correlation between the terms. "Mankind" in biblical referance is usually an umbrella term for the whole human race, not just men. You would be suprised just how many times quotes like that are taken out of context, my main example being the destruction of Sodom. I haven't read the whole Bible myself, so I admit, there's probably something I've missed, but nothing stil suggests this to me .

    Huh, go figure. I can't say I'm an expert in the field of US Law, so forgive my ignorance of the Amendments. I've gotta give more credit to past politicians. Either way, if Modern Politicians aren't realising this, then my point still stands.
    Post by: TheVader74, Apr 25, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  4. TheVader74
    Ethically, there is absolutley nothing wrong with it. Sure, it's not natural, but Human Beings have made their living out of "defying" natural process, so why do people have this problem? Moreover, why is it illegal over there? We have no problem with this kind of crap over here in Britain.

    I don't know why I ask, because I know that laws (and quite a few morals in general) in the US and Europe take foundation from Religion, in particular Christianity, and the general religious opinion is that homosexuality is wrong. (Which in itself is mostly unfounded as nowhere in the Bible does it state anything that remotely resembles "God says homosexuality is wrong")

    To be fair, when these laws were established, it was a whole different era, being significantly more "god-fearing" than modern society, so would base more and more law upon what the Bible preaches... having said that this is 2010. What was applicable 100-200 years ago doesn't make sense in todays world. I didn't have to practice Longbow at the age of 14, and I'm fairly sure that Texans don't bring their Rifles to Church for protection against invading Indians.

    Times change, and it's high time that the law in the US realized that.
    Post by: TheVader74, Apr 25, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  5. TheVader74
    Is it bad that a found that irony really really funny?

    I admit I'm not fond of the Military but I will concede the fact that human species, paranoid as we are, need some form of defensive measure to help us sleep soundly at night. That said, unless the US has an extremely pressing need for 7 Million people to slim up and sign up, I'm not really seeing what the huge issue is.

    If people wanna join up, then the weight issue is their's, and they need to take a different mentality towards their health. What I'm against is the higher-ups making the decisions for them. Like CTR said, it sounds too similar to rearing cattle for my taste. Taking action by making people realise earlier on the benefits of a healthier lifestyle (The one instance where I will support mindless propaganda, as long as niether the Govt. or Military are involved) is the only way that this really works, or sending people on a guilt trip when they actually have gotten overweight (Even then, it's not guaranteed).

    At the end of the day, I could claim that anything is a "National Security Threat" because of what might end up happening because of it. *coughcoughIraqWarcoughcough* If you wanna join the Army, then isn't it really common sense that you should be in some positive kind of physical condition? Just sayin', but something about this whole claim seems... off. I can't really put my finger on it.
    Post by: TheVader74, Apr 21, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  6. TheVader74
    Ok, I'm an only child, so I can't call myself an expert here, but does she actually know how much she's pissing you off? Hell, does she even realise the mood swings? I honestly don't think that the strategy of simply conforming to her whim really works if so far she has not reciprocated. I understand that everyone needs their space and has the right to their own... eccentricities, but you don't appear to be really profiting in this way, at the expense of an "easier" co-existance stepping on egg-shells.

    I'd suggest talking with her, explaining just what it is she's doing, and ask her to back off a tad. Try not to let it escalate into an argument, as she sounds like she's likely to do. If it turns out she agrees there's something wrong, then it's easier to proceed. If you can even just convince her to give you some leeway and a little space (i.e: the Music thingy), then even a baby step is a step.

    I wish I could help more, but my only experience with siblings is through my mates. I do hope you can at least make things more bearable with her. ;)
    Post by: TheVader74, Apr 14, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  7. TheVader74
    I respect that, but let's be honest, how does your social etiquette differ from talking on here than you would to someone's face? Either way, through texting or Facebook or whatever, you are talking to another human being. It's only really the method that differs, and is that really so much as someone needs a reminder on how to act just by using a text-based medium? This isn't really a case of a diferent lesson needing to be learnt as it is re-teaching someone what they already know and common sense SHOULD dictate to them. That said, the changes in technology communication wise have been rapidly changing, so I can see why some would think that way.
    Post by: TheVader74, Apr 7, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  8. TheVader74
    My sentiments exactly, save that I don't live in America. With the size and influence, you'd think that America would be setting standards rather than letting an establishment drop it through the floor.
    Post by: TheVader74, Apr 6, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  9. TheVader74
    From the secret ending, it's relatively easy to see that both Terra and Xehanort's hearts have become a single entity within Terra's body. Terra was rebelling within, that is why Terranort stabs himself, either as Terra trying to keep Xehanort at bay within him, or Xehanort trying to lock Terra away in his Heart.

    Terra's Armour, the Lingering Sentiment, is just that, Terra's sentiments of rage and hatred toward Xehanort. If anything, his soul was imprinted upon the armour, causing it to rise up and attack at the presense of Xehanort, same as it did with Sora (Although that time it was mistaken). The Armour is something of an automaton rather than the resting place of Terra's heart.
    Post by: TheVader74, Apr 6, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. TheVader74
    It's called a placeholder date, people. Chill. GS just didn't get the memo. They know it's being released this year, so by putting it at the end of the year, they can only bump up the date to what it will be when released. It means we aren't disappointed when they give us the wrong date later down the line.
    Post by: TheVader74, Apr 6, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. TheVader74
    What's with the massive generalisation? Never would of thought to hear that from you. Besides, some men are just as bad as the worst women, if not worse. Like CTR said, can you substantiate that?

    Yes, the girl was an idiot in this case. She probably just sent him that message to wind him up and piss him off, she couldn't have known that he would get on his bike and beat the living **** out of her. Of course, this doesn't justify her actions at all.

    Then again, you can see the boy's side of the argument. I agreed that he just snapped, and that text gave him (what he sees) as a justification for defending his brother, and somewhat subconciously as an outlet for his pent-up emotions. Again, I'm not justifying his actions, just trying to understand them.

    Should the kid be incarcerated? Only if the girl ends up dying. Otherwise I feel he should be examined mentally and placed under a form of house arest or something until he's stable again.

    Is the girl to blame? Partially, yes, but it takes two to tango. The lad shouldn't have reacted so rashly.

    I do wish for the girls good recovery, but at the same time, when she wakes up, someone needs to give her a slap and tell her how to behave. My sentiments also to the lads family, going through all this and a suicide in the family.
    Post by: TheVader74, Apr 1, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  12. TheVader74
    He was a performer. He made good music and entertainment. Anything else is none of my business.
    Post by: TheVader74, Apr 1, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. TheVader74
    7/10 May read again. Could be better.
    Post by: TheVader74, Apr 1, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. TheVader74
    "Mildly suggestive themes" would probably cover when Hades checks out Aqua's "assets" in a brief glance. Shirtless Ven as well, possibly, although I do doubt that one.
    Post by: TheVader74, Mar 17, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. TheVader74
    I will never understand the homophobia of the USA. The older generation over there seems to treat homosexuality like a ****ing disease. "Cancel the Prom! She'll infect the others!" I'm stunned that the school has made THIS much of a fuss over it. We had a girl turn up to last year's prom at our school in a tux, and no one gave a monkey's left bollock about it. There is absolutely no excuse for social exclusion of this caliber.

    Sorry if it seems like I'm swearing in this post too much, but this type of thing pisses me off something fierce. There is no excuse for this is today's world, where we hear preaching of intolerance that no one seems to be acting on.
    Post by: TheVader74, Mar 15, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  16. TheVader74
    OK, Staunch Athiest Alert, so if I offend, I honestly don't mean it. I tend to get too far into Religious debate.

    Like Styx said, it's creationism that really cannot work with science, and since that is one of the initial teachings of the Bible in Genesis, it's one of the things that many Christians grow up believing. Hence the sizeable conflict.

    Personally, I believe that we're here by complete chance. Big Bang or not, something happened to nothing to make everything, and if things had gone wrong, well, we wouldn't know, would we? Everything that can happen, has happened, and at each of those choices, branches into another "Timeline" or sequence of events. There's a name for this... I think it's String Theory? Anyway, I Digress.

    I agree that the Bible is intended as Symbolism more than anything, as anyone who can take the entire Bible as literal fact is, again no offence, a fool. I don't deny that there may have been a bloke around called Jesus in Year 30AD who preached goodness and all that jazz, but some of it is amoral, and in a modern world, even offensive to some (particularly with attitudes to women, etc.)

    There's nothing wrong with a collaboration between religious and scientific ideas. A large percentage of American Scientists believe in the existence of some form of Deity (around 73%, I believe) However, the Christian faith is separated into so many different cliques, all with various interpretations and beliefs. AT the end of the day, you can't change people's beliefs, but only prove to them fact. Neither Science nor Religion can do either when it comes to God, aside from the evolution argument, so there's always going to be some manner of divide.
    Post by: TheVader74, Mar 2, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  17. TheVader74
    Hehe, man did I have fun voicing this one. One of my favourite scenes, in fact. Nice work Mike and Kissy.
    Post by: TheVader74, Mar 2, 2010 in forum: Community News & Projects
  18. TheVader74
    Yeah, that was kinda my fault. I couldn't do an anguished scream well enough, and I felt that my attempts simply weren't good enough for the end profuct.. I still need a bit more practice as it turns out, but hey, there's only room for improvement.
    Post by: TheVader74, Feb 24, 2010 in forum: Community News & Projects
  19. TheVader74
    Wow, Family Guy mocking someone. THAT'S not happened before has it?

    This is the clear example of people taking things at face value. Personally, I can't quite see how she managed to take offense to this, but hey, that's just me. If she was intent on running for Vice-presidency, you would of thought that stuff like this wouldn't bother her. After all, like I said, Family Guy has been doing this kind of stuff for years now. Hell, some of the stuff they have done on religion is worse than this.

    I agree that Palin is turning into a political Britney. Hell, I've heard of her "exploits" over here in Britain, and I'm just as sick of her. If she didn't expect to be poked fun at occasionally, then she should have done a better job as a politician, plain and simple.
    Post by: TheVader74, Feb 20, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  20. TheVader74
    Well, this certainly makes us question the term "victimless crime". I'm gonna agree with the constitutional argument point though, this kind of stuff is just... I can see why there's an outrage from the manga fans, but, at the same time I can see why the guy was arrested. Let's be honest, a collection that size (If it contains what it is claimed to contain) is enough to arouse suspiscion at least. Full blown arrest though?

    However, I must make the point that if it is legal for them to be mass printed and also shipped internationally, then surely it is legal for them to be read. This is probably hugely misguided, and I'm fairly confident that someone will prove me wrong, but that's the way I see it.
    Post by: TheVader74, Feb 17, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner