Something about the way MX and Eraqus are drawn seems off to me, and it's really weird that this is on here before E3, so I'm not entirely sure what to think.
Apologies, but I've never heard of James Dio. I hadn't heard of Paul Grey until I found out he had died. Celebrity culture doesn't usually interest me unless I actually like their work/care about them in general, hence why I commented here, instead of in Grey's topic.
Damn, is it going to be another depressing summer of deaths? First the Slipknot dude and now Gary Coleman? At least these are two within a week or so, rather than 5 odd in a row...Still, it's hardly consolation, is it? RIP Gary, you will be greatly missed.
You mentioned nothing about design in your previous post. You claimed that the complexity of the universe was evident of the presense of a "higher being". The simple truth is that it is not. I'm not denying the point you're making, but you just put words in my mouth. Um, that article is probably the least convincing I've ever read, and I've read "The Blind Watchmaker". Is there any link to exactly what this guy used to "prove" god? Sorry, but: ...doesn't cut it with me. All I'm seeing here is a guy saying "Science proves god!", and a load of biased sources agreeing with him. Again, sorry, but I'm far too cynical to swallow something like that.
Small Posssibility to Recover =/= A miracle. Like Cyanide said, Complexity =/= Design. Example: Tangled wires. No proof of that. There's the possibility that some other form of life, shoudl it exist otu there has the ability to "reason". There is no proof of god's existence. If there were it'd be the single greatest discovery in the history of man, and I'd have heard of it at LEAST. "sort of" is the key part there.
I think everyone's had trouble with dreams at some point. I've been attacked/chased by an electricity spewing pinball machine, and then subsequently eaten by it. That one was scary as all hell, considering I didn't wake up until like 5 minutes after I'd been eaten. Anyway, I feel that dreams are a representation of situations that your mind goes through, even if it's a situation you really don't want to happen. Deepest fears, as well as deepest desires manifest themselves through dreams, at least in my experience. The essential thing to keep in mind is that you KNOW you don't want to kill anyone. You're probably right, it as just "a stupid dream", that's how most of mine turn out. I know this probably won't seem like much consolation, but if you're right about your next dream... well, being insane is in some cases really quite fun, and the benefit of a dream is that it doesn't really happen. The beauty of it is that no matter what, it's all in your head, so I wouldn't take it too seriously. If it becomes a recurring dream, like for a week or two in a row, then yes, I'd consider worrying at that point.
However, this life is not human. It's not anything we've ever seen before. As to whether it "obey's" us or not, you're taking the assumption that this new form of life is in any way sentient, something which I have not seen any evidence of. I may sound cold in saying this, but there's no "if" in the matter. We can simply genetically engineer it towards doing what we wish for it to do as part of it's natural processes. People created this life form, people are the sole reason it exists. If it was not our ability to create this that... well, created it, how does it exist? Maybe, but we won't become ready by not advancing with this. Then if they wish to remain a they are, they are fully entitled to, and have my deepest respect. I'm not suggesting that we force this kind of stuff onto people. People can refuse treatment nowadays, so it's hardly forced therapy. I'll admit, I probably picked a bad example in this case, in the forms of missing limbs. I quite agree. I was merely stating a possibility. All I was doing was stating possibilities. However, in the case of terminal illnesses, I stand by my point.
Chicken Little and Stich say hi, mate.
That's not actually too bad an idea... however, there is evidence to the contrary. when Xehanort is talking about "seeds", I believe he's refering to Braig. He was the one who planted Master Xehanort's ideas and plans into the new Xehanort, so the events of the Apprentices expermentations continue. There's nothing to really suggest that. I mean, an amount of time passed between KH2's ending and when they recieve the letter, but there's nothing to say that it was a year gap. Just however long Coded was going on for.
The analogy goes far deeper. Like a machine, life doesn't function unless all the pieces fit exactly. DNA is, ironically, exactly like welding pieces of metal together. The different properties contribute to the whole and end result. I'd just like to point out that we have the exact same situation with computers. If these things ever become self-aware, we're all screwed. Things have the potential to go wrong, but that's what makes human learn and progress. We've been altering and playing with DNA for YEARS now, hence why we no longer need Pig Insulin for the diabetic, the method of placing said DNA into bacteria has been done for just as long if not longer. What, not even giving amputees new organic limbs? Giving sight to the blind? Being able to pretty much solve any organ failure problems, or any of the implications for modern medicine? No offense, but you're looking at this awfully pessimistically. Not that you don't have a valid point, I'm just saying. Personally, I find this a rather exciting discovery. Sure, there are many moral and ethical implications, but like I mentioned, this has the possibility to create the worlds very best Antibodies, and by extension, wipe out illness/disease. Yes, I'm probably looking too far into the future, but it is a very real possibilty. This is not an easy issue socially, ethically or politically, so to say the least, I'll be curious about how this pans out. In the article, not only do we get second confirmation of the release date (7th of September, if you hadn't heard), but a few of the big name voices to appear in BbS: Mark Hamill, Willa Holland, Jesse McCartney (We knew this one), Leonard Nimoy and James Woods. This doesn't leave a lot of guesswork to us, but still, we have got some major Voice Actors in here. I suspect Hamill will be playing Eraqus, as the trailer we've seen pretty much confirms Nimoy's role (Finally! Spock vs Skywalker!) Only one left is Willa Holland, whom I suspect will be Aqua. I've never heard her work personally, but I have high hopes. Not the best news after we learn of the 7th September date, but hey, it's something.
Or they could simply have provided the trailer ready so that when such was shown at E3, GS could post it. Someone could have just got a little overzealous, I imagine. There's enough in the trailer to show it's legitimacy. It's the first example of English gameplay we have had for this game, and that is fact. The voice sounds fair enough, and the only inconsistency is Aqua's back, which is later shown in the gameplay portion to be covered. Saying that this video has "fake" written all over it is a somewhat bold move, all things considered. This is either VERY elaboratly faked, or an actual teaser trailer.
Unless he also changed the "Magic Wish" logo to "Spell Weaver", I doubt it was a language patch. I'm confident that everything that makes up this trailer is legit, at least footage wise. I'm hoping that voice is real too, cause it's sounding like Leonard Nimoy after a few listens. (****ing awesome as Galvatron)
If you'll notice, the bare back is only in that cutscene portion. The section showing gameplay has the covered back, so at least the gameplay we can be sure is real. The entire trailer though, can be questioned. Personally, I think the voice is great, and if Frank Oz is in fact voicing MX, then I'll be more than happy. That's not to say that I think Christopher Lloyd or Mark Hamill wouldn't have done a better job, but I'd say wait until E3 before making a judgement
Trandcendance. The single biggest cop-out explanation in the history of man. "He's too great to understand/comprehend". Yeah, sorry. I'm not buying that. There's that and the logical impossibility of being Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnibenevolent. I'm also not a fan of "There's no proof he doesn't exist" argument. There's no proof that I'm secretly a 20-tentacled alien typing this message to you from a quazar 20,000 light-years from Neptune, but do you honestly believe that I am? That said, I'm not going to go and take a **** on someone's beliefs, it's their right to believe what they want (Something that many Christians don't seem to understand in my experience), even if I personally cannot understand it. As to how we got here, I believe it was complete random chance. Sure, it's an indescribably small chance, but if we are in that chance, whose to say that it couldn't have happened? There's a theory that states "Everything that can happen, has happened" however, just not along the same timeline that we exist upon. See how I can't really justify me crapping all over Christianity when my theory about it sounds just as far-fetched?
I just got back from watching it, and in my opinion, it adds to the collection of great superhero movies out there. Don Cheadle is good as Rhody, but I will admit I preferred the other guy more. War Machine, while undeniably awesome, annoys me as he invokes what I like to call "The rule of reload." You'll notice that his guns never require reloading. Ever. Even Iron Man needs to charge up his... Force Palm thingies. Blarg. Overall, I enjoyed the film immensely, althoygh two things in particular annoyed me: **************SPOILERS********************** 1). TONY FRIGGEN' STARK USED CAPTAIN AMERICA'S SHIELD TO BALANCE HIS MACHINE. HOW THE **** DID HE GET HOLD OF THAT?! 2). Final battle was too short. Whiplash just sliced at them a few times, then gets foiled by the power of Friendship Hax. Come on man! ************END SPOILERS********************* Otherwise, fine film. Loved it. EDIT: Also, looks like the next film will be Thor. Go figure.
They at least did in KH2, remember the EXTREEEEEEME Close up of Auron's Mouth ("This is my story, and you're not part of it")? They sync'd KH1 and 2 to English dialogue, and as far as the detailed models go, I suspect they will for BbS. They did for Crisis Core, they did for Dissidia, so it's not like it's foreign territory on the PSP
What Blood, exactly? All I saw was Darkness burning off of the wound before Braig covered it up. And anyway, it seems unlikely that this will recieve such heavy censoring. All I know it that the rating has been upped a little bit (Whatever's above E10, I think, don't quote me) because of a number of reasons, one being the jiggle physics on Aqua's breasts (Not even kidding), and the increased amount of cutscene based fantasy violence. Otherwise, I think it'lkl remain pretty much the same.
What is it with people and flags? Why do people get so wound up over strips of cloth that supposedly represent all the great things about ones country? If I wear a shirt with the Union Jack on it, I'm not "making a statement about my own patriotic inclinations", I'm wearing a freaking shirt. Unless there's an emblem on my shirt saying something outright racist/offensive or saying "Hey, Stan McNormalguy, shove a melon up your arse", then what the hell are these people being offended by? People this day and age need to lighten the **** up.
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