Your Heartless has to be destroyed as well, otherwise you don't come back, and consider that there a thousands upon millions of Heartless, good luck finding the right one. For Xemnas, it was different because he had a distinctive Heartless, but he didn't want a heart. He wanted power, and lots of it. He wanted to become a God. What would he gain from being Human again? Humans are usually weaker than their Nobody counterparts anyway. Who says that they were powerful enough to have sentient Heartless? Ansem SOD and Sora were the only two Heartless to have retained their sense of self, as said by Axel in Re:CoM. Like I said, they could just as easily have been little Neoshadows or Darkballs. Didn't Ansem say in his reports that the Apprentices became heartless to follow Xehanort?
Well, that's a difference in opinion I'm not likely to change, seeing as both create the same results. Ah right. Sorry, I've had an argument before where a guy was convinced that the Realm of Darkness and the power of Darkness were in fact one in the same. I think it's easier to maintain a resistance against the Darkness in the RoD though, at least for a strong heart. Riku, Mickey, Aqua and Ansem can survive there with little trouble. Hmm, I think that could be plausible, as they only had to replicate the procedure on a heart alone, no person was needed other than to have the thing extracted. However, even when Hearts are released in the Realm of light, you can see them go their natural course (Especially in KH2, when they are going into the Organizations' Kingdom Hearts which effectively stopped the flow of hearts to where they should go), so they would have to be forcible contained. That's the process for a NOBODY to be created, and even then, a Heartless HAS to be created for a Nobody to come into being. Just having your heart removed isn't enough. Otherwise Kairi's body in KH1 would have become a Nobody, rather than just a comatose shell, and there would be a Nobody of Master Xehanort running around. Heartless are created by a Heart being taken completely by Darkness, and Nobody's are created when a Person's heart becomes a Heartless, and their Body and Soul remain on and begin moving of it's own volition.
Newsflash: EVERYONE who has worn a Black Coat wears those boots except Roxas. That comparison proves nothing.
Fair enough. Ansem does have a rather poetic way with words. When I say a person "Gives into darkness", it is really the exact same as the heart being cast into darkness. Their heart becomes completely enveloped in their darkness, their heart is cast into said darkness. That darkness is essentially what a Heartless is, if I recall correctly. Thanks for that quote on when Sora became a Heartless, I'd forgotten that one. Eeeeh, the Realm of Darkness itself isn't exactly the same thing. Heartless originally are from the Realm of Darkness, but the "Darkness" that Sora describes is more of the actual force, energy, pwer, whatever you want to call it. The Realm of Darkness is an actual location, like the Realm of Light, but Darkness itself is just a force/energy/power. It's kind of hard to describe... That's a good question... the might have used a synthetic heart, or they may have induced a regular heart to transform through the use of Darkness, rather than forcing the hearts own inner darkness to overcome the heart. I honestly don't know. I for one, would love to hear it But, to summarize the original point I was trying to make: The original Six Apprentices heartless were almost certainly Purebloods. The creation of Emblem Heartless does not create Nobodies, as Heartless usually kill people to get their hearts, and the machine doesn't actually use a Body or Soul in the equation of creating them. Does that make things a little less convoluted in here?
The 1st person had his heart stolen by a Heartless, he didn't give in to the darkness, which is why an Emblem Heartless was formed (Heartless steal Hearts to create more Heartless). He arguably was killed by the process because Heartless are instinct-based creatures, and tthere is usually something very fleshy around a a person's heart that gets in the way. Sora however, was definetly NOT killed. Going off of the Secret Ansem Reports, Humans are composed of 3 things: Heart, Body and Soul. The Soul here is the life-force that keeps the body alive. Logically, if someone were killed, their Soul, what keeps their Body alive, would be destroyed, correct? Well, a Nobody is composed of someone's Body and Soul, as the Soul allows the otherwise lifeless husk to move around. There wouldn't be a Soul to animate the Nobody if the Soul were destroyed by the owner being killed, You see? This means that everyone who became a Nobody was not, in fact, dead. Everyone has Darkness inside them, true, but by being overcome by that Darkness and being able to harness it's power are two very different things. Being overcome means that you cannot control your inner darkness to the extent it erodes away at your heart until it becomes a Heartless. Riku, Ansem the Wise and Maleficent were all able to control the darkness to varying degrees. When Maleficent's heart was unlocked, it pretty much pulled out ALL of her Dark power in a single burst, which she herself struggled to control. That was what the Keyblade of Hearts did; It unlocked the restraints on a persons heart, meaning that more often than not, their heart succumbed to its inner darkness and becomes a Heartless. Kairi's heart when it was released would have become a Heartless too, but she physically cannot become a Heartless because there is no Darkness in her heart. Ansem's had almost total control over his darkness, something of a latent ability from his time and experience as Master Xehanort, I'd imagine. He was different in that he allowed the darkness to take his heart in similar vein to submitting to it, so he would cast off his body. I never said it truly replicates Purebloods. I said it replicates the process by which Purebloods are generated, but due to the artificial nature of the process, the Heartless were different, and thus branded as such by Xehanort to differentiate them from the natural specimens of Heartless he already had. For example, say you had a transplant of a mechanical 'organ' that replicates the function of your lung. Would that transplant then be considered a genuine, bonafide Lung? Same principle, really. The only time I know that arcs were bouncing around off of those walls ws when the MCP was trying to attack Hollow Bastion, and even then I think that was restricted to a cutscene, not as an ambient effect in the lab. I know that definetly happened though. Here, from Secret Ansem Report 3: It appears my other five apprentices, believing it was for the sake of research, stared deep into the darkness and were pulled into it. Ansem the Wise theorized that Xehanort had turned Heartless to attempt the reach the Heart of the worlds. He even describes its power as monstrous, so yeah, your right there. The other apprentices did the same to try and follow him, however they did not retain their sentience like Xehanort did. They are academics, and saw that Heartless were drawn toward the Worlds hearts. To survive that power, they would need to become Heartless themselves, logically. True, having only two definitive examples isn't exactly conclusive. However, combine that with this with the part on the Soul I brought up earlier, it's hard to say otherwise. Ansem the wise also tells us Purebloods are generated from "living hearts" instead of the entirely synthsized process of the Emblems. Yeah, I had to check myself. I was sure the Emblem wasn't on his chest, but I couldn't find it anywhere on the World of Chaos except the questionable seal. Don't worry about it, I totally agree. I realise I'm probably coming off as... well dickish, but I enjoy an argument as much as you do. I'm just trying to get the facts straight.
They all managed to control the darkness. They weren't overtaken by it, it didn't consume their hearts. But the game hasn't told you this. At all. If it had, I would be agreeing with you. Here, I'll show you when it's pointed out. The only Emblem that appears on World of Chaos is the floating seal over Ansem when he was dormant, and that dissappeared entirely. Emblems are brands that signify Heartless create by Xehanort, so why would it disappear? It's simply for symbolic effect, considering the Emblem isn't actually on the body of either World of Chaos or Ansem.
The only thing Xehanort needed was a Heart of Darkness, and he created one through Ven. Braig was also just to distract Terra so he could manipulate him, and as a new sacrificial lamb is Terra didn't work out. The only thing that was necessary was Vanitas for his plan to work. True, I can see reasoning, but what could they offer Xehanort? Xehanort can summon whatever minions he needs (Heartless & Unversed via Vanitas) and none of them are Keyblade wielders. He has his new body, he just needs a X-Blade, and none of them can offer him one. Braig is different because he's just as manipulating as MX and is 'one of the roads he can take', whatever that may mean. Almost. Emblem Heartless can be manufactured, but when they steal a person's heart, the heart becomes another Emblem Heartless. That's why they are far more numerous. People don't become Heartless when they die. When people's heaarts become overtaken by darkness, they become a Pureblood Heartless. When people die, they die. This is entirely wrong. We've had explanations for this stuff. The Emblem in this case is just that; an Emblem to show who he is. He is a Heartless, and he's they're leader. The Emblem acts as a clasp for his jacket. You'll notice the Emblem isn't actually on his body, and when he fuses with World of Chaos, the emblem is not on his Chest. He's also not wearing his Jacket. put 2 and 2 togther and... He didn't know everything. He says his body had 'clearly perished' when it clearly hadn't and is walking around causing hell in KH2. Let's face it, if you did something you were sure was going to turn you into a dark monster, and you ended up looking pretty much the same, you'd suspect if anything happened at all to.
We've probably already killed them, they might have been basic Neoshadows for all we know. Then again, we might not have. There are a lot of Heartless in the world. Also, just an FYI; I can guarantee you that those first five Heartless are not the Heartless of those Organization members. Why? Because those are all Emblem Heartless. We know the Apprentices WILLINGLY gave their hearts to darkness, so they would all have been Purebloods, like Shadows, Darkballs, or even Darksides if they were powerful enough. Braig is almost certainly coming back on Xehanort's side. Xehanort still hasn't upheld his end of the bargain yet, has he? None of the other apprentices had important enough roles in Xehanort's life to come back as anything more than a side character. Maybe Even would be the exception, considering his role in the Replica project. Besides which, not all of the organization is especially loyal to Xemnas in the first place. They were in it for the hearts, he was in it for the power. Lea will probably be back too, but he won't be on Xehanort's side. He wasn't on his side even when he in the Organizations inner circle. Finally, why would Xehanort work with the organization again anyway? He doesn't need them, he never needed them, and he has nothing to offer them anymore. Even; a solution to his curiousity, Braig; what he promised him 10 years ago. Besides that, why would the organization want to work with him anyway? He wants to bring about the apocalypse!
...Yeah, let's blame video games for making a noise that might have alarmed the dog to such a stage where it would start ripping people's faces off. No, next time, train your ****ing dog. If the game carries any warning, it needs to be "If you've decided to be an absolute ****wit in raising your pets so that they'll respond to any sort of barking with extreme violence, do not play this game around them. Also reconsider the idea of owning a dog." This is just bad. I'm more inclined to believe the idea that she kicked the dog, because if you would even suspect this game would cause this kind of reaction in your dog, would you even take the risk? There's a Volume Control on your DS, use it.
You guys realise this isn't a case of "Nomura isn't making KH3", it's a case of "Nomura CAN'T make KH3 at this point". The original KH Team is working on FFvsXIII, and that obviously has priority, as it's already in progress. Besides, Nomura already begun drafts of the story idea, but he needs to wait until the team are finished with with vsXIII until KH3 can really begin moving.
Yeah, I know how you feel. It's beginning to drag a bit over here, but I've got at least the next three weeks where I'll be fairly busy....
In the original coded, each world had a specific gimmick or set of rules to it. Traverse Town was heavily platforming-based, and Olympus Colliseum had a traditional FF-esque turn-based battle system with Hercules, Sora and Cloud as Party Members. It doesn't seem much has changed, but I hope this is more polished than coded turned out to be.
I want to make this clear from the outset that I do not say this to offend anyone. I am saying this to put forward my own view. My view of "God" is of a phantom, an apparition, a conjuration of the human mind, or at least a human mind if not a collective. People could not come to terms with a lack of an explanation of their being, or a lack of collective purpose. If they could not understand the way the universe came about, then they would create one themselves. This almighty creator and ruler of that is, was and will be, this "God". People created an answer the could understand in the form of a creator, with absolute power over any and all things on the Earth. This was what they wanted to be, they created a purpose, or an aspiration for themselves and humankind. However, these scattered beliefs of personal "Gods would cause friction between humans, wherein the Bible comes in to define what God is supposed to be (albeit in a way that is still left up to interpretation). In the end, that's all that God ever was to begin with; an unquestionable answer to an unanswerable question. Tht view has since developed and evolved with culture and society, creating various memetic legacies that can and have created stigmas in our ways of life (Advent Children parrellels unintended), such as homosexuality, to take one example. The acceptance of an answer has become a full-grown way to live your life, at least the way that I see it. I don't know the way religion began, nobody does, but this is how I can see it from a somewhat educated psychological standpoint. I can't speak for most other religions, as I have only really studied Christianity in depth, so I speak here referring to the popular Christian interpretation of "God"
Considering that you seem to be underinformed and misinformed, allow me to add to the info. Suspect's name was Raoul Moat. It all began when he was admitted in January for assault and battery for 6 months. At this point, his girlfriend Samantha broke up with him, and told him that she was seeing a police officer, in an effort to protect herself due to his admision for assault, fearing herself as a target for his aggression. This caused him to develop a personal vendetta against the Police Force. He was released, and then three days later, he shot and wounded his ex-girlfriend (with whon he'd had a child) and fatally shot her boyfriend, twice in the body, and once in the head with a shotgun. He then paid a visit to an old friend of his to deliver a 49-page confession to his acts, explaining a lot about his mental state, why he did it, et cetera. He said that "the public need not fear me, but the police should, because I will not stop killing them until I am dead." He also showed that he was well aware that he was mentally unsound, however, everything had been taken from him, in his own words, by the police. This friend submitted the confession to the police, who began a full-on manhunt for Moat. Moat also shot an on-duty police officer, who is currently in hospital. He was eventually found on a riverbank, pointed a sawn-off shotgun to his neck, according to eyewitnesses. Almost immediately he was surrounded by armed police, and so begins the 6-hour standoff. This culminates with Moat shooting himself, and he eventually dies in hospital as soon as he is transported there. Recent reports show that within the final few moments, a tazer was discharged, and there's currently an investigation into whether or not this contributed to Moat's death. That's pretty much everything of interest. As far as it being a "Killing Spree" goes, he shot three people, and only one of them was killed in it. Hell, he even custom altered his rounds so that there would not kill the girlfriend, only wound/scar her. I'm not sure how this would qualify as a killing spree. A "Killing Spree" is what happened a month or so ago when a northern man killed about 10-12 people, wounding a total of about 30. There, now feel free to judge with a tad better information of the facts.
Tummer! Damn man it's been a while! How're you doing after that surgery?
Freedom is good for PR, little else. I'm sorry but if you're going to go with "taking away freedom", How free could you ever possibly have been? American's seem to be... well, no offense but obsessed with freedom, so any compromise is going to seem blown out of proportion. However, that is my personal view, and I don't expect you to respond to this as it has no worth in the debate. Listen, the way I understand this is that as opposed to directly paying Doctors bills, you pay an increased amount in taxes and the government pays for healthcare (At least, that's the way it works over here). If you would end up breaking even anyway, what's the problem? And not only that, but the collaborative funds of the people amount to much more than what an individual can amass, so if you suddenly get Cancer (as a friend of mine did) then there's less of a worry financially. Sure, this is a slight compromise on your freedom, but the way your laws work now, as I understand, compromise your chance of saying alive due to personal financial deficit. What would you rather go without? What laws, exactly? I keep hearing this, and since I know precisely dick about America's laws (Aside from right to bear arms, an absolutely stupid law, IMO) I'm curious about this. Aside from the rise in taxes, there is not really a downside here. Slightly higher cost of living is NOTHING compared to what medical treatment can cost many people. I've heard some talk that many people think is some socialist crap, and like White_Rook said, its not. It's the government making sure it can provide for its people. When was this a bad thing? Is any of this any reason why the US will be "coming to its end"? No! Of course not! Why would it?
My sentiments exactly. Britain has had a healthcare plan like this since the early 20th Century (Known as the NHS) and it's one part of our legislation that I can pretty much guarantee that no one in the country would do without. I don't know the specifics of Obama's idea here, but if it's anything like what it is over here, why on earth are you opposed to it?
Mike, I am so freaking jealous right now. Nice job landing an interview with Quinton, and I'm glad to hear his views on the series. And he saw the fandub? Damn...
To be fair, the amount of power and the capabilities of this system appear to surpass anything we've seen before on a portable level, so I expect a somewhat steep price. I couldn't see it ending up as more than £200.
You read IMBD, I'm guessing, and I could change that to show Morgan Freeman as Master Xehanort. IMBD is the only source we have, and it's even more unreliable that wikipedia. On the note of the voices, I'm excited. Here's the lowdown: Terra: Very nice from what I hear, nothing terribly wrong with it. Aqua: Oh dear.... I love the actresses voice, but her delivery is terrible in that line. I'm praying it improves. Ven: Jesse McCartney, VERY good. Jesse has improved so much since KH2, and I for one am very happy about that. Master Eraqus: MARK FREAKIN' HAMILL!!! I will be eagerly awaiting his role in the story. Master Xehanort: Leanord Nimoy. You could not have picked two better actors for these roles, especially considering the irony of both. The gravelly tone gives him a much more different feel than I expected, but it is not unwelcome. Vanitas: Thank god they got HJO. As far as Creepy Vanitas goes, I think we're more than safe. Insane Vanitas however may be a completely different story. I'm hoping that it's not.