Alright Wheeler, let's see how loud this dog can bark! My draw! Draw Phase: Hand:6 LP:8000 Standby Phase: N/A Main Phase 1: I activate Future Fusion! This allows me to send fusion material monsters from my deck to the graveyard to summon a fusion monster in two turns time! And I'll send these 5 Dragons! Chain?
Alright Wheeler, I'll accept your challenge. No Video game or Anime exclusives, and no God cards. You can start us off.
Really? Sorry to hear that Yusei. Hopefully, We can duel again at some point. I think I've got the hang of dueling again now. it's been a while. Hope you can sort out whatever's going on.
Huh, really J? I'll give it a try next time I have to post my field. Unless Marik gets there before me.
Um, Ok, that was wierd. I swear I typing in Main phase... Anyway to continue my MAIN PHASE: I have a few tricks up my sleeve too, Yusei! I flip summon my White Stone of Legend!... and Masked Dragon! Care to counter?
Very well. My Move! Draw Phase: Hand: 2 LP: 5500 Standby Phase: I summon Vanguard of the Dragon! Chain?
Yep, I can tell now that I'm about three different kinds of ****ed. But no, you destroyed: (This is my favourite screw-you card) So all of your monsters are shuffled back into your extra deck, and we each pick up cards until we both have the same number of monsters that were returned to the deck in total, that makes three. I pick up: And you? (I am playing this right, right? The card texts says that it's the number of monsters, not just our own specific monsters. Otherise I've been playing this card wrong for a looooong time.)
Dammit! You got my MST. I was gonna destroy your Mirage after you had to dump the cards... Bugger it all.
I'll then play one face down card... and end my turn. End phase: Hand: 1 LP: 5500 Field: Make your move, Fudo!
5500, actually, due to the cost I paid for Skill Drain earlier. Now, my move! Draw Phase: Hand: 3 LP: 5500 Standby Phase: You gain 4 cards due to Mirage of Nightmare. Main Phase: I play my Mausoleum of the Emperor Field Spell. Chain?
Activate Trap card! Dimensional Prison! Chain?
It's a loss I can take. No chain.
Nope again. Continue.
Nope. Proceed.
Very well, then I will end my turn. End Phase: Hand: 2 LP: 5800 Field:
Eheh, I'd say wise choice, but then I'd be condoning cowardice! My move! Draw Phase: Hand: 4 LP: 5800 Standby Phase: Your Mirage of Nightmare kicks in again, and you gain 4 cards. Main Phase 1: I activate the Continuous Spell card:... Burden of the Mighty! Now you're most powerful monsters will kneel before the might of my Blue Eyes! I'll set a monster... and begin the assault... Battle Phase: Since your Blade Gunner can restore his components, I think it's time for some grilled Trap Eater. BLUE EYES! ATTACK WITH WHITE LIGHTNING! ... Which you're gonna block with your Necro Gardna, am I right?
Well Played. No response
Sure, Activate Trap card! Skill Drain! I pay 1000 points, and Effect Monster's abilities are negated. Chain?
I wasn't talking about the field, I meant the changes in phase. And I knew about the field rule, but that slipped my mind in the first post, sorry mate.
Ah, Ok, sorry, I misread that text on Wonder Magician. Wow, new Synchro Tuner's are popping up everywhere... and my deck is relatively old style! Anyway, since you activate that during my main phase 1, I still have my Blue Eyes summoned. So I'll finish off with these two face down's: End Phase: Hand: 3 LP: 6800 Field: Your move, and just an FYI, as soon as these cards hit England, I am gonna start using them, as checking up their effects, they seem AWESOME.