Well, I'd plug to my video review, but I know you guys probably don't care, so I'll just say that the film was quite enjoyable, if there were a few things that annoyed me throughout, and one thing that blindsided me into laughter in the cinema. That and BILL NIGHY WAS THERE!! He was stuck in Davy Jones mode but it's BILL FRIGGEN NIGHY!!!
Look, Micheal Bay needs to just stick to what he's good at; having **** blow up. Have the Giant Robots smacking each other, downplay the human element, and just have a solid, good looking action movie. This is Transformers, we don't NEED a stellar plot-line to enjoy it, we just need one that pans out well, cuts out the crap, and allows the spotlight to focus on the giant robots instead of the squishy humans. The fight scenes in these films have always been good, but the films are made terrible by the 'comedy', the characters, and let's face it, Megan Fox. One of these problems has been fixed. Ok, I don't care if those two incredibly racist twin robots show up again, but have them ****ing do something this time. Have 'em double team Megatron or Soundwave or something. I am REALLY suprised Unicron isn't turning up here. I mean he is a character literally built for Micheal Bay, and seeing Unicron trying to eat the planet would have been awesome. I'm probably gonna end up seeing this anyhow, but I'm really not filling with hope on this one. The first film was passable, the second one was abyssmal, so while I do wish this movie can reclaim some lost glory, I know it's pretty damn unlikely.
1). No need to insult me 2). By saying that, I meant that most of the superheroes I like are from Marvel. Does that mean I'll instantly dismiss any other content from DC or Image or whatever? Of course not. The Dark Knight is probably one of my favourite Superhero films, but a lot of the other stuff I've seen that DC put out there just don't interest me. I have no loyalties to comic publishers. That's hardly making a distincion rather than an observation. My point was that they are using CGI in the first place instead of having the actor in costume. I have no doubt the quality will change, but I have every right to make comments based off of what I see in the trailer that the studio has decided it's good enough for me to see. Someone's never heard of stylistic editing. It worked in Scott Pilgrim, why couldn't it work here? It had just look a whole lot better than that fist did. Then that's your opinion. Mine is that "physical suit" or not, it's a superhero costume. The protaganist should ideally be wearing it. Make it look like there's a body in the suit. If it comes out looking good, then fine, but it just smacks of obvious symbolism to me. Primarily, it has to actually look good on screen before any supposed symbolism from it can be taken as anything other than an excuse. Who's drawing any lines? No one has said that because they prefer Marvel Heroes they won't go and see this. Marvel have a lot of Heroes. DC has a lot of Heroes. You can like whatever you want, but if most of the superheroes you like tend to be based more with one company, then logic dictates that you will probably end up going to them more for their characters and stories. It does NOT mean you will necessarily disregard the other unless you've just had bad luck and found only the bad stuff. Considering Superman Returns was mostly tripe, this doesn't inspire confidence in me. 'Cept that's how human minds work. Companies make a lot of money purely out of brand loyalty. No one really cares about who created it, but if it's provided by a company who have given you good stuff before, it's a no-brainer to go with the safer option. What does reading the comics have to do with this in particular? None of us ritualistically follow only one company. That said, your sig doesn't particularly make seem to be someone who appreciates other people's opinions, so I'll leave you with this. Ta.
Now, I'm more of a Marvel Man, but I have to admit, this looks interesting. One thing that's getting to me is the amount of CGI... it just doesn't look convincing. It looks... well for a lack of a better word, Cartoon-y. Yes, I can see reasoning for it to draw back to the old comic style, but the key with these superhero movies is to make it look genuine. That green fist there just didn't match into it's surrounding environment, and while that can be symbolic of it's nature as a foreign and unknown power, it didn't seem to fit with me. That, and is it me, or is the costume itself CGI'd on? if so, then that is INCREDIBLY stupid. What happened to having our actors in costumes? Hell, Iron Man did it. Honestly, I can't tell from just a trailer, so I'll wait on it a little. I'll still go and see it, but I can't help but feel I'll be disappointed.
Yeah, trust me when I'm concerned, you'd be suprised how much that is a problem. Thanks. Hahaha, Well, knowing that already helps. Thank god I have a female perspective that it doesn't sound awkward asking about this! Thank you very much. Tell me about it, I've argued with enough girls to know it's a lost cause. The thing that's holding me back is really that idea, what if the feeling's not mutual? How would she react around me afterwards? I mean, I am literally not kidding when I say it's rare for me to ever meet a person I actually WANT to get involved with, or even socialize with. I guess I'm scared that if I balls this up, then I'm going to lose a great person as a friend, however I'm overthinking it again, aren't I? Hrngh... However, of course, you are right. Nothing going to happen unless I make it happen. Hey, I have nothing to lose but my dignity, right? Thanks for the very helpful insight, all of you. I honestly didn't expect to get this much sound advice, and this has really helped my confidence as far as this is concerned... Just have to stop ovethinking it and make that first move... here's hoping I'll be able to talk to her next time I see her, eh?
The Shawshank Redemption, Schindler's List, and Highlander
Well, I need some help. There's girl at my college who I've gotten to know who I've become.. rather interested in. We are already sort of friends, but I want to get to know her better, and I do really like her. Just talking with her is always, well, I don't know the right word. Exhilarating would be closest. It's a relief to find someone so like minded and with similar interests after what is quite frankly too long a time. The thing is, there's a rub (Ain't there always?). She's harder to find than Hen's teeth. As far as school goes, she only comes in for Lessons, and because she lives locally, she doesn't often stick around at break-times or free periods. Only once have I seen her come in to stick around for a while and she ended up inviting me round her place to watch some anime. Thing is, I wouldn't normally consider this a problem, because there's always at least one time in the week I'm guaranteed to see her. My problem is that whenever she's nearby, I get damn near struck-dumb. I have no idea what to say. It just floats away when I see her, and I just clam-up. Hell, I've caught myself just staring at her a couple times, and... well, You can see yourself how this comes off quite creepy, and I don't want to start giving that impression. When she invited me round, she gave me her number, and I've got her e-mail but... I just don't know how to approach it. I'm not even sure what to say or bring up, but I see her so little and I absolutely love any chance I get to see her that the fact I just can't say anything when I want to frustrates me to no end. Now, it's no secret that I'm not a social animal, and I have had confidence issues in the past, but regardless, I feel like I should know how to go about this... It's just so confusing that I felt I had to resort to coming here, if only to try and find some people who I know won't use it against me (People I know are complete ******bags about this sort of thing). With an external perspective on the situation... well, I just hope I can get a little point in the right direction. Any comment is appreciated, even if it's just telling me to grow a pair. Thanks for listening.
Oh yeah, the MCM expo is bi-annual, isn't it? Hmm, well, if I can convince a few friends to come along, I may well go to that one. Gives me some time to build up a little wad of cash, and I might as well go to at least ONE while I can.
Omi is awesome, no disagreements. I'm more of a Raimundo man myself. I'm not gonna spoil it for ya, but the season finales... Oh my God is it glorious!
I for one loved it. It was a choice between this and Avatar at around 4pm, so this got the pick, and I don't regret it at all. (I went back and watched Avatar after I saw The Last Airbender)
Combination of Entertainment and some form of escapism. Of course. Hell, if an unmade bed can be considered art, why not a Video Game? Very few, if any games will fulfill that criteria though. Only one instance occurs to me, and that's only because I'm horribly biased in favour of it. That's what I do when I play games. I enter into it's world. I immerse myself into it, in order to make the most of my experience. When I got Red Dead Redemption, I must've watched a good 3-4 westerns to get the feel of the atmosphere and kind of world the game took place inside. All the time, but since when do graphics make the game? It's a contributing factor, true, but rarely detracts from the experience. Gaming has become a huge part of MY everyday life because it offers me so many new perspectives on people's stories, and an oppourtunity to actually make a few friends with a common interest. I can't speak on behalf of everyone, but I'd imagine simply because it's another way of enjoying your entertainment by adding interactivity. Huge load of bullshit Probably not much. If anything it'll improve. People get more depressed in a recession, so are more willing to spend what money they have on sources of entertainment I don't think that people are purposefully producing fewer good quality games. If you go into making a game with the intention of it being low quality, you might as well resign there and then. There's just less money and less efort going into making them, and a lot of the really cheap cash-in titles are just that, investing as little as possible to make the greatest profit from a new media source. Engaging, oftentimes intricate storyline, large depth and playtime, interesting characters, and enjoyable, fun gameplay. Only once: The World Ends With You. That game made me really think over my place in culture and society, as well as my own social habits and the attitudes of others. It's probably one of the deepest pieces of entertainment I've had the great pleasure to experience, the only other notable one being Watchmen.(Although Watchmen didn't make me think over my life half as much as TWEWY did) Either Dead Rising or Left 4 Dead.
Same here. We hardly get any cons in England, or at least that are well covered. I only heard about this one you mentioned because my friend told me about it like a week beforehand.
URGH! Dear God I hate essay work. I've been putting together some new ideas for decks outside the normal Blues Eyes formula. I've been practising with some normal monster support, and with my Geartown deck (Not exactly something Kaiba would be seen using, but it's what I usually use when I can). And working with Normal Monsters alone is something veeeery challenging. Well, Strike of Neos helped with some support, but still. When I get the entire decklist sorted, I'll duel whoever. Just wanted to see what was going on here. Greeting to the newcomers, and make sure you obey EVERYTHING J says. The dude knows how it all works here like a clockwork ninja.
A friend of mine actually went to the same one you're describing, Namine. By the sound of it she and her friends enjoyed it. It's something I've been interested in, but, well... low budget.
'sup. I play Card Games 'n ****.
@Jaden: Huh, really? I could've sworn I've chained that before... I'm not sure it negated the card, but it got it destroyed... Eh whatever. What would I do without experts like you. Probably why I royally sucked at the last tournament I went to. @KH2man: Listen dude, I'm gonna have to forfeit. I've got like three different essays I need to get done in two days. I'll give you this duel. I'm having some rethinks on another deck I've been working on, my old Geartown deck. That was very fun. HOWEVER! That will be left until I get this Essay of the Weimar Republic done at least. I enjoyed the duel, however short it may have been.
Well... Yeah, Zeo just predicted my move... again. Stop doing that, man. Go Face-down! MST in response to the initial activation of Heart of the Underdog to destroy it. I'll tell you what though, THAT is a good move... I never thought of using Reload after HotU, That'll be something to add to my old Exodia deck. You care to chain?
Hmm, nice counter, but it won't last. I'll end my battle phase. Main Phase 2: I'll set a monster, and call it quits for now. End Phase: Hand: 1 LP: 8000 Field: I'll hand it over to you Wheeler Don't worry about it J, I kinda like it here. I'll drop in every now and then if I lose interest in dueling anyway. This is a cool place, man. Plus, who else am I gonna ask for help with building my deck, huh? You seem to be a veteran around here, if not THE veteran.
Hehe, sorry for leaving you hanging like that, but my connection cut out... Anyway, to continue, I play two face-downs... Now, BLUE EYES ULTIMATE DRAGON! ATTACK WHEELER'S DARKNESS METAL DRAGON WITH NEUTRON BLAST ATTACK! Chain?
Excellent, now in two turns time I can summon my Five Headed Dragon. But until then, my Stones of legend allow me to bring a Blue Eyes to my hand for each one! Now for a little fusion action! I play Polymerization! Allowing me to fuse the three Blue Eyes White Dragons in my hand to form... The BLUE EYES ULTIMATE DRAGON! Chain?