hello,hello,hello and welcome this site is brill, ive havent been on any site like this before, id never used forums and posting etc. i have had a good time, i hope you enjoy too, make some new pals etc:)
"Your not the only one after my last fight, I travelled looking for my real parents , I stayed away from the 'villages kept myself to myself, unless i needed to work "Are you hungary perhaps I could cook some food for us all, and plate some up for Kyla when she gets back" "Do i need to make food for the young ones?"
"I know it will." Starr felt comforted as Gharanths hand wrappped around hers,the worry she felt slowley ebbed away. "What else can we do to calm down zarax,?" " Oh I know" Starr picked Sasuke back up ,gave him a hug then,passed him back to Zarax She thought perhaps keeping him occupied with his other son for a while will calm him "Whispered to Gharanth, lets go to the kitchen and leave Zarax and Sasuke alone he's not likley to run off and leave Sasuke again is he?"
"Zarax come on sit back down, you know she will be alright, Kyla has a lot more powers now doesn't she? You know more than us about that, think straight you have Sasuke now to look after also now." " Gharanth is right it's safer if we all stay where we are, you can locate her Gharanth said, and you will be able to see what she does , do that first"
"Do you want me to help, I could fly over if you can locate her, which would be quicker.., " "Or I can stay and help watch over Sasuke."
Starr passed Gharanth his cup of tea. "I did love someone once, I met him when I first escaped from the prison you would call home, from people who called them selves my parents . They really were after something else." "We looked after each other, we became inseperable for a good few years.He met an old friend and thought the dark was more appealing than living in the light. "We ended up in a massive fight and...and ( looked down at her feet) I had to kill him before he killed me.Its the last time I used this " Starr showed Gharanth her staff Starr heard a noise and quickly put the staff away."what was that" she went back into the other room and saw that Zarax had left Sasuke on the couch and had gone to try and find Kyla, except he hadn't made it , he had gone into a pool of water. Starr opened her wings "Gharanth!!! Zarax has tried to get to Kyla and fallen, I am going to get him!" Starr opened her wings and went to try and pick up Zarax occ goodnight all sweet dreams
i've had a few on savage garden -to the moon and back Loreena McKENNITT - the mask and the mirror evanesence first album
Starr was a little worried, she walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on for a cup of tea for everyone.She hoped that Kyla would be ok, she knew Gharanth and Zarax would be worried like mad ,she wished she could do more Starr put her hand Into her secret pocket just checking to see If her staff was still there(It's been a long while since I had to get this out she thought)
"No I am so sorry at the moment all I can do at the moment is help to make sure Sasuke is ok , he will be in a bit of shock himself." "Don't worry Kyla will find out what's going on and bring Ark back, I can fly after her but I don't know where she has gone, she flew out of here so fast " "Zarax are you healed enough, I am sorry I cant heal, I can fly,protect with my wings and fight if need be, but not to heal, It looks like we will just have to sit tight for a bit unless anybody has any other idea's" Starr went and picked up Sasuke and gave him a hug, She wondered why Ark had changed so quickly and almost killed his father. "Let me go and make some coffee" "Gharanth do you want to hold Sasuke whilst Zarax is still recovering?"
Starr went over to the children and sat down on floor by Gharanth. "They are great kids aren't they"... "You were talking about your past Gharanth and people you've lost, can you tell me a bit about it?"
" I am fine really, no the torc Isn't rubbing just a thing I do sometimes when thinking or remembering just like scratching your head , I forget I do it.
"Well it seams everyones pretty much is going to be married soon, I,ve been alone for quite a while because of the traveling , but I like it here perhaps I could stay" Kyla" Your certain Dog Demon seems ok so far,.. and you Gharanth but are you here to stay? "I wouldn't see getting to know people and losing them after.. much fun i've been through that before" Starr realised she'd given a little bit more information of her past than she wanted, she wanted to forget that bit ,(Starr rubbed her torq , and thought more.... perhaps she shouldn't forget it, but learn and move forward after all these are her friends now , what does her past matter to them )
" You will have to do some matchmaking for me then too (laughing) "
" I can protect myself if I need too " "No I am not with anyone, I was on my own for a long time just wondering I suppose you could say, from town to town , for various reasons." "I met Kyla and her friends when I delivered a pizza one night, She let me stay...I hope there is still enough room for me , with the children and all.." " I should really go, back to work at some point to help pay my way, I am not sure if i should do pizza delivering again though, It hardly pays a tuppence"
"I'd love to hold Sasuke, thank you." "Hello Gharanth,nice to meet you too" Starr blushes a little
"Why don't you sit down and put your feet up ,it is your home , well family home now isn't it?
"wow brilliant ring" "well you just missed an argument I think, it woke me up so i thought I'd come down to find out what was happening and get me some coffee" "You timed your entrance well,don't worry about it though I think your wonderful arrival stopped it in its tracks"
"Congradulations Kyla and to you Zarax I hope you have love and laughter together for always" "What have you been learning or training Kyla"
Starr made Kyla her coffee and passed it to her. Starr was very shocked to see Zarax again and being married to Kyla. "What have you been up too then?Tell us all about it, I am glad you two are finally together I got the gist that you were destined to be together in the short time that I knew you"
"Hello kyla , hello Zarax, wow what have you been up too, need I ask "(laughing) " Who are the little ones" Starr looks down at the small child and the baby " Are you having sugar?" "anyone else for coffee?"