"Can i come with you all shopping?" "Congratulations to you too Scarlett I'll bet you'll find a lovely dress .."A re you going to have white as traditional or are you going to be different? Starr felt very happy for Scarlett and Zeke and wished the best for both of them. she hoped she would eventually find herself someone to fill the gap in her soul she had felt sometimes when she was alone.
as to a previous comment your religion usually does follow your parents ive changed mine to spiritual, my own soul growth
"The spagetti was good , hot and messy Kyla" It's a shame you missed out, but snacks are good too. ooc night night all, suppost to snow here tonight, i hope so it makes everything look clean...well untill the sludge anyway.
"your not a bad demon Gharanth" "Hi Kyla i've just been cleaning up and looks like Gharanth and Zeke had a bit of a disagreement , I am not sure over what yet though" Starr noticed Kyla looking a bit drained , but didn't say anything she probably was too tired to explain anything about what had been going on, she thought.I wish I could help.
Starr was in the kitchen, tidying up , it took her a while to clean up the spagetti bolagnaise. It looked almost like there had been a food fight, she thought, no...oops perhaps too much chilli... Starr walked through the kitchen doors again and heard someone coming down the stairs,she also saw Zeke , scarlet, and Gharanth in the living room. Starr could see by the look of their faces she had just missed something "ok looks like i missed something, whats up?
i like them when i was younger ,too catchy songs i think my twin sister liked them too
"They do look cute together..., your right" "Looks like Ark and Sasuke are alright at the moment too.They are sleeping too arn't they?" "I think its time I had a bath then bed too.Are you going to bed now" ooc= I am going to bed now too, am up early, ....very early in the morning. I hope you all have a good night sleep.
"Shall we go in and check that they are alright"
"Wow I love animals," Starr strokes the cat Starr shows Gharanth something she has not shown the others yet "what about this? it's handy in a fight" The others don't know of this yet though Starr changes and her body becomes almost transparent " go on try and touch me..." Starr felt strangely comfortable and didn't seem to mind telling Gharanth
"Apart from cooking,flying a few others "Watch this" Starr concentrates and the dishes rise up and into the sink...She concentrates harder and lifts Gharanth and his chair up in the air. "ha, ha how about that?"
Starr pulled the chair under her, and took a mouth full of spagetti bolagnaise. "Wow hu hu hot definately hot, ha ha.. do you like?"
"I don't remember we had to go out of the kitchen a few times didn't we" "Never mind it will warm every one up" "Hows the others doing?" ooc back later
"No you are doing great Gharanth, well done, sit down at the table" "I think Zeke wanted to stay with the others in the next room.we'll go and check on them in a bit if you like after we have eaten though other wise we will never get to taste this food you helped to make" "Do you want another cup of tea? I need another coffee after all that", and a bath ha ha, I smell of chilli"
"Yes he is Gharanth" " I am starving now, yes lets eat, Zeke are you having some then, we will save some for Kyla and Zarax when they wake back up." Starr went back into the kitchen again and started getting the dishes out, she enjoyed spending a little time with Gharanth and cooking.
Starr heard the commotion just after she had given Zarax, Ark Starr walked back through "zeke ,Zarax is in the other room, with the kids now, he is very weak though Kyla wants to give him healing before it's too late."
"Give me ark and i'l take him to Zarax "
"Gharanth..do you still want to help cook the spagetti bolagnaise, their is nothing else we can do untill Kyla gets back." Starr walked back into the kitchen
hello,hello,hello and welcome enjoy, i am newish to this site and have found friendly and fun. i hope you enjoy too.
"actually no I am not nervous, considering the situation I am quite relaxed now" "well you got the cooker going, well done!" "Shall i just peak around the door and check on Zarax and Sasuke?" occ me going for the night, will hopefully be on tommorow night . night all, don't freeze
"I don't mind spagetti bolognaise " "shall we cook then.... ha ha"