"oops " Starr looked up. her whole body changed with her thoughts she dis-substantiated her body so that everything would go through her. 'The guys haven't seen this yet!What a time to show them... well better now I suppose...'
Starr jumped in at the same time, her scythe lifting up ready for her to chop him up. "See how you manage with both of us..."
"Fr00 what? you will have more than just Kyla, she could win hands down on her own but your in luck I Starr am also here to fight, It's been a while since I got this out( shows scythe), I need to have a training session , well thats all you will be to me and Kyla.....
Starr looked in her secret pocket and pulled out what looked like a wooden staff but as it was pulled out it began to change with her thoughts. it turned almost metal looking and the end was like a scythe.
"Would you like my help to?"
Starr had followed everyone back she was glad at that point they had chosen to go it would not have been enough of us she thought' "I will help if I can too" "Hello back Gharanth"Smiling at him, whilst he was hugging Sasuke
hello Darky well done your very open minded then, a lot of people keep things like that secret and keeping secrets messes up the head I think. If that makes sense you are what you are, and we shouldn't listen to what other people think if negative for example on preferences. I used to work in a gay/ lesbian/bi night club 1 day a week and didn't bother me a bit and I really enjoyed it I mentioned it to one of my friends once...very prejudice..she turned out to be... apologies for rattling on and again good on you for carrying out one of roxas wishes
the boy naruto is only about 12 at the start, hes annoying because hes a teenager and wants to impress. i dont think its meant to be a true representation of ninjutsu it is based on a legend its a brilliant anime, I love it myself after one of my friends got me hooked.
'Poor Kyla Starr thought having to rush back home for the safety of her children, she hoped that she would get there in time to help' ' Oh dear looks like there are two battles to be fought today, one most likely with Sarvoth and his guardians and Now with this other new enemy Orochimaru.'Looks like we all have it cut out for us today' "Jon I noticed Kyla calling you that now, may I?" "Do you still want to proceed with looking for Sarvoth now their are less of us?"
Starr looked at the mark. "Oh no you haven't... oh dear, Yes I have seen this before, if I am correct with my memories only high powered warlock/ demon can do this! And only a few can seal it. I don't even know if it can be removed!..
"Oh ..what is it? "Can you tell me more?"
"Did you want to go for a walk? Kyla and Zarax have gone for a rest, I know I won't be able to, so I thought about having a look around for info" "Do you know Kyla was taking about hexes and marks earlier, thats why we are here but what sort of hex or mark exactly i don't know..., Do you know much about it?"
off topic? in my teen age years my parents used to have a labrador cross and she was put to sleep, i always feel guilty bout that as it was me who picked up her illness when every one else said there was nothing wrong. the dog was amazing every day she used to have at least 30 mins of a wild spat she was hillarious. when i left home it was a while before i had pets, my cats came to me at the right time. hermes and tatania are the opposite of each other in charactors so they get on well brilliantly and keep me on my toes, have a look on previous post photobucket you just can not, not say aw.......
Starr took the money from Kyla and spotted burger king, that will do. Kyla and Zarax had gone to have a rest in one of the local hotels, she Knew she would not be able to rest herself that night even if she was exhausted. 'I think I will go for a walk after this and see if i can pick up any info, I just hope I don't encounter any of Sarvoths guardians. You can't hear them move, they are silent as a town deep in slumber, if you don't see them first then you've had it. Mind you Starr thought they have got a pretty horrible smell ...,well the last ones did, reminds me of gollum in lord of the rings yuk.. that was years ago when she watched that mind you , she still had that slimey creature pictured in her mind just typical she thought, Sarvoth's guardians were much the same height as humans so mixed with the look of gollum well you can guess!'
I have 2 wonderful cats, brother and sister HERMES and TATANIA they are indoor cats, most of the time and they are very affectionate cats, Hermes is black and white and very laid back. Tatania is a bit more fairy like hence her name is slightly different from the fairy TITANIA. she is tortoiseshell and white in colour and is a non stop talker unless shes asleep. I love them to bits even though they have made a massive hole in my canvas wardrobe , glad the other one is wooden... i shall say. HERMES http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o174/hevvymonster/HEV1003.jpg TATANIA http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o174/hevvymonster/30-07-06_1742.jpg
Starr slowed right down and landed by everyone else "There should be a Mcdonalds or burger king somewhere around Kyla, and we could have a sit down for a bit if thats ok with you all." "I will need to get local tube maps for us when we get closer, we don't want to get ran over on the way and we could chose meeting points so if we have to separate at least one could make it back to the designated point or points. "You will know if we are close to his territory , his creatures wonder his boundries but never go into his habitat. some of his creatures have been with him for decades and understand this need. If we get past these creatures then after, there are no other obstacles apart from him, He doesn't need them." "But for now I am hungry too.."
"Thats a good idea Kyla! but I think i pushed it a bit much, I will be needing to rest and grab a drink very soon I didn't tell you 4 hours of flying none stop very draining for me when i haven't used my wings like this for quite a while. ooc back in a bit. food break
It took about 4 hours of flying to get to London from Kyla's beach house, the sea was a safer way to travel but longer. She felt weary , she could see land and pushed herself even more. " We are nearly there! How are you doing?"
" Ok, who is coming in total?" "lets go then." Star started gathering up her wing speed and shot off across the sea at full belt, !lets get this done she thought' higher and faster she went , her mind set changing ready for what was to come, shaking the scared feeling she had earlier at the pit of her stomach, to one of determination for her friends.
"If have you rested enough" "Shall we go..." Starr opened her wings slowly, she opened them fully out , more than she normally would have done on her normal flights, she thought she must look like an ant with them out like this ... but needs must. but she was eager to get going now, even though she was scared at the same time. Starr flew up and up over the beach sand and the sea which was starting to churn up big time with the wind power increasing. Starr paused to wait for the others, hovering high in the air, by slowing the rate of her wings.She thought 'If I took omens seriously then that would be a bad one!