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  1. Akio
    "Ahh... I- I can't stop having these visions."Ako said to him, feeling even more memories flood into her head. She winced in pain, and began to melt into water, her head looking up just before it too mixed with the pool. The puddle moved a shook as it went straight for the enemy at hand. In a flash, a huge crystal formation had formed infront of the enemy, taking out most of the bots with the needle ends. Ako's face suddenly appeared on the ice.

    "Go! You are using up too much energy on these guys! I'll get Zangetsu and meet up with you later, but to do that you have to go! Now!" Ako shouted to the others that were still with them.

    "I don't doubt that the others have already been captured and if you guys don't leave right now, we'll all be forced into even tougher conditions then before." A tear rolled down her face, then froze, suspended in place. She did not say anymore and her face disappeared back into the ice.
    Post by: Akio, Oct 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Akio
    Zetocloud - Like the boxed effect and the use of the photo overall. ^_^

    Darkwatch - Awesome text, photo choice, and added effects.

    Cloudo - Very crisp and calm looking, really like what looks like a blue tint, and the text is pretty good.

    (This one took me a long time to do, but it was close... really close. :D )

    Thanks Cloudo. I was typing too fast and mixed you and DW together. :D
    Post by: Akio, Oct 20, 2006 in forum: Competitions
  3. Akio
    Ako stood behind Zorox, looking shocked at his words, shaken for some reason. She tried to keep to her feet, trying not to become helpless like the others had, but it became too much for her. Her emotions took over and she began to cry. Confused and scared, she screamed out in pain. She too grasped her head, not in pain, but out of the wounderment of who she was and what were these memories that kept coming up.
    Post by: Akio, Oct 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Akio
    "Then don't think of it as an order. Call it a helping suggestion for all I care. We don't have time!" Ako said, her arm still covering the hall entrance. She felt a large pound on the glass-like sheild, making her shft her attention to he barrier.

    The man was still there, not moving an inch, but she continued to feel the pounding of something trying to break through the wall of ice. Ako gasped as she realized what was happening. Looking hard through the almost invisible wall, she could see the faint outlines of camoflaged figures. She threw up her other arm, and mixing it with her other to support the barrier.

    "Hate to give you more orders, but you better hurry it up or you'll be carrying me too." Ako said to the others behind her.
    Post by: Akio, Oct 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Akio
    "Okay. There is no way I'm gonna sit around and talk to some ******* scientist!" She fswung her hands at the man standing behind them, and forming an ice wall, blocking his path.

    "You two! Pick her up and come on!" Ako yealled at Zorox and Zangetsu, and then pointed to Rain. She kept her other hand, now made of bothe water and ice, on the barrier behind them.

    "Go! I'll be right behind you!" She said, encouraging the others to leave.
    Post by: Akio, Oct 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Akio
    Well, I'm going more... traditional. Since my bro stole my Ghoul costume I got stuck with his black cloak-thing, so I'm going as a vampire. Although I'm too old for trick-or-treating I am still going to school in costume. :D
    Post by: Akio, Oct 19, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Akio
    "Here."Ako said before splashing Rain with some water, in an attempt to wake her.
    Post by: Akio, Oct 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Akio
    ((Last post for tonight.))

    "What the..." Ako shouted, hearing a large thump. She rushed back up the stairs, finding Rain unconscious on the floor.

    "Damn! Not now." She said, knowing they didn't have time for this sorta problem, as Zorox took her with him.
    Post by: Akio, Oct 18, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Akio
    Ako sighed as she rested her body onto the ground, shortly after getting back up. "They know we are out, so no where is safe. We better get going before more bots show up." Ako said, as she got to her feet, turning to the stairs and quickly running down.
    Post by: Akio, Oct 18, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Akio
    Ako threw up her hand, ice shards flying from her palms, striking a robot at the end of the hall behind them. Two more soon took its place and now returned fire, literally.

    "Everyone get down!" Ako said as she pulled Zorox down with her. One of the guard bots had snuck up on them while they weren't paying attention.

    "Watch out for it! By the looks of it, it knows our powers and can turn them against us!" Ako cryed out against the heavy flames over them.
    Post by: Akio, Oct 18, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Akio
    Ako stopped abbruptly, turning to face Zorox. "It's not that I know this place well, it's just... I don't know, I just know that I can think clearer than others."She said, her chest opening, revealing the folder again. "Here. This may help." She said, handing him her whole life.
    Post by: Akio, Oct 18, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home