Cheal dug through the pile of backpacks. He picked up a red one, knowing it was his, and he was right since it had a name tag reading 'Michael' on it. He ripped off the tag and threw the one strap over his shoulder, walking back over to the group. "I just wanted mine." He said with a grin on his face.
Cheal looked around some, not knowing how they would get out with the guards outside. He noticed a bunch of bags, each with their names on them. "So... what's up with the bags?" He asked as he went looking for his.
Cheal looked at the others around him, most of them still sleeping, or pretending or something, but Vivi was right. All 16 of them had been stuffed into a room, with almost nothing but the clothes on their backs and these collars around their necks. "So... why don't we get out?"
Cheal woke up in shock, Mish poking him, Vivi just kicking him in his side and yelling in his ear. "Oww! Okay I'm up, I'm up." He shouted, rubbing his ears, when he noticed the collar. "What the-?!" He felt all the way around his neck, following the collar. "Hahaha. Real funny guys. Now get this thing off of me."
Cheal moaned a bit, not wanting to face reality just yet, as he began to fall asleep again, though this time he remained standing. He started snoring loudly and swaying back and forth until he collapsed back onto the floor, though still asleep.
Cheal had always been a sound sleeper, but the noise in the room had become too much for him to sleep through. He sat up, eyes half open, his hair standing up in some places. He picked up his pillow and chucked it towards the others who went and woke him. "Shut up! I'm trying to sleep." He said in a groggy voice, he layed back down, resting his head on his folded arms.
Two words... pink panties. :D Seriously... Unique. (With the name Mish she is.)
Another one is added. :D
Well, I'm 17, but will be 18 on Dec. 11th. Can't wait! :D Btw... If you haven't noticed Sara's profile... *Points to Sara's profile in the staff section.* Guess you're not the oldest. :D
You really like that boxed look don't you? :D Anyways, it looks awesome, but yeah, the render could be a bit more noticable. Other than that it's great.
This one's gonna be a hard one... I can't seem to think of a thing to do. *sigh* I might not be able to come up with anything for this one. T_T
1st = Kairi - It is very well put together and is awesome in presentaion, also gets a point for going with KH render. ^_^ 2nd = Cin & Darkwatch - Couldn't choose between the two, as they are both really good. They both could have done some work with the text, but still, they turned out great. :D
My Halloween sucks so far... -I looked like a freak, since I was one of a few who wore my costume to school. -The Principle was sending people to IS (Internal Suspension) for wearing costumes, so I had to take mine off. The only good part is that it might rain tonight and me and my brother get the left over candy. :D
So.... is this still gonna get going, cause some of the people are gone. And I don't know when Cronoking will be back on, since he just got .Hack//GU.
((Reku, please post your profile here, so you can be added in.)) Ako quickly stopped and turned to Rain, her expression was serious, which made her look cold. "What are you talking about?! Where did you get that from?!" Ako shouted to the girl, placing her ice cold hands on Rain's shoulders, gripping her tight. She looked as if crazed and after realizing what she was doing she stepped away. She turned from Rain, her head hung low. "Sorry... just- how do you know that?" Ako asked calmly, her voice breaking a bit, but still understandable.
It kinda sucks that I have school, but at least I can put my costume to good use. Since I'm 18 this year, I really can't go trick-or-treating, and at least me and my bro get all the candy left over. :D
Ako picked herself up and wiped away a tear that had began to form in her eye. "Thanks Rain." She said, placing her hand on Rain's shoulder. "And thanks to you too Zangetsu." She pulled herself together, her face suddenly turning serious, as she put her hands out to her sides. Water molecules from everywhere started to float in towards her hands. She gripped her hands tightly around the invisible objects in her hands, and in a burst of icey cold wind, two daggers appeared. "Let's go." She said coldly, her personality seeming to change, but yet stayed the same. She walked to the stairway and up to Zangetsu.
Ako had used up too much of her energy, and had passed out. As she woke up, she jumped up to her feet in shock as she realised that everyone was already gone. She rushed down the stairs, while she kept watch of her surrounding, preparing for any surprie attack. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she quickly rounded the last turn, seeing the mysterious man and her friends all together. She rushed up to them, only to hit some sort of wall along the way. She beat on the clear wall, though it seemed futile as her efforts went unnoticed. She fell to her knees, putting her head in her hands, though fighting back tears. "What should I do? ... What could I do?" She said to herself, though all hope had not left her, few was left.
Well, at least I can safely say that Crono really doesn't last long on those games. He beats them and then he gets bored with them. It's funny. :D
Pretty good for not knowing what the heck you were doing, along with the whole 3 months thing. Don't have a problem with the text, besides the way it stands out. Motion blur needs to be blended in or turned down, but besides that It's really good. :D