Cheal was a character in a book that I was writing. He was an archer that was destined to save the world, but the other part is constantly changing and states my rank at the moment. :D
Darkwatch, as the color is very smooth and flows really well across the whole sig. To Kairi, the pastel colors are very good in the background, but the render shouldn't have been changed all that much, as it looks too... scratchy (can't find the right word). Also, the color of that is in the hair (can't tell if that's an earring or what...) turns the look down for me.
I say he is, since all you heard from him in KH's was... "Kairi!", "I have to find Kairi!", "Where's Kairi!", not to mention all of the dreams he had picturing Kairi as other people. :D Although... I have found a comic scene that best states your point... *Warning for slight suggestive language*
Umm... could you PM me Zexion? I just want to know how this differs from a regular RPG and why you placed it here.
Walking for a bit, Cheal kept thinking about where the three were going. He had a battle going on in his mind between going to the hospital and not. "What if it's a trap?" He thought to himself, though hiding his frustration from his companions. "What about the lack of knowledge we have about this place?" "So what are we supposed to do?! Let him get killed! There's no way he could make it out here by himself." "Then answer me this: If there is a hospital then who is going to treat him? I doubt Roxas wants us to be able to patch ourselves up in the middle of a death battle." "But-" "What? You know I'm right." "It's the right thing to do and I'm doing it." Cheal made up his mind, knowing that the onl way to win this thing and get out alive would be to help eachother. ((I do multiple quotes in an emphasis on his inner thoughts battling for what to do. And he does not have multiple personalities, just conflict between himself.))
Cheal nodded, carrying one side of NRA in the direction that Vivi was taking the other side in. He looked down to the tracker; it seemed to be normal, but he didn't want to take any chances and kept watching it. In his concentration, he forgot about following Vivi and dropped the whole weight onto Vivi's shoulder. "No ones around us." He said with a sigh of relief, looking up at the sturggling Vivi. "Oh! Sorry." He rushed back over to Vivi and NRA, picking up the shoulder he had left.
Cheal stood back, hoping that Vivi was doing the right thing, but he quickly passed the thought from his mind. He walked over to the two and swung NRA's other arm over his shoulder. "Let's keep moving." He said to the two, knowing that there had to be others running around, and they wouldn't want to be attacked now.
CRONO!!! I thought I told you to stay in the spam section. Don't make me chain you there. :D Anyways, Don't worry about it. My bro gets them all the time for various reasons. ;) There are many reasons your nose could be bleeding, but probably nothing. Like Roxas said, if it continues for days, tell our doctor. Also, look up some things about it online and you might find some things that might effect it.
Falco's right. ou wouldn't go to an art museum and say that a landscape needs a person in it, now would you? =P Anyways, looks great and I really hate you guys who use C4D, since I can't seem to get mine to look this good. :D
Cheal and Vivi had finally made their way out to the other side of the forest, waves crashing on the rocks below. It was brighter out, the sun higher in the sky, but everything still seemed to be calm and quiet. "So where do we go now?" Vivi asked, his weapon was in the air, read for anything. "Should be around here somewhere..." Cheal said softly, wondering if the machine had a bug. Their dots were right along with the other one, but their was no one in sight. ((And I guess it's okay with me if Vivi controls Cheal when I'm gone and vice-versa.. as long as he doesn't do something stupid, like try to kill me.))
Poofy, could you not do that outside of the spam section(maybe not even there...)? OT: Simpsons rule hands down, since they have been running good episodes for many, many years. And it is sad that they are only just now getting their own movie, but it looks good. :D
Agreed. I also liked the Fathers powers(phasing through stuff) and I couldn't believe that Mika had powers too. Like over electricity or something from the scene that they showed.
Simpsons. It's been on for years, so you know they have to be the best. :D Btw, none of these are Anime's, so I'm moving this over to Movies and Media. ~MOVED~
((O.o Already?! *Sighs* Whatever.)) "Come on. We better get somewhere safe and wait for someone to come for us." Cheal said, watching the tracker carefully, as some more of the dots began to come out from the crowd.
"Okay." Cheal said, not knowing what he had just agreed to do, but he was ready to do anything to get out of this alive. Cheal had always been good with technology and already knew how to opperate the tracker as soon as he had the chance to look at it. He pressed the buttons that were on it, causing it to turn on. A bunch of blinking dots were coming from where they just were, along with four dots, two in the same place that he presumed was them, and two others far apart. "I guess these two are us. Right now a lot of them are still back inside the building, and there are others out here with us. They're pretty far away, but still... I'd better watch this." He said as he kept the device out. ((Ask Mint[Roxas], he may allow you to join))
Cheal had know Vivi only for a year, but he had become a great friend, so he could never think badly about him. As he ran over to him he pulled out the tracker, showing that he had gotten it as his weapon. "I think we might be able to use this." He said, hoping that he could be of some help. "What did you get?"
Cheal picked up his bag and ran after Vivi and the others that had already left, knowing that he would have to play the game to get out of here alive. He ran after Vivi and exited the building, hoping that they could team up together. Wonder where he went? Cheal asked himself, but he couldn't wait for him forever, so he kept going, straight into the forest like surroundings. I'll find him later. Maybe this tracker will come in handy afterall.
((You forgot Vivi. :D )) Cheal finally reached what he could assume was his weapon. He came out from his bag, an odd computer-like object in his hands. He did'nt want the others to see that he had gotten such a lame weapon, so he quickly stuffed it back into his bag, along with the food and water had taken out. He turned back and listened in for the man to continue.
((You sending us what weapons we have?)) Cheal found the food and the water, but continued to search for the weapon. He seemed unphased by what the man was saying, as he dug through the bag.
"Go for it, I am." Cheal said, as he opened his bag and rumaged through his bright red bag, making sure to keep everything together though.