I like all of them, the last the most. Xp And is it just me or did you have the Silver one before? I could have sworn you did cause that's when I first saw him. Hmm... Anyways, I also really like the wallpaper. It's really cool with the vector abstract look. :D
I think this is my first one. I can't really remember as I have over 300 sigs in my Photobucket account. Xp Anyways, I have gotten better, but still would probably lose in a 1 on 1 with you guys. T_T
Unlock From now on, please include your avy/sig in your first post, so everyone can comment it no matter if you changed your avy/sig. It's just to make things more organized and easy. :D Relock
If you happened to have PS and not Gimp then you could do it easily in the animator program, Imageready, that comes with it. I don't use Gimp and don't plan to, so I couldn't tell you about the subject. Well, you asked for sometime today, so I'll do it now. PM me or another mod/admin if you want this unlocked. Also, if anyone has info on this after I lock it, please contact The_Burger_King and help him out. :D Anyways, LOCKED [Edit] UNLOCK Never mind. I found a tut that may help you out. First you need to download the GAP(Gimp Animation Pack), so go here and download it at the bottom. Then use the link I provided below and you should get a tut about animating. It's not about how to make a banner, but it will teach you how to animate. GAP Tut
Thanks. If anyone has seen Air Gear, this is the craziest guy. In this form he is called Akito, while in another(more child-like) form his name is Agito. The eye-patch is how you can tell which is which. If I lost you, this is Akito from the anime Air Gear. :p
Thanks for the cnc's guys. It is simple as I was trying to make a tut at the same time and was sort of rushing myself through it, but I like the outcome. Almost no brushwork, as I used a slight grunge brush for the background. I know the text is really plain, but I don't like the look of some other ones, and the point I was getting across was one that was simplicity, since it was in my tut. :D
This is the sig that I used in my border making tut. Hopes it turns out goodz. :D
This is for those that keep asking how to make borders. Consider it a late Christmas present from me. :D (Sorry, image was WAY too big Xp) If you happen to need any clarification on anything just PM me.
Wow... I liked your first one, but this one takes the cake! *roflol* It's just really funny to see how you portrayed them. 9/10 :D
Wow... guys. Seriously tone down the spam. I can't believe that in three pages I've read very little comment to help him out. Seriously.... Anyways.... I think your avy is great CFF. I don't get why it has so many thinking it's bad, but unlike most people it's actually far from it. It's focused, funny, and even has a border! As you can all see my avy is nothing special, but I like it. So as long as you like it, it is good, but imo it's a really funny and good avy, CFF. I give this a 4 out of 5(X-play reference if anyone caught it). :D
Well, you requested sigs from me before, and now you've gotten so good at making your own. I want in. :D Render: This one Main Color: Black & Light blue Text: We are different yet the same Matching Avatar: Yes, please. Avy Text: "Akito" in the top left, "Agito" in the bottom right. Thanks in advanced. :D
If you still haven't figured out the border thing, I could tell yah. :D 1) Create a new layer 2) Hit Ctrl + A to select all *Make sure to pick your foreground color for the border now* 3) Go to image>stroke 4) In the stroke window, select inside and the size of your border(Normally 1 or 2) 5) If you like, change the blending until you like the look. And that's normally how I do my borders. :D
Harsh much? o_o The ones that are towards the end of this thread are great. I think I just might switch over to GIMP with the results. At first I was going to suggest blending the render with the background more, but after I saw the ones that you used a tut with, that had to be thrown out the window. These are seriously good for a beginner, at least IMO. I still haven't gotten to some of the effects you used with PS CS2. :D Keep this up! ^_^ d
Yeah. Happy New Years -5 Time Zone! :D Hopes no one gets stuck in a jail in Mexico or something.... cause I ain't bailin' yah out. -_- v
Okay, what version/program are you using. If you're not using PS6 or higher(don't know about any of the lower ones) desaturate should be there, but if you're using another program then you might need a few adjustments for you. Another great tut for beginners. Pics would help, but the steps are pretty simple to get through. :D
Great job. Simple and straight to the point. This might actually help a lot of newbs to PS up the look of their work. :D
*Walk in and looks up at the floating candles and such that are lighting the place* Hmm... not abnormal at all. *Goes to eat one of the floating drumsticks* Mmmm... tasty. *Walks into the bathroom and comes bursting out a few seconds later* A clean public restroom!!! Witches!!!
Me? Sagittarius Dragon Earth(But I like Water more... Xp) Compatible: 10 - Monkey/Rat 2 - Dog
Here is one of my newest sigs. Forget that there is no border as I have one coming, since I forgot it. CnC's...
Well, I guess I could start and post mine at the end of the week. *Goes and starts it now* :D