this movie was hella awesome. The wushu finger hold is godly. The turtle is deep. Tai Long as a baby was adorable :DD Po is a pimp. And i thought at the moment that Po's father was gonna tell him the secret recipe, that instead he was gonna tell him that he was adopted .__.; i shall always remember this one quote "THERE ARE NO MISTAKES"
mmk i need advice i guess. So my best friend and I. somehow. most of my friends and her friends think that we will go out one day. But yet. we never know how they think that. Her family at first thouight i was her boyfriend. And my best friends think we'll go out and end up having a long term relationship or even end up married. I mean. We give eachother long hugs. and we're always having fun together and we're around each other often. and we flirt around eachother often i guess. but i dont see how it could lead to that. But after we pranked our friends by "going out" she told me that there could be a chance that it may happen that we go out. But iono what that could mean. do you think that just because me and my best friend do the things that we did mean that we're gonna go out? o.o
the occasional Boy band songs.....>.> *hides* but its specific songs
Fresh Prince Of Bel Air Home Improvement George Lopez Friends Everybody Loves Raymond Office Scrubs Roseanne Made The Real World South Park Simpsons whatever else is on tv Used to be a fan of: Arrested Development Full House
This game shall be epic. I loved the original disgaea. havent played 2 tho
Best: ...too hard of a question Worst: Kabuki Warriors. >_>
You gotta love Rise Against. I love their songs. Specially: Give It All, Ready To Fall, Like The Angels, Prayer Of The Refugee
I love Breaking Benjamin Fav Songs by them ----------------------- Diary Of Jane Sooner Or Later(First song i listened to by them. And its what made me listen to them) So Cold Breakdown Medicate Had Enough Blow Me Away Until The End Unknown Soldier
Lucky - Jason Mraz Wordplay - Jason Mraz Geek In The Pink - Jason Mraz Remedy - Jason Mraz I'm Yours - Jason Mraz Adored - Collective Soul Shine - Collective Soul Gel - Collective Soul Sweet & Low - Augustana Boston - Augustana those songs calm/relaxes me
i dont have a favorite. too many good bands out there but some that i really do like are; -Sum 41 -Three Days Grace -Three Doors Down -All Time Low -The Beatles<33 -Breaking Benjamin -Bee Gees -Linkin Park -Collective Soul -Relient K -Yellowcard -Story Of The Year -Mercy Mercedes -There For Tomorrow -Atreyu -Underoath -Skillet -Red -Thousand Foot Krutch -Kutless -Adema -A Change Of Pace -Amber Pacific -Anberlin -Bayside -Seether -Nickelback -Foo Fighters -Goo Goo Dolls -Hit The Lights -Nirvana -Papa Roach -Red Hot Chili Peppers -Rise Against -Saliva -Silverstein -Zebrahead -System Of A Down -andmore-
ugh. i remember seeing this one movie called nightmare in oakland or something. and Dream Warrior..i think that was the title those two movies just sucked.
Bahaha. i loved this movie. i remember finding at the library and immediatly renting it.
aw. my internet was down so i didnt kno bout this D: i would join now. but its too late):
4th AMV Hope you like it. [Youtube] [portal] advice/criticisms pleaseee
Portal : Youtube: hope you all like it. advice/comments appreciated :D suscribe too pleasee
Fact: the great gatz joined KH-Vids during aug 07?
my dad raised me to never hit a women no matter what. if i think about it. hit something else.
Mon/Tues/Fris ----------------- Start: 7:35 Principles Of Business Lit Bio PE Alg 1 Spanish 1 Finish: 2:00 Weds -------- Start: 9:00 Lit Pe Spanish 1 Finsih: 2:55 Thurs ----------- Start: 7:35 Principles of Business Bio Alg 1 No 7th Finish: 12:45
ooh ill enter my Breathe Into Me AMV. and ill work on a new one just for this contest (Youtube Link) (KH Portal)
i agree. it should end. but if it does. it'd be a sad moment... like the end of an era. its like if power rangers ended. same thing.