Seems kind of pointless for that option to even be on the list when we KNOW it's next. I hope Coded is playable and not just turned into a "movie" where parts of it have no context.
I would LIKE to see a totally redesigned version of Days, myself, somewhere down the line. As much as I love the original there are just so many flaws and mistakes with it that it needs to be redone from the ground up. There's a good game in there somewhere, I just know it.
I would if I had the chance.
It just strikes me as odd that Square would allow a team of just two programmers to go in and do this. It's even ODDER that no one other than those two programmers (barring the musicians) pitched in on this. It's just odd. In any case, I've started looking for the texture sheets for the Disney characters from KH2 that are also in KH1. I started with Simba because why not. Might take a while to find everybody.
Code: Meanwhile, I have no doubt that they could've. It's not like Square Enix is a small, unknown indie company. If they, the developers, don't have *any* say in when their product is released I would love to know who decides it for them. Regardless of if you consider them lazy or not, it's my opinion that they, at least in the modelling department, really called it in. Without any access to the source code to do it "properly", people on this very forum can enhance textures, change sounds, and translate the entire game into a different language. The only things that Square Enix did to the games that we can't (not including the enhanced music, which I'm very pleased to have) do to them are make them run natively on the PS3 (which is sort of avoided if you can somehow get burned games PS2 games to run on the PS3), a few new abilities (all of which were taken from other games), achievements (which don't matter to some people), making the right analog stick not be horrible anymore (very good change), shifting the "Summon" option around (another good change I might add) and adding reaction commands (giving the triangle button some more action while at the same time making it harder to direct Donald and Goofy in battle). If Nomura had his doubts about this collection, he shouldn't have. Kingdom Hearts is a massive series that has historically been successful both financially and critically; HD collections themselves are an indication of the overall success of a series (I have yet to see Bumbsy HD and I never will). Granted, they had to work hard to reverse engineer the source code for the game since they "lost" it over the last decade, but the experience is basically the same; the same voices from 10 years ago, running around the same sparsely decorated, monster-filled but otherwise lifeless worlds, listening to remakes of songs we've been listening to for 10 years. This isn't a "new series", either. Just another iteration in the long list of remakes that the KH team has already pumped out. And yes, I should totally be thankful for them not completely missing the point of an HD collection. If they had shipped it with Pro Skater-styled textures after promising "HD", they'd be laughed out of the room. ^ Massive blog post. But really, can we please get back to talking about the actual PORTING thing and not about this, now? Enough derailing.
Meanwhile, I have no doubt that they could've. It's not like Square Enix is a small, unknown indie company. If they, the developers, don't have *any* say in when their product is released I would love to know who decides it for them. Regardless of if you consider them lazy or not, it's my opinion that they, at least in the modelling department, really called it in. Without any access to the source code to do it "properly", people on this very forum can enhance textures, change sounds, and translate the entire game into a different language. The only things that Square Enix did to the games that we can't (not including the enhanced music, which I'm very pleased to have) do to them are make them run natively on the PS3 (which is sort of avoided if you can somehow get burned games PS2 games to run on the PS3), a few new abilities (all of which were taken from other games), achievements (which don't matter to some people), making the right analog stick not be horrible anymore (very good change), shifting the "Summon" option around (another good change I might add) and adding reaction commands (giving the triangle button some more action while at the same time making it harder to direct Donald and Goofy in battle). If Nomura had his doubts about this collection, he shouldn't have. Kingdom Hearts is a massive series that has historically been successful both financially and critically; HD collections themselves are an indication of the overall success of a series (I have yet to see Bumbsy HD and I never will). Granted, they had to work hard to reverse engineer the source code for the game since they "lost" it over the last decade, but the experience is basically the same; the same voices from 10 years ago, running around the same sparsely decorated, monster-filled but otherwise lifeless worlds, listening to remakes of songs we've been listening to for 10 years. This isn't a "new series", either. Just another iteration in the long list of remakes that the KH team has already pumped out. And yes, I should totally be thankful for them not completely missing the point of an HD collection. If they had shipped it with Pro Skater-styled textures after promising "HD", they'd be laughed out of the room.
Honestly? I doubt pushing the release date back a bit would've affected sales at all. Square didn't *have* to make yet another release of the games, but they did. The only reason why they had a release date limit is because they forced it on themselves. With release dates in March and September... Neither are exactly "holiday" months; summer, sure, but by the time it gets overseas, summer is over. Unless their publisher (unless they publish their own stuff, which makes it their own fault) was really pushing for a certain release date, they had no reason not to, outside of lack of caring and laziness.
I can't believe that Square left so many "fish face" characters in the cutscenes.
Just tell me what models I should get the textures of and I'll start up my file submarine and go file diving for it.
Aside from the fact that it would be incomplete, I strongly suggest that it be made optional. Billy Zane is, to me, *THE* voice of Ansem.
I wish the PS2 wasn't so limiting; that and the fact that KH1 is just old.. We can only squeeze out so much "hd" with such small texture sizes.
Between that and faking "HD" screenshots, it wouldn't surprise me.
Very few times have I been this happy about unused things being left in video games.Nice work, looks really good.
Some removed and unused what now?
You should be able to. With Noesis you can extract the texture from the pmo file so that it's just a regular tga/png/whatever and try to match it up...
For those wondering, I've been getting the textures by using Noesis to rip the textures. I cannot reinsert them, but I can rip them.
I have a feeling that someone is going to want to turn Sora's keyblade into Mickey's. I couldn't find it in KH1's files, so here's the texture sheet for Mickey's keyblade, ala KH2:FM.
Honestly, in that game, they seem TOO low. All the letters in all the menus.
They crash because they're each weapons for characters who don't wield actual weapons. lm = Ariel, nm= Jack, pc = Beast
I'm actually not too put off by the hanging letters.