You could preorder and then save up for a PS3.
Can PPF patches even be made on this scale? The patch would be massive in filesize.
Did Square update any of the textures for the Heartless in 1.5? I'm comparing Darkside's KH1 and BBS:FM textures and it seems to me that Square just reused the KH1 texture for it instead of using the higher res one from BBS. I mean, I prefer the older texture (especially around the face. The BBS one looks like he's made of wood), but I wonder why they didn't update it when it's a huge model and a boss that you fight 3 times.
I can do SOME things, but I don't have the sort of tools that have been developed for this game. Basically all I have is a hex editor, a table to plug into it, and a keyboard. If a particular phrase is too short and needs expanding I can't change it. Xeeynamo did a good job of translating it for the most part; but the exclusive scenes, especially the longer cutscenes, leave a lot to be desired.
This project is getting so much more care and attention than the KH2 patch, poor incomplete thing.
How about a no BGM code?
I don't think you really need a stylus for Days anyway. DDD, yes, but Days... No. All of the panel management I did was with ye olde button and direction pad.
I can't wait to see how the voice modification thing works.
I'll start testing asap. Hopefully I can get past the first Darkside boss without the emulator crashing.
I know it's not the point of the video, but does the command menu text look a little too low to you guys?
Hopefully we'll be able to fix the blinking/expressions problem for the fishfaces soon.
I said that in the other thread! XD
I guess in the meantime we don't change the fishfaces... The clothes, though, should still be fine.
Oh, clumsy me. lol The green one is nothing. I edited that onto the image to get a feel of how it COULD'VE looked had Square changed how the enemy HP functioned for the first game and I guess I left it on there when I uploaded the signature. lol
We have an issue! Upon testing the (battle) HD Sora skin that a brief flash of missing texture appears when the character blinks! The hd cutscene skin has no such issue. This flash of bugginess also happens on the rare occasion when the fishfaced model makes any sort of expression; this can be seen as early as the Dive into the Heart stage.
You're the first person to address my signature and for that, I thank you. More potential modding? :P Oddly enough, isn't that the ONLY new scene that got voices? The other ones weren't so lucky.
What audio issues, exactly? I can't remember any off the top of my head.
I'm expecting this as well. The KH2-voice Sora is probably something they'd never do. Speaking of things they'd never do... That Xemas warp effect...
Same here. It's "story" can be summed up pretty quickly and it's the host for one of the worst "not-a-rhymes" ever; trying to rhyme "mended" and "end it", really Square? Then again I guess this is what happens when the core plot point (Data Sora) was Goofy's idea.
Is there anyone else who thinks that the Final Mix skins for the Heartless look... out of place? I think it's funny that the "most canon" iteration of the game (in terms of cutscenes, fights, and weapons) they decide to completely reskin every enemy for no particular reason.