Ahhhhhh ok.
Really??? Same. I washed mine like 2 hours ago. :lolface: Nah, you do.
Good................................. hurry though
Ahhhhh, crap. I get off in 30 minuetes. So, could we do it soon???
Ok. Go ask her.
Heyy. Is the marage actually going to be tonight. Or some other night.
Heyyyyyy, Terra. I didnt know you were certified to marry a couple. So, whats up? Do you need help with anything?
KK. And um................ oh. Did you find a Made of Honor yet?
KK. Got it.
Heyyy, Aqua. Happy years for you and Riku. And, how can I be of serveice for the wedding. Besides being the best man.
KK. On it.
Ahhhhh.............................................. can I be of any help with it?
No, silly. To the thread.
OMG!!!!!! xD I am so excited for you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give me the link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you prepose to her yet?
None. :D Just a lucky guess. and Terra asked me how long i'd be before you asked me. Your welcome
Soon enough Jaden. [IMG] I will duel you when the time comes.
For your marage with Aqua? Sure.
I'm good. [IMG] And just like you, I have been duel'n far and wide getting stronger. [IMG]
So, if you get the game regeister my Friend code.