Cool. XD R U happy with your Marrige? Has it settled in yet?
Nothin. Whats up with ya?
Hey. Could you make this into a Sig. for me? Time: 3:13 to 3:18 no border Contact me when your done. (Through, PM or VM.) Also, Using this link: Could you make a Avi out of this time? Time: 4:58 to 5:16 no border
Heyy. We havent talked in along!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! time. So, catcha when your on. And you like FMA? (FullMetalAlchemist)
Thx. But, your sweet like candy.
Im Good. Though, I am always ten times happier when I spend time with you. :<3:
Heyy, Honey. xp How r u?
The party was the BEST!!!! Wish you were there. Sorry, I missed you. I love you and have the best dream ever!
Oh, and Sweety. I got to go. Heading to party. Its a 40 minuete drive. I'll be back a about 9:00pm. I love you. Bye. :<3:
Hmm..... Yeph. Its ok. Hahahah I did didnt I. Oh well, I'll change it soon. XD!! Your welcome, My Princess.
Yah. I found a cool Yugioh deck then started putting up pics on my homepages of everything. Yep. Yep, at the semi-end of the description it says:...
Yep yep. Oh, I updated my Youtube page!! You should check it out!!
Nawww......... ok. But, to be a 100% sure. We r both the best.
OMG that sounds horride Yes and Cake and Hamburgers, and candy and and and ETC!!! XD ~PARTY TIME~ :rockband:
:kiss:I know. :<3:Thats why your the best.
Awwww....... I just love you sooooo much. I always have the patience to love you. greenbounce
lololollololololol XD Thx. Goood, OHHHHH long trip. D': So long
Awwww....... ok. But, you have patience to deal with me right? :bounce:
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyylo. Yep Yep. XD How ru? Ima good, and going to a party in 2 hours!!!!!
R u going to a party? Or anything?