So I was searching my room thinking my phone had gotten stolen. I hadn't been freaking out I wasjust think hmmmm maybe I did lose it then I put on my sweatshirt and felt something heavy in the pocket. Turns out my phone was in there the whole time! I was like I coulda swore it was stolen....... It's kinda like that all the time with things that you forget to put them. I guess I'm in such a rush I don't realize it....Then again mistakes happen all the time. I dunno why I forget.....ever happened when you thought ypu misplaced when really you forgot?
I have some idea of rememmbering of what it was like to be a baby. But I think it's my subconcious. No one really rememmbers being a baby. Unless your a genius I suppose. But maybe not. So the discussion here is, Do rememmber being little? Got yew! And plz don't post anything rude because then Your no fun!
-his lust for power- He lusted for revenge,an enemy in between me. His enemy is my best friend alrite. Thy cannot understand why.... Thy has always cried for thy thought was in love.. When all along it was just lust... Thy see him every day... Thy kills me inside everytime he looks away..Thy want to be gone But Thy knows thats not the answer to this problem.... My boyfriend kissed my best friends girlfriend in front of both of us. My boyfriend did that because he hates my best friend so much he was willing to hurt me. He tried singing under my window thinking this always works. At the end I poured ice cold water on him and said"It's over.". Now hes flaunting his new girlfriend. It hurts me very bad but i'm gonna try and get over it! Has someone dumped or hurt you due to seven deadly sins of self? Life will go on but for now let me cry. and when I'm hapy my tears of him will die to make room for more love/lust in my life.
Lucky Star and Ouran Host Club mix in when Haruhi visits her old friend konata! 1.You can have a ouran character OR a lucky star character. 2.You have to have One from Ouran and One from lucky! 3.No fighting(with other memmbers) 4.If you know the show please refresh me!(lucky star I'm rereading it) 5. You must ask ahead of time for permission (fights,kissing,etc) 6.Try not to get banned(the reason for numba five) 7. Do not go OOC the whole time! Make sure to be part of the story! 8.If you have questions please contact me! 9. If your character is Ouran the color is yellow while lucky star is Cyan. To help make things less confusing. 10.Have fun! 11.I will add rules if nessary but I don't think I will! Your character: Name: School: Grade: Age: Class: Likes: Dislikes: Strongest Subject: Leaste Subject: Ability/skill: Apperance: (If no apperance please describe) characters: Tamaki: Haruhi: Honey: Hikaru: Kaoru: Mori: Renge: Kyoyoua: (Sorry for Misspells) Lucky Star: Konata: Misyuki:MandyXRiku4ever Tbusaka: Kagami: Tamura: (that's all I can rememmber sorry) If you want to be staff or faculty please let me know personally The thread has already started!Have fun!
The Worst song ever is Party in the USA!!! I hate that song so much! All the girls at my school are like OMG it's Miley! And I'm like well u sound better than her! Sorry to Miley fans but that song is played 24/7 cause of my little sis and obbessive girls at my school that JUST love Miley.-rolls eyes- got anything worse?
What's the most funniest moment in manga/Anime? Mines when Ayaame finishes his story that didn't make ANY sense Kyo is the complete opposte to what ayaa said. It's when ayaa goes"This includes my wonderful story!" kyo goes (yells) "You mean stupid!!!" it's a spoiler for people who haven't seen fruit basket but it's my faverite moment that I can rememmber and it's one of my faves! Fruit basket has violence both in the manga and anime and romance is included. You have to admit kyo and Ayaa's moments ARE epic! :D
Today is another bad day. I had to sit in the docotor's office for a hour and a half then i had to get my hair done and my eyebrows waxed by my cousin's friend. They eye brow waxing was painful and i dislike getting my hair done. Now I have to finish doing my homework and get ready for a party w/ family I DON'T LIKE.....(they call me a tomboy and a man behind my back grrrr....) This is a bad day! can't get even worse!>_< it gets worse...boyfriend breaks up w/ u in front of a bunch of girls who dress too trashy >_<
If you could remake your faverite anime(or TV show,movie etc doesn't matter) and make into a movie or another one which would it be and why? Get creative! stop being bored! xD
Who is with sora b/c either he's with 4 ppl or watever I think he is biosexually if you ask me (no offense)....I mean he searched the worlds for a GUY which does THAT mean HE has a bromance w/ Riku? Either way he's with Kairi :D