Why was vexen even need in C.O.M.? He ended up getting killed at not even in the end. So was he really needed? All he really did was just go on and on. So was vexen REALLY important?
Hey Blair! So awesomeness!
I'm having a hard time falling asleep. Any advice?I literally only get two hours of sleep. I dunno why I'm like that.
In Yoknowa(made up surban city) lives the sohma family. New memmbers are being discovered and tohru is thrilled to meet each new simliar one even other cats! Kyo and Yuki have been acting even for them! Tohru doesn't know what to do so she invites a new memmber and their friends! Will they help Kyo and Yuki from acting werid? Can Haru and Kisa help? Find out on this Fruit baskests Journey! MY Rules! Don't like 'em? Too bad! RULES TO PLAY: 1.No spam 2.NO godmouldering 3.NO bad mouthing with other users 4.IF you want to leave TELL ME! 5.Don't go OCC the whole time. 6.NO BULLYING 7.NO fights with any weapons!(a hand to hand fight) 8.NO FIGHT TO THE DEATH!(If you joke about it aka Kyo thats fine but no for real!) 9. Use spelling(no r use are or u intead of you! please use correct not texting or aim) 10.PG-13 please! 11.IF you have been asked to leave by harressing or making user uncomfortable then LEAVE!(You don't i'll get the admin. involved dont make me!) 12.Have FUN! 13.No whining 14.No Sex 15.Mild cursing. if you must curse please do*** or !#%&@ 16.I will add rules if needed 17.FOLLOW THEM! 18.You can have one fruit basket character and your own but the limit is two! 19.We have no extra memmbers you can have another (but color code you choose and tell me!) Characters: Kyo: Yuki: Haru: Kisa: Momiji: Shirgure: Ayaa: Avito(forget his or her name):(2 boy and girl) Tohru: Hatori: (let me know if thers anyone i forget!) Your Character OCC: Username: Name: Age: Gender: Animal in zodiac(and the cat)orOther(classmate,friend,tutor.teacher,etc): Bio: Personality: Class Ranking: In class with: Realitive: History: Apperance:(pic or description) Class: Example Username:MandyXRiku4ever Name:Miteta Sohma(dont have to be in the zodiac can be just a friend) Age:16 Gender:Female Bio:Shes Kisa's and Hatori's long lost sister shes the black tiger Personality:Scarcastic,Sweet depends on her mood. Class Ranking:10 In class with: Yuki and Kyo and Tohru Realitive:Kisa and Hatori History:She use to be yuki's and kyo's best friend when they were little. They never fought in front of her Apperance:My avatar Class:2-D The Rp's just started jump in! XD
Whats your leaste faverite hoilday? Mines today!DX its all because eggs were thrown at me ppl were saying april fools! and i got punched then was told april fool'! i hate it when ppl use that excuse....>_<
April fools day!xD on April fools day there had Berenice someone bringing a gun to school but apperently he wasn't gonna use it. While they took him away he was saying it's just a April fools joke you aasssess. That happened last year at my school. Wonder if there's gonna be an idoit who does that.........=_=
Boys...is girls daydream about em and we love em as buds. But when they don't talk to us about important stuff like relationship wise like they don't say anything you think of idoit! You broke my heart! But when ur good friend or bf doesn't tell you or talk you about something like when u go to them for sympathy they go to someone else and later on be like I told you!!! So if your a boy...(honest opion) do girls play worse games then you men do? And for girls... Do boys play games worse then we do? Honest debate honest answers....enjoy!
Okay so today my stepmom lost her job due to budget cus and stuff. She worked in at a school district who has tons of problems and has to waste their money on that due to they dont give an eff. but then again it could hhave been worse she could have gotten fired over a dispute but instead laid off. I'm very sad right now because we got our health insurance through tthat. now my dad has to work extra hard to pay and im going to have to get a job....life sucks. it bite you in the butt when you leaste expect it.
Why was myspace ever created? I mean really what was made for? Myspace has gotten so bad so why was it created?(and don't get smart with me you smart mouths out there!)
Read the title and respond! It's that simple. My fear: When my mom died I began a fear of being arfaid of being in a vechile,airplane,boat etc. I was especially afraid of being in a car. I still get that way. I know it's silly but I'm afraid I'm going to be driving along and all of a sudden BOOM! A drunk hits me hard and crashes and I die. Pretty sad? That what happened to my mom.
To blue my bestie....... Roxas is smexy in: a)Organzation coat all mysterious and bad boyish b) Skater boy clothes!!! He looked so hot! For ppl who apperiacate roxas. This is for my friend bluelazor I've decided to do this at random.....lol she likes roxas so...FOR YEW BLUE! Plez this iz to cheer u up!^^
In high school u get called preppy or sluuttyyy or more if u hang out with a certain crowd. I wonder why...... I mean it's gotta be jealousy or pride....it's A WTF moment in life of kabels especially at my school -sighs-
What is Micheal Jackson? Was he greed hungry or was he loving and caring? Was he gay? Was Micheal jackson crzy and nuts or worse? Or does he deserve to be conisdered an angel?
Warning not for obbossed fans of Justin bieber! Justin bieber sucks at singing. I can sing deeper than him and I'm sure other girls can. I don't like Justin B is because he's another pop star but acts like the rest. I dong know why little girls like him....I guess it's because he can sing "talented"(a liitle girl actually said that to me)
Pop songs. Do all of them suck or are some of them good?
I got to play soccer with the boys at my school and at first they all really did like me but when they saw how good I was and how I had good sportsmanship and apperently I would distract the other team because of my body(WTF?). And when I joined our school went to nationals and won! So you think girls should play on boys teams? It's not that bad you just have to try your hardest and work as a team.
At my school tickest for the prom are on sale. I don't think I should go cuz it'll be at a hotel....plus I really don't wanna get dressed up in a bright dress. Prom these days are either too boring or to wild. It's every girls dream to win prom queen. To be swifted away by prince charming.This is suppose to be the most magically event ever....well was it?
Ok so I broke up with my ex becuz he kissed my best friends gf(my best friend is a guy FYI) and he is out to make my life more complicated! When my best friend asked me out my ex punched him in the face and yelled"H0/\/\0/\/\0!!! you don't deserve any girl! Not even her!!!" he pointed right at me when he said that. What should I do??? I can't talk to my best friend about it and my friends don't understand! Anyone out there to help? Plz?
In class today I was REALLY bored so I started to stare off into space then my teacher said something that snapped me out of it. He said that aliens are out there waiting for us earthlings to come and rescue them. I honestly think that there is a alternate univers but if i font think there is any aliens that are in our reach. I think aliens is just science ficition...
When I watch a anime of a couple sharing their feelings for each other I've always wondered..I mean you know how in animes they tend to skipp it while the manga explains it? But in the anime they actually show how they kiss normally instead of a big rush... I can't decided.... What looks like a real anime style kiss in which the Anime Eposides OR the manga? FYI keep it apporiate I'm just saying that when couples kiss in anime and mangas I canny tell if I like the manga or anime(Tv movie etc).... Laters! PS Don't get to graphic =_= that's just wrong!