Blair hang tight! everythings gonna be a ok! *huggs and smiles* this is decation tr ^_^zexion'srealwife^_^ i hope this puts a smile on your facee! ^_^
Cheerleading..... is it really a sport? I mean i'm a cheerleader but still i don't think of it as a sport in a way.... got another totally different idea? Agree with me? Or not? Feel free but no spam!
Some just fail others succeed, like in FMA and the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya. the ones that fail for the opening is... *Ouran Host Club (english version) the ones that fail for openings: *Soul eater (FAILED DX)
Ok so Aqua,Ven,and Terra, they come outta nowhere and apperently aqua woke sora up before he fought Xenharot riku form,terra led riku into darkness,and ventus woke up sora in kh2. >_> That doesn't make sense. Am i the only one?
i'd rather do the computer after a two hour activity.....XD i do it for a bout an hour to two's fun until ur butt falls asleep :(
I wondey why my school blocks that site....they don't block but they block facebook,deviantart,and myspace and youtube....which kinda sucks....deviantart is amazing i mean its like you ave to use it well you know? and same goes for youtube and facebook (i rarely go on mine). > >> >>> >>>> again it could because of cyberbullying and other unmentionables but thats the person who decides to do that stuff...(i don't! its against the law where i live!) > >> >>> >>>> *sigh* oh welll at leaste they let us go on after we finish all our work (well in this class) XD
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Haruhi Suzumiya is starting High school. Haruhi wished three years ago for all the Anime/Manga to come to life. And For haruhi she has nothing. Nothing has happened except that she tries to call out for them by wearing a different hairstyle each day of the week. And when Haruhi is forced to Introduced herself to class she needs to know if there any aliens,timetravelers,and esthers. Haruhi knows that if she checks out all the clubs there will has to be one but haruhi couldn't find at leaste one that any of the clubs or sports had to offer. No werid ones and no one interesting to talk. That is until a normal obbessed guy named Kyon asked her about her hair and how it changes. When haruhi explained the guy said Monday said should be one. Of course for Haruhi she never jokes. When being completely dead serious all the time haruhi mis took him by cutting her long hair that took forever to grow. She cut it over an idoit named Kyon who seemed to be like everyone else. But all of a sudden she and Kyo talk right before homeroom. When kyon asks her what's so great about an alien haruhi answers by saying it would much more interesting. When she & kyon change seats closer to the window, kyon gives her the idea to start a club. Make a club to solve werid out of this world mysteriouies! Haruhi smacks kyon's head on the desk telling him the great idea in the middle of class. After class Haruhi tells kyon to do all the paperwork while she goes and finds a room. After finding a room and asking werid yuki nagot if they can use the liature club room. Yuki tells her ok. Haruhi shows Kyon then tells him she'll find more memmbers and he better not be late or else the death penatly(jk). Haruhi searchs the school grounds to see if her reeses pays off. it does when she kidnaps Miss asahina and makes her the mascot! then after introducing Miss Asahina to Kyon haruhi comes up with a name call the SOS brigade! Join Haruhi in her werid antics and unknown powers drive the school and the add/crossover add members up a wall as they keep up with her energy! the RP has started please go along with that! Rules: 1. No godd moulding 2.No fighting (between users) 3. No cyber bullying 4. Do the story line please! 5. Follow the rules for role playing! 6. No spam. 7. Use normal words (like 'you' instead of u) 8.I will add more rules if needed. 9.Keep it PG-16 with the usual romance,and fighting 10. Go with the color of character if you dunno ur charas color tell me ok! 11. you can only have 1 if it gets too full but for now 2 or 3 (plz ask but only 1 chara and 1 or more cross over just color code and use names plez) Contact: If you wanna know the story or want me to update it (i will) If you have no idea what this is feel free to PM or VM(Visitor Message) me! Consquences: I will get the ADIMN if you are causing any trouble. FOLLOW the rules or you will be banned(DON"T PUSH ME) Characters: Haruhi:MandyXRiku4ever color to talk Mikuru Asahina:^_^Zexion'srealwife^_^color to talk Yuki Nagato:SakuraAngel(i luv u)color to talk Kyon:Color to talk Istuki Koizumi:HellRaiser KyoColor to talk. Kyon's little sister: color to talk Ryoko: Color to talk Tsuruya: Color to talk Taniguchi: Color to talk Kunikida: Color to talk The Computer Research Society: President:Color to talk Member 1:Color to talk Member 2:Color to talk Member 3:Color to talk Emiri Kimidori:Color to talk (i need to add more) Example: Name: Miteta Age:16 Grade: 2-A Class Stand: Vice president Personality: Outspoken,brave,nice,serious,smart,and doesn't put up with anyone. Apperance: Family: father^^ sister ^^ Miteta mother^^ Friends: Haruhi since preschool grew up together. Strength level :100% muscle. Weakness:Music,often day dreams Pet Peeves: Boring strict people Won't take or stand: Bullying or haruhi's constant to try on outfits. likes: Music,ice cream, writing, and pandas Color:Lemon Chiffon is her color. PS If you have any questions feel free to PM me! ^_^ ok? HAVE FUN!!!
When someone says youtube, what's your opion and action on this site? Is it: "the best! I make AMV's! wanna see?" "Bad! Not ment for little children." "It's ok. Nothing really special." "What's so great about youtube? Tch it's just a place for idoits." "Youtube is awesome. I go on there all the time!" "I planned to be come famous on there. If it wasn't filled with fakes." Ok so...(i really got those answers when my class actually discussed this). So heres the story short: Is youtube bad? Can you really become famous? Is it really useless? Do you think youtube is stupid? What do you think of all the videos on there? Is youtube another site for people to do naughty things? Are the videos bad?...etc What i wanna know is what you think of the youtube. Is youtube good? What do you think about it? Was it really used for in your opion? Do you hate it? Do you constantly obbess over it? Well? Quit staring at the screen! and start typing your opion. No spam, no rudeness,no smart talk. cause no wants to hear it. but if you hate it, then critic as you plezz! XD
Why are anim4e boys so clueless and stupid? examples:Sasuke Uchicha. He got himself into a mess so big and can't he love? Another example:Jaden Yuki All he ever cared for was food and sleeping. I never saw took an interest in Blair or Alexis. Which was sad. Another example that is completely opposite: Kyon. Sure he was stupid but in the end he figured it out. So are most anime boys like ordinary boys? Wow. But most aren't ordinary. So the question is Are most anime boys just clueless? Can't they figure it out?
I got dumped. I wonder if he cheated me. He claims he's in love with a girl named Samammtha. I dunno who she is. I bet he problaby cheated on me. I was so foolish. Ever been in relationship like that? No spam. Not in the mood. I just got dumped. so give me a break. i have a broken heart.
Since there's a riku one and a sora one i thought why not? After all kairi is the reason for sora's journey along with riku trying to findingher but both go diferent paths. When i first saw kairi: I said"Well she looks like something special?" When i saw her fifteen form: "Well someone looks unhappy"(<<it was on the game cover)
Think its possible there will be a couple in the manga but not the game? Could it be possible.... Sora figures it out he loves kairi?(more than a friend) Riku has feelings for kairi/selphire? Donald & Daisy get married? Think it's possible that the author will allow kairi to kiss one of her heros? Or is it just gonna be fighting w/ keyblades and they never see her more than a friend? I just cant help wonder..... what you think? Don't be rude cause no one wants spam. Rude is Spam.
In a town nearby where i live, two middle school boys burned down their school. Another middle school helped out and so did the community for the kids and teachers who lost their suppiles and couldn't really afford it. The reason the boys did it? They had gotten dentention on monday. so if there wasn't gonna be any school then no detention. kids and people~ both always have that one crazy group of people. Your opion?
this a second to my "Org Does the Caramell dansen" NOW! Seperioth does it! ^^ Enjoy!!v=gXDisYj38AA Click!^
Okkkk! so this topic came up in Buisness class. And the class poll was hiring over someone whos good at the job but does take time for apperance or hiring someone who takes time but stinks at the job. In these cases its over a pretty girl and a ordinary boy. so basiclly if you were a boss of a CEO company would you rather hire someone who looks like who's a model or hire someone who has brains but no good looking traits? My teacher said that in todays economy it depends but shockingly(not rele) the ceo will hire the pretty girl instead of the smart guy. He said "Why have a male when you can have beautiful?" Judging from first apperance or disgusting or just plain both? i say disgusting. you shouldn't hire someone who's beautiful over someone who's ehh ok. i'm ask for your opion not on my misspelling. i'm just expressing myself. No spam. thats just even more patheic...-_-(this is not spam)
Ok so i know where ever i go there's ALWAYS gonna be nasty people but sometimes its just like _sigh_ really? Do really have to use scarcasm? Plus some of them are just such downers.... i'm getting scared to post anything anymore.... i'm afraid of getting a negative reputation.........but.... when ever i get an idea or say something or share i'd like that people wouldn't be like Your stupid. Its wrong. and those times its the same people. My Question? How do you deal? I don't have many choices... And i'm not a baby. i just hate the constant negative! and i need help. Can i ask without spam or rudeness or scarcasm or all of the above? Please and thank you, <3
VV!CLICK ON THIS LINK BELOW! XD!>> WElll? Wasn't it cute? I thought the chibi Axel was adorablee! If you still hadn't watch the video click here>>: Enjoy! (it's not mine i founded and wanted to share it) y'know negativity causes people's misery. if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. cause i don't wanna hear it. and neither does people who actually like this stuff. -_- the world is gonna end due to rude judgement yay*scarcasm* -_-
Whats your faverite pokemon? (No spam!) Squritle is my faverite!! "SQURITLE!" (although i can do a imation of pikachu XD)
I'm the toughest time defeating him. It's always when he catches me off gaurd and kills me(sora). Any tips?(this is not spam i've been trying to defeat him over 2 weeks).
I just finished death note. and the couple that wasn't in? It wasn't MisaXL.D: that couple woulda been so darn cute! it was problaby cause they both are so random XD.