Ok so yesterday at the airport i was walking with my family to our gate for the second time when i felt like i was being stalked so i turn my head to see some thirty year old guy following us and he was looking straight at me. The whole apperance pretty much freaked me out especially the way he kept getting closer and closer. i thought for sure he was stalking me and my family till he went into a resturant that was near our gate. Although it was a concidence now that you look at it, at the time it freaked me out. Has this ever happen to you? You thought someone is creeping/stalking you? but really not? O_O
....This some kind of mancho group? XD
....let's just say that orichmaru lookes like a freakin' rapist.....O_O
Hold up your two hands tryying to remember which way goes right and which way goes left. i kno you learn that in preschool but i still do that. I did it during my driving test and passed but was told i need to know my left from my right. I explained that you forget which way is which when getting use to a new area of some sort.... So if this has ever happen to you don't deny it. XD it happens to everyone....right?
Ok so i had a dream about my mom last nite. She was driving the car over the river and was making it until there was this hummer type car speed in the opposite direction and went SMACK! As they collide she called out''Baby! don't give up! I love you..." was what i heard her say. And when the two cars sunk and drown i also realized i was all by myself in this park. I was wearing a white night gown. Then i heard muffling of someone calling my name. I woke up and realized i was outside in my pool wearing my PJ's. I hadn't sleeped walked since her death so i don't kno why i slept walk. I'm scared tonite that i'll do that again so any suggestions? by the way, for those of you wnho don't know my mom died in a car crash, a hummer hit her and the car rolled three times. By the time the paramedics got there it was too late to save her. I'm usually dreaming about pillows not about death so this dream with her in it hasn't happened since i was thirteen. It took me sixmonths to stop only to realize i was actually in a state of depression. my dad doesn't think so but is starting too and i don't wanna go to the hospital during vacation so any help please? So i can fix it while i have control at leaste? thank you for helping me.
ever happen to you? can't sleep and decide to read a book? (bet you twenty bucks that's happened to at leaste everyone who votes on this XD) I will admit i do that 2 reading my manga books then pass out XD
i like cheesecake whats your faverite desert? ^^ mines cheesecake cause cheesecake guuud!
A Comedy about four nerds and a pretty girl. the funniest show in america XD who doesn't love the big bang? Sorry if this is already created. My faverite character is Penny and Raj. Raj can't talk to girls or woman unless he drinks an adult beverage. Penny is your typecial Nebraska pretty outgoing nice common sense tough sport girl. She is the only person who never went to college to get a masters...(all of the nerds have PhD cept howard & her). While sheldon bugs howard the most sheldon will sometimes refer to her as 'the common stupid people.' Penny will give the most hilarous death glare that is hilarous to even micmic. Dicuss this hilarous EPIC series right here. : ) rules stil apply anyone is mean i will get admin. thank you^^
if today is birthday, happy birthday! ^^ (todays mine and my whole family forget it was bday cept my lil sis.) kinda sad in a way, but it's kewl, i don't usually like whwn theres so much attention.>< anyways happy birthday if on a day you come across this! ^^ may your bday be filled with losts of excitement and more good karma and less flamming on here as well! ^^
There is a riku,kairi and sora but this one is on the man who was NOT ansem instead his real name but anyways what did you think when you first saw him? And heard his voice? When i heard it i was immediately creeped out and knew he was a bad guy and that he's going to be the guy to be with yaoi poses or some stuff like that when i saw him too. but i heard his real name in kh2 i thought 'makes sense considering he is stupid for getting too much power and is back for revenge, that revenge though is gonna fail.' and i was right....so what do you think?
Do you go on facebook for your friends or yearbooook?
Ok so me and my friends did these funny videos but IDK what the ppl think so be nice but don't be mean..... This series of videos are called Really? Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/user/BethHuggsJamie#p/u/11/ldfVkwrA3mM (part 1^) http://www.youtube.com/user/BethHuggsJamie#p/u/10/ty9QzD1uQKU (part 2^) http://www.youtube.com/user/BethHuggsJamie#p/u/7/qJhFHW3-54E (part 3^) http://www.youtube.com/user/BethHuggsJamie#p/u/6/RbNEO6WjHi8 (part 4^) http://www.youtube.com/user/BethHuggsJamie#p/u/5/Ou1KmM8OMz0 (part 5^) NO spam or meanness
Hey everyone! Ok so on friday was finals and now its gone! yay! ^^ So i'd like to say I'm done w/ school but of course not(i have a project to do but thats about it) So Sam Manson,Lil'Bueno,^_^ZRW^_^,HellKaiserRyo,Protector212,Sakura Angel,Lovely Phatomagoria,Vladmir,QueenOfhearts,Queenade,and more! i'm back! i'll be on more pluslet's see here.....i didnt think i'd be on much soo now that h/w and stuff is outta the way....we can all have fun.....Jaden Yuki,Nassrrich,TifatL.,Rhian,Moshi!!!,Xyam>,Catchtherain,Ienzo,9kairi9hearts,kh13man,c77star,lily liac,TerryNirv,& i'm srry if i forget you but i rele do care for you i was doung this at the top of my head!! I'm so glad to be back! ^^
As Roxas i lose everytime....while defeating riku......I need help...I've tried everything!!! Someone help? It's been a month...and i'm still stuck! >_< I'm on level 61 and my abilities i need to check.... ...... Please?
Is it science or is it God? (don't get mad at me i'm just asking...) Half of the world believes its God and the other half believe in science....of course on all these theories i think its both.....i think God created souls while science created us....... Crazy huh? this wasn't to offend anyone just give your opion! sheesh!
Hey!!! .................. ^^
Who was the hardest to defeat? Mine was Xemnas.....when sora and riku finally finish him off.... I played in expert mode and it took me two days w/o sleep to defeat the leader of organzation 13.... Who was the hardest for you? everyone's different..... (no spam or else i'll get ADMIN to lock this thread, don't say i didn't warn you...)
Why is Marluxia conisder to be a homosexual? I never got that. I just thought he wants to be a big bad boy like Xemnas only in pink version...
I SWEAR! THERE ALL TYPES OF PEOPLE! Nice,ok and THE PEOPLE WHO ARE SO FULL OF IT! WHERE DID THEY COME FROM?? I hate those kinds of people. They get me into drama that i never asked for! Including trouble! I know i'm not the first to deal with people like that! people like that have bullied me! Made me miserable! Until i stand up..... Ever had to deal with something like that or a similar experince? I wanted to put this out here b/c i want it to stop.... the more you spread the word the more it gets out and stops.... it's a start! (no spam!)
i won't say who but i like someone no love some guy on here........ Problem? I'm tooo scared to admit it to him...... i need some help? i wanna say it in a nice way to cause lately i've been acting scarcastic....well around him.....and i dunno what to do!!! So help me?