well i want to know what kh vids thinks about DMC-DA SE what do you think?
hey, i had an idea. who wants to make a army of smileys? if you do, put it here! really do it or you die!
who ever has the most games will win SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! i have 78 games...seriously
alright make a huge army out of smilies! whoever wins( i will say it in a few weaks) will get rep! positive rep! so heres mine:ff10sora::ff10sora::ff10sora::ff10sora::ff10sora::ff10sora::ff10sora::ff10sora::ff10sora::ninjacat::ninjacat::ninjacat::guns3::guns3::guns3::guns3::guns3::guns4::guns4::guns3::ff10sora::ff10sora::ninjacat::guiltygearXpc37::guiltygearXpc37::guiltygearXpc37: beat that!
sims 1 codebreaker please just the simple codes like master, max all motives all the time max skills, and unlock all social reactions if you know them please post them
For the third time i want these codes for greatest hit gta sa sideways gravity [just press a button not hold a button] superman mod [if its even on ps2] spawn big andromeda [you know the one you can fit 7 cars in] [if its even possible] pleeaassssseeee post these codes if you know em! SOMEBODY!ANYBODY! just post the codes and i'll shut up....... for a while, LOL i guess no one likes GTA SA OH WELL. i dont think you guys understand i have been waiting for these codes ever since i got this game i NNNNNEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDD THESE CODES!
for the last time iwant these codes for greatest hits GTA SA not normal version sideways gravity[just press a button not hold it] superman mod[if its even on PS2] big andromeda [the one that you can put 7 cars in the cargo hold] please help me!
I just want to know who thinks which game is better personally i think FM is best has anyone even looked here?!:yelling: