Heck yeah I would've bought it!!! I mean, Chain of Memories for the PS2!?! I LOVED it on GBA, and it would've been even better to play it on PS2! Those Square Enix people or so terrible!:( If I get rich enough, I might eventually sue them if they don't give it to us.
Hey, you skipped my question, Heartless! D: Anyways, it's because of the little mouse that lives in the swamp. When can I see the silverware burn up?
26,583 Woo, Roxas and Anti Sora! I like cereal!
Oooooh, you were at a partyyyyy!! That's so bad! J/K, well that does suck. But at least you have all of us, right? ^.^
Because the hills have eyes. What is the point of this whole thing?
LOL, that's a good one!
I'm not bored with this site! Heck, this is only like my one hundred seventy-somethingth post! I'll probably be posting on this site 'til the day I die! XD
Huh? Why would someone ask to be banned?
I didn't laugh a whole lot during that, but it was kind of funny.
LOL, nice. ^_^
Because of the basic law of gravity: let sleeping gods lie. What language am I typing in?
No, you are your own grandpa. What should I ask about now?
Oh my goodness, that's something! But yeah, why was it just the purple one that got killed and not the rest of them? And where was the b*ood? LOL! That is so true! And also he wears a tutu and dances ballet sometimes. And he's PURPLE! What the heck? OF COURSE he's gay!
$40!?! Holy crap! No wonder I've never had one before. XD
Oh dude, that sucks. -_- I'm glad you don't have homework though! I hate homework...
26,579 Ah, that's great!
Oh my gosh, that was hilarious!!! I was laughing so hard! It was a little creepy-looking, but overall it was great! Ahahahahahaha!!!!! That tickles!!!!! XDXDXD
Well, in real life, I think Anti Sora would win. But in Kingdom Hearts, Roxas would win because good always wins...>_> I would root for Roxas anyway.
I voted Sora vs. Riku vs. Roxas. Although it would be kind of funny to see Kairi and Yuffie or Aerith and Tifa fighting! XD
Because tigers are watching you. Where is the restroom in this forum??