26,778 Hi. I'm tired and sort of hungry.
Oh, go me, I KNEW that that old guy looked like Ansem! Heck yeah! I'm excited for this one, but I'm even more excited for 358/2days! ^_^
Ooooohhhh heck yes, I am SO buying this the day it comes out!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
NOOOOOOO!!!! Why, Nomura-san, WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?! DX Stupid mobile phone games... *dies* I'll still be faithful and buy it, but I'm not sure I'll like it... -_-
Ooohhh, it's soooo...beautiful! 0_0 *drools* And oh my freaking gosh, I am DYING to know who that Roxas look-alike is! *drools even more*
Wooo, first response! Anyways, I have no reason to hate you so far, so no, I don't hate you.
As far as Sephiroth goes, I stick with his Final Fantasy story, not his Kingdom Hearts story. And I am SO not ruining him by saying he's a Nobody! Sure Nobodys are cool, but that's not what he is! He's just an awesome psycho-maniac person that has extremely abnormal and greatly-feared strength! ^_^
I think that the 358 days means that that was how long Sora was asleep in the pod thing, and maybe the story takes place starting with the time Chain of Memories began and goes until sometime before Kingdom Hearts II. That's my theory! ;) What!?! Kingdom Hearts started out on MOBILE PHONES!?!?!?!
Well of course! Everybody is! XD Whyyyy must I crave sushi when I don't have any??? -_-
26,695 Well I'm sorry. I told you I was just messing with you. Be happy! *gets a little freaked out at self* Well, anyways, I'm craving sushi right now!
Because everyone sluffs from school to post stuff here. XD Did I just breathe in part of the chip I was eating?
Maybe you were at a horse stable...? Other than that, I'm clueless.
Because my pet eel... Oh my gosh, who just killed my eel!?!
26,693 Nice day today, isn't it?
Oh, sorry. Um, I guess I wasn't sure exactly how to respond to that last thing. I could be a guy, but maybe I'm not! ;) Oh and yes, the gay porn thing.
Well there's another hint on her profile under the interests... :\ Well, you can just think whatever you want about me, but I know who I am.
Yeah, like I've got nothing better to do with my life. And what makes you think I'm a guy?
Well there's the username for one... And what is touch, lick, suck supposed to mean, hmm? And I said I FIGURED, I didn't KNOW. It was just a little on the obvious side to me.
I thought you were going to say Annie because that's what the title's called... OMG, that's so terrible!!! D: *runs away*
Um, good for you. I had already figured you were one anyways. Have a nice life! o_o