EEEEEEEE, I so have to get those now!!!!! :D
Eh, I'm not that great of a gamer, so I say medium. The first KH was a bit of a challenge on normal mode, and I still haven't played it on hard. CoM was easier than I expected, but I think it's the hardest one. KHII is sooooo easy, I skipped easy and went straight to normal mode. But now I'm stuck on the Demyx battle... He was the first dude to kill me so far in my game, and the first battle I have had to fight more than once! Other than that, it's way easy, a bit too easy. OK, I is done! ^.^
I think mine was probably Beauty and the Beast too.
LOL, I'm still full from dinner 4 hours ago! But I think I'll have some more dessert... *goes to get more pumpkin cheesecake* ^_^
Nope, I'm not addicted, as you can see by the number of posts I've made after being a member of this forum for a whole year. And that thing you said about having more friends here than in "real life," that's not exactly true. This is real life, it's just that no one here knows each other personally. Sorry, just had to say that...
Those Nights by Skillet
Oh my gosh, I can't figure it out. I'm sorry! I feel kind of bad. And dumb to, LOL! But I'm guessing it could be from one of the many Lilo and Stitch movies. Well, here's my song. It should be so painfully easy it's not even funny! XD Lullabee, lullabee Honey bees in the tree Rest your wings 'til the morning light Lullabee, lullabee Honey bees in the tree Your honey is safe tonight
Yeah, the Disney Channel went down the drain after the 90's or the early 2000's. And seriouly, they had the coolest show on there, So Weird. Does anyone remember that? I'm so mad they cancelled it!!! >.< But today I do watch Suite Life and a little bit of Hannah Montanna. *waits to get slaughtered* Geez dude, calm down.
31956 Well, I'm back after a flippin' month! How's everybody doing? Wooo, I get to have yummy taco soup for lunch tomorrow!!
The Keyblades themselves are very awesome-looking and creative, but I don't think the stories behind them go with Kingdom Hearts at all. Still, great designs!
LOL, I voted for the director of the directly-to-video-movies! That go just so happened to get the most votes. XD Actually, videos hardly exist anymore. I remember the days when DVD's didn't even exist. That was forever ago. LOL, I think the first DVD I ever saw was either The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (cartoon version) or The Pebble and the Penguin. (Funny, I was thinking of that movie a lot today before this.) Oh dude, that guy IS freaking evil!!!!
I like Oathkeeper the best and Oblivion second best.
Oh my gosh, 151 days?!? I hope that's when it's coming out!!!! Nope, she's not Namine, as Nomura has told us.
Um, I suppose I shall be Namine. :)
Who the heck would want something like that!?! They probably won't enforce that law though, if they have any sense whatsoever.
I can understand that. I think it is really ridiculous, and if I were you, I probably would have told him, "Dude, I'm about to get really ticked off, so you'd better stop that right now!"
1. I don't want/need a weapon, thanks 2. I didn't come from anywhere... I was made 3. The rogue/ one seeking to fulfill my curiousity 4. I would first see if it's a threat or not; then go on from there 5. To live happily ever after with the ones I love 6. Delicate, Curious, Feisty, Easygoing, Calm/ Collected, Needs justice.
Oh dude, I hate that! Way painful! I'm sorry... :(
Oh my goodness... -_-
I hope your friend isn't a girl... J/K you should play video games, watch movies, eat lots of junk food, and arm-wrestle! There's my suggestions. Edit: Oh and drink lots of soda pop! Soda pop is da bomb!